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Completely Random Comments

We have at least 30 sushi places within 20mins and our melting pot is 30mins away. Not to mention countless Thai and pho places really close. I like living here :) we also have this frozen custard place that totally kicks a$$ that's like 5mins away. Good lord guys making me hungry!
Hey Megs - Sum taught me that if you double post.....it just tags along with your previous post....without the "edit" thing....and it kinda makes ya look ga-genius and insightful! Well, that's how I saw it anyway! haha

Where was I...oh damn you all and your sushi....
I got 12 more years of pee tests....It's really not a big deal. I failed my first one to get in, had to wait 6 months to re-test and go through this whole process to get a "Drug Waiver". I was a fat kid so I guess the herbs stuck to my guts a little longer than most. But it has been 8 years and haven't even really thought about it. It is funny though, when I tell someone that I grow peppers they are like....riiiiiight.....

My reply is I am for real, it is great practice for when I retire. Then it is GAME ON!
Yeah - I went through something similar - studied horticulture in Humboldt Co, & worked on an organic farm there...then went to Holland to do an internship 10 mi south of Amsterdam.

Came back & on job interviews I caught a lot of grief. "oh - I see you farmed in Humboldt - what exactly were you growing (wink wink)"
Me: vegetables, mostly.

"and then you worked in greenhouses near Amsterdam huh? What'd you grow theeeere?"
Me: Roses, saintpaulias and lillies.

Gah. It was not cool.

Sure I grew weed in college - just not professionally, and I resented the implication.
i get the same thing when i tell people i have hydro peppers at home, they say " yeah right, "peppers"" as i cannot drink alcohol i substitute it with my chocolate from time to time and after a hard days work a few "beers" takes off the edge! i cannot wait for my ripe peppers!