• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Compmodder26's 2012 Grow Log - New Video Update

So I just finalized my grow list for 2012, aka my first attempt at growing peppers. I'm starting out relatively small for my first time, although it has been tough trying to narrow them down thanks to Jamie (romy6) and his extreme generosity. But at any rate here is what I plan to grow:

Red Bhut Jolokia - 1
7 Pot Jonah - 1
Naga Morich - 2
Brain Strain - 2
TS Butch T - 2
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia - 1
Yellow Fatalii - 1

So that's a total of 10 plants and 7 varieties. I'll be starting at the first of the year.

Wish me luck!

Edit: Hehe, I just posted this and I'm already changing it up. I decided that since I'm growing 2 naga morich, they are supposed to be similar to bhuts so I dropped 1 red bhut and added 1 7 pot jonah
Sounds like the root issue can be fixed by adding a bit more of a light scattering of mix over it. Keep the visable roots covered and you should be ok. Don't know if you did the dampen towel method to germinate the seeds. If you do it that way once the root leaves the hull, poke a 1/4" hole into the soil/medium that your using and drop the seed in root first and scatter some more litht weight mix over it and use a spray bottle to mist until damp. A stream of water out of w/can can push the seed deeper, possibly causing rot in the damp soil before it emerges.
When in dought, plant a couple mre seeds...


Yeah I used the towel method. I've made sure to poke the hole 1/4" too and I always bottom water and then use a spray bottle to lightly mist the top of the soil, so I doubt that's the issue.

But yeah, I've put 5 more seeds in a towel, so hopefully 1 will sprout soon.

Edit: I just took a bit more soil and sprinkled it over the top. Thanks for the help Greg!
Sorry for the lack of updates. We had our baby on the 15th. Been pretty busy around here so had to take a bit of time off from here. Her name is Brenna. Here's a pic, also in the pic is my first daughter Natalie:


I'll post some updated pics of the peppers in a day or so. Had a few plant casualties while I was in the hospital, I'll get into that later.
Here are the latest pics of the plants:

Top of Bhut Jolokia

Side View of Bhut Jolokia:

Rest of plants:

While in the hospital, I lost my Brainstrains and all but one Fatalii. So currently I have:
1 x Bhut Jolokia
2 x Naga Morich
1 x Fatalii
1 x 7 Pot Yellow
3 x Butch T
2 x 7 Pot Jonah

If you didn't notice, the 7 Pot Yellows were not in my original plans for growing. Once the Fatalii and Brain Strains died, I decided I'd add 1 of those to the grow.
Hudge congradulations comp. Beautiful family. I don't know if this is your first but it is a wonderful feeling. Oh and nice seedlings too.
Sorry didn't read. not the first :lol:
Oh the joys of cat ownership! :banghead: One of my cats decided to use my bhut jolokia to induce vomiting for a hairball this weekend. She did a pretty big number on it too. I hope it will be okay.



Forgot to mention a concern of mine related to the Bhut Jolokia. I nearly 2 weeks I have not seen any extra growth happening. The plant seems very happy (beyond being chewed to bits). The leaves are standing nice and tall. It has a good color to it. But it's just like it's not trying to grow right now. Last week I gave it a dose of ferts to see if that would boost it. Beyond making the leaves stand even taller, nothing else has changed. Perhaps it's concentrating on root development? Any thoughts?
I wouldn't worry about the slow growth. Mine seem to stall out around that stage and then out of nowhere they jump back onto action. The bhut will rebound from the cat too. Just don't add too many ferts.

I wouldn't worry about the slow growth. Mine seem to stall out around that stage and then out of nowhere they jump back onto action. The bhut will rebound from the cat too. Just don't add too many ferts.


Good to hear. I'm going light on the ferts. That dose was actually the first I have given it beyond the light ferts that were in the seed starting mix (which have undoubtedly been used up by now). Thanks Jamie!
Do you guys recommend I prune the leaves that were badly damaged, or should I just leave them alone?
My cats got at my ornamentals...I trimmed them off and moved them into the greehouse. Not sure trimming them was right, but looking at them was sooooo wrong I couldn't help myself. The plants put out tons of new growth and are even thicker than before the cat got at them. I was actually working in the GH and looked inside the kitchen window and there she was chowing down. She looked up at me and had a pepper leaf stuck to her face...ughhhh. That was the moment I decided to move them...
The stupid cat just wouldn't leave the plant alone. Chewed a few more leaves. So I've pruned the ones that were damaged the most. I've also put up chicken wire on the front of the box.
