• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

Hello friends!

To keep me from adding more peppers to my grow list for the season I am now starting my 2016 glog. I'm still a week or two out from starting, but the prep is starting.

The quick breakdown of last year is: I started really late (first time grower), I wanted to do only super hots for the lols at first. Combined with a terribly cold and not particularly sunny summer, I got extremely few supers, if any on some plants, and I had to many plants of the same variety. I had a few annuums that did OK.

The theme this year is variety. I'm trying to grow peppers that are aesthetically nice looking, as well as trying to spread out the heat levels and trying some from each of the 5 popular sub species.

The progress so far is that I think I have a pretty good finalised list. I'm planning on getting seedling starter soil any day now. I need to dig out the root trainer pots, I think those will work better and will save me from having to pot up too soon. I will only keep two of the same kind, one as back up, and the back up will probably be given away once the main one is established. There may be an exception to this, I might need a few more jalapeño plants, last summer I was making both jalapeño marmalade and chilli candies, that were hugely popular so I might need to up production on those. I have 34 different varieties on my list and this should be manageable.

Without further ado, this is the list.

Cayenne Golden Started 24/2 - 3 plants
Cayenne Yellow (JWC10ct) Started 1/1 - 2 plants
Farmer's Market Jalapeño Started 24/2 - 2 plants
Jalastar Started 24/2 - 5 plants
Mulato Isleno (Bricklayer) Started 24/2 - 2 plants
Piquin (EvanWilliams1988) Started 23/2 - 0 germinated
Purple Piquin Started 3/1 - 2 plants
Takanotsume Started 24/2 - 1 plant
Zimbabwe Bird Started 23/2 - 1 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Jobito Started 9/1 - 3 [/SIZE]plants
Aji Margariteño Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Beni Highlands (JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Bonda Ma Jacques Started 12/1 - 2 plants
Chupetinho Started 12/1 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero Hand Grenade Yellow(JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Habanero Jelly Bean Started 3/1 - 0 germinated
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero Orange Apple (JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 1 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero White Bullet (EvanWilliams1988) [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 0 germinated
Habanero White Bullet (Tsurrie) Started 3/1 - 1 plant
Malaysian Goronong Red Started 12/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Scotch Bonnet MOA (TridentChilli) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Scotch Bonnet Tobago (TridentChilli) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Trinidad Seasoning Started 12/1 - 1 plant

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Omnicolour ([/SIZE]JWC10ct[SIZE=14.6667px])[/SIZE] Started 24/2 - 1 plants
Aji Pineapple (JWC10ct) Started 1/1 - 3 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Bishop’s Hat
Brazilian Starfish (rghm) [/SIZE]Started 1/1 - 3 plants
Lemon Drop (Seed Train) Started 24/2 - 2 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Charapita (Rory) [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Chuncho [/SIZE]Started 12/1 - 0 germinated Absolute failure, will probably not grow.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Prik Kee Noo Suan [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 3 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Tabasco [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 1 plant

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Oro Already have two plants from end of last summer
Habanero Manzano ([/SIZE]JWC10ct[SIZE=14.6667px]) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Locato Red [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Peru Bitdumi [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Rio Huallaga [/SIZE]Started 12/1 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Rocoto Mini [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 1 plants

Chinese Pot Started 12/1 - 2 plants

I know that I have missed some credit, so many people have been generous to me with seeds this past year, for that I'm grateful. I look forward to the coming season.
Comptine said:
Cheers John. The weather has picked up recently, although not as much as yours has. We hit 26C today, and it was mostly sunny. We're in for a nice week though. I'm hoping things will start ripening properly now. I have hundreds, if not over a 1000 tomatoes, and none has ripened yet, and I feel like my Cayennes have on for over a month and are still green. 
I hope you are well, and that your plants are doing great. How are the air pots working out so far?
That's a lot of unripe Tomatoes... do you pinch the suckers on your Tomato plants? If you don't, they just keep growing more leaves and setting more fruit without having the energy to properly ripen the fruit they've already set. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxj_O72SgZU
Nice to see color on your Aji Pineapple pods too! Mine aren't quite there yet, but soon I hope. Cheers!
stickman said:
That's a lot of unripe Tomatoes... do you pinch the suckers on your Tomato plants? If you don't, they just keep growing more leaves and setting more fruit without having the energy to properly ripen the fruit they've already set. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxj_O72SgZU
Nice to see color on your Aji Pineapple pods too! Mine aren't quite there yet, but soon I hope. Cheers!
Earlier in the season I let a lot of suckers grow. Past 3 or 4 weeks I've been pinching them, if I can spot them. I've also been trimming lower leaves off once a week or so, maybe 2-4 leaves per plant. Having said that, I'm actually starting to see some change colour! Finally. So I'm pleased with that. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they all start maturing. I have one variety though, it's been slow at every stage of it's life. It's called Igleheart Yellow, and was voted as the tomato of the year last season by someone in America. Bakers seeds (?) maybe. 
I've also finally got one of the yellow or golden cayennes turning. I'd like to have both varieties turn at the same time so that I can decide if they are two different ones or just two different names for the same thing. 
Comptine said:
Earlier in the season I let a lot of suckers grow. Past 3 or 4 weeks I've been pinching them, if I can spot them. I've also been trimming lower leaves off once a week or so, maybe 2-4 leaves per plant. Having said that, I'm actually starting to see some change colour! Finally. So I'm pleased with that. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they all start maturing. I have one variety though, it's been slow at every stage of it's life. It's called Igleheart Yellow, and was voted as the tomato of the year last season by someone in America. Bakers seeds (?) maybe. 
I've also finally got one of the yellow or golden cayennes turning. I'd like to have both varieties turn at the same time so that I can decide if they are two different ones or just two different names for the same thing. 
Yes! Ripe Tomatoes in the near future! :dance:  Will you be using any of them to make fresh salsa with some of your chiles? I'm sure the two yellow Cayennes will eventually come into synch, but if you hate waiting I can understand. I'm that way myself. :)
stickman said:
Yes! Ripe Tomatoes in the near future! :dance:  Will you be using any of them to make fresh salsa with some of your chiles? I'm sure the two yellow Cayennes will eventually come into synch, but if you hate waiting I can understand. I'm that way myself. :)
Hmm, I actually had no plans for the tomatoes, but salsa sounds like a brilliant idea! I feel like I've been waiting for the cayennes for ages, they were the first plants to set fruit, so I've been feeling like they are taking ages. 
I read something on a Swedish blog, a guy was saying that peppers in Sweden don't really like the long days that we get, so in the middle of the summer they just sit around doing very little, and at the end of July they start getting into gear. I'm not sure how scientific that is, but I have to agree that the peppers are really getting into it now. There are lots of flowers, lots of fruits maturing. I've had mature Cayennes, Jalapeños, Aji Lemon, Pineapple and Omnicolour. Not so many pictures of the mature ones, they were either quickly eaten or gifted to friends. Doing the rounds in the garden is so much fun. I'm harvesting 10-15 cucumbers a day, the tomatoes have slowly started ripening, so I've had a few of those. Beans are finally started to flower and set fruit (they were a whole lot slower than expected). Anyway, lets get the picture party started. 
I have a HUGE farmer's market jalapeño, mostly because the plant only set one fruit and then I had a bit of flower drop. It's well over 15cm. No corking yet though. 

Cayennes are absolutely loaded, can you spot a bit of yellow? I have 5 plants, golden and yellow cayennes (they are probably the same thing, but you can't have enough cayennes)

Ripening Omnis. I've harvested a few fruits off this one. They are hotter than I expected. 

These are supposed to be Purple Pequins from pepperlover, but since they are 3-4 times as long as hers I doubt they'll grow true. They are loaded though. 

My largest Mulato Isleno is getting quite big, I'm really pleased. 

I've had a few ripe Aji Pineapples, but I haven't tried them myself yet, I gave them to my friend. 

The Locato Red has set a few fruits, lots of flowers on it still. 

For a mini rocoto the pods are larger than expected. 

I love these little guys, Chupentinhos. 

My Habanero Manzano. If the seeds weren't black, are they truly a habanero manzano or will it be something else? 

May I have a bump please? 
Neel said:
Bump. Looking awesome. 
Now that's some generosity 
Well, why not? I have more peppers than I can consume. And it's also a plot to get him into becoming a pepperhead. I gave him 3 plants earlier in the season too, and he has enjoyed growing them. 
Right, back to the pictures. 
The White Bullet Hab has started setting fruit too now, it's like they started popping up over night after some flower drop. 

Same goes for this Beni Highlands. The pods are a little on the small side, as is the plant, but I'm just pleased to have fruits at all, so I'm really happy. 

My tiny pod trio. Prik Kee Nu Suan, Chinese Pot and Zimbabwe Bird. The Chinese pot (middle) is a strong contender for a bonchi project later on. 

And finally, the Aji Oro that is super heavy, really loaded with fruits. I imagine they'll start ripening soon if they're that heavy. 

Also, I wanted to do a mini rant on how quite a few pepperlover seeds have been off. Starting with the Aji Chuncho where none of 50 seeds germinated, Colombian yellow which really wasn't yellow and the Purple Peqiuns looking like they'll be off too. I can't have ordered more than 20-25 varieties off her, so that's actually quite bad when 3 of them aren't what I was promised. Rant thingy over. 
Very good - seeing so many growing pods. You'll have a great time trying them all, and if you can't consume them, be sure to make a sauce or two.
Tried any of them Chupetinho's ? I like to eat them while I'm on my garden, they're just the right heat level, not like White habanero, that one can light you up sometimes.
Enjoy your growing and keep us posted! :clap:
tsurrie said:
Very good - seeing so many growing pods. You'll have a great time trying them all, and if you can't consume them, be sure to make a sauce or two.
Tried any of them Chupetinho's ? I like to eat them while I'm on my garden, they're just the right heat level, not like White habanero, that one can light you up sometimes.
Enjoy your growing and keep us posted! :clap:
I'm waiting for them to turn red before trying one. I tend to prefer mature pods. 
Last year I made a lot of jalapeño and mango marmalade, which was super popular, but I reckon the sugar masked the heat completely, so this year I want to add some spicier peppers to the mix and see how that works out. Obviously make some powders, probably from the super small fruits. I like to add a pepper or two in food a lot, most things go with some heat. 
I love taking pictures of my produce, so I'm sure there'll be more pictures in the future. I have a few more chinenses that still haven't set fruit yet. Nearly all are flowering though, with the exception of the Jobito for some reason, annoyingly enough. 
Glad to see your garden is doing so well ;)
I too have had issues from purchased seeds. I seem to do better using the seeds I receive from THP members, whether from pods or seed paks. THP peeps are the best!
Keep it green!
Devv said:
Glad to see your garden is doing so well ;)
I too have had issues from purchased seeds. I seem to do better using the seeds I receive from THP members, whether from pods or seed paks. THP peeps are the best!
Keep it green!
Pepperlover seems to have such a good reputation though, so I'm surprised. THP peeps really are the best, you rarely see more generous people. 
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Your aji oro is looking loaded with pods! I had to stake and meticulously prune my aji oro to keep the branches and fruit off the ground. It is so weird that these plants love growing sideways so much!
Luckily mine is on the table, so I just let them rest there. I don't bother pruning. I have rocotos outside, I'm hoping the pot is high enough to keep them off the ground, if not I'll have to stake them later. I actually have a super tall aji oro, not at all bushy. I'll try to include a picture of it next time I do an update. 
Chilidude said:
Have you ever thought about trying out coco or maybe few airpots in your next growing season?
I've got some airpots at the moment actually! 
I have 6 1Litre pots, I used them when potting up my seedlings. I have 5 3Litre pots, all of them have chinense peppers in them, but I think it's a bit small, they're lagging behind a little, compared to normal pot peppers, and they dry out fast. Finally I have 2 6Litre pots, but I've got two aubergine plants in them, and those are doing really well. They are the same size as my 10litre pot aubergine plants. Coco isn't as easily available though, I grow in peat. If I get more airpots they will be 6litre and up, any smaller than that and the larger peppers just don't seem happy, I should have put tiny pod plants in there.
Comptine said:
I've got some airpots at the moment actually! 
I have 6 1Litre pots, I used them when potting up my seedlings. I have 5 3Litre pots, all of them have chinense peppers in them, but I think it's a bit small, they're lagging behind a little, compared to normal pot peppers, and they dry out fast. Finally I have 2 6Litre pots, but I've got two aubergine plants in them, and those are doing really well. They are the same size as my 10litre pot aubergine plants. Coco isn't as easily available though, I grow in peat. If I get more airpots they will be 6litre and up, any smaller than that and the larger peppers just don't seem happy, I should have put tiny pod plants in there.
You should get the 10 litre airpots, so the pots dont dry out fast and the bigger chilis like them too. I only have bought the Ugro coco XL blocks, that will give you 70 litres of ready to use coco coir once the water is added in. Never ever buy the cheap coco coir, only buy the quality stuff or you will be sorry.
Chilidude said:
You should get the 10 litre airpots, so the pots dont dry out fast and the bigger chilis like them too. I only have bought the Ugro coco XL blocks, that will give you 70 litres of ready to use coco coir once the water is added in. Never ever buy the cheap coco coir, only buy the quality stuff or you will be sorry.
I've considered trying larger air pots, but I also really like the square pots, they use the space in the greenhouse better. Round pots always means some dead space in between. I've seen the UGRO coco. I'm hoping that next year though, I won't have to buy any soil at all. I have a friend that will supply me with horse poop, so I can amend the soil with that, and just use all the existing soil, just change up what I grow in it to avoid deceases. 
Comptine said:
I've considered trying larger air pots, but I also really like the square pots, they use the space in the greenhouse better. Round pots always means some dead space in between. I've seen the UGRO coco. I'm hoping that next year though, I won't have to buy any soil at all. I have a friend that will supply me with horse poop, so I can amend the soil with that, and just use all the existing soil, just change up what I grow in it to avoid deceases. 
Maybe add some perlite to the coco+soil mix, because the chilis really like to grow in a more fluffier stuff.