• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

Hello friends!

To keep me from adding more peppers to my grow list for the season I am now starting my 2016 glog. I'm still a week or two out from starting, but the prep is starting.

The quick breakdown of last year is: I started really late (first time grower), I wanted to do only super hots for the lols at first. Combined with a terribly cold and not particularly sunny summer, I got extremely few supers, if any on some plants, and I had to many plants of the same variety. I had a few annuums that did OK.

The theme this year is variety. I'm trying to grow peppers that are aesthetically nice looking, as well as trying to spread out the heat levels and trying some from each of the 5 popular sub species.

The progress so far is that I think I have a pretty good finalised list. I'm planning on getting seedling starter soil any day now. I need to dig out the root trainer pots, I think those will work better and will save me from having to pot up too soon. I will only keep two of the same kind, one as back up, and the back up will probably be given away once the main one is established. There may be an exception to this, I might need a few more jalapeño plants, last summer I was making both jalapeño marmalade and chilli candies, that were hugely popular so I might need to up production on those. I have 34 different varieties on my list and this should be manageable.

Without further ado, this is the list.

Cayenne Golden Started 24/2 - 3 plants
Cayenne Yellow (JWC10ct) Started 1/1 - 2 plants
Farmer's Market Jalapeño Started 24/2 - 2 plants
Jalastar Started 24/2 - 5 plants
Mulato Isleno (Bricklayer) Started 24/2 - 2 plants
Piquin (EvanWilliams1988) Started 23/2 - 0 germinated
Purple Piquin Started 3/1 - 2 plants
Takanotsume Started 24/2 - 1 plant
Zimbabwe Bird Started 23/2 - 1 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Jobito Started 9/1 - 3 [/SIZE]plants
Aji Margariteño Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Beni Highlands (JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Bonda Ma Jacques Started 12/1 - 2 plants
Chupetinho Started 12/1 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero Hand Grenade Yellow(JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Habanero Jelly Bean Started 3/1 - 0 germinated
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero Orange Apple (JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 1 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero White Bullet (EvanWilliams1988) [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 0 germinated
Habanero White Bullet (Tsurrie) Started 3/1 - 1 plant
Malaysian Goronong Red Started 12/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Scotch Bonnet MOA (TridentChilli) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Scotch Bonnet Tobago (TridentChilli) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Trinidad Seasoning Started 12/1 - 1 plant

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Omnicolour ([/SIZE]JWC10ct[SIZE=14.6667px])[/SIZE] Started 24/2 - 1 plants
Aji Pineapple (JWC10ct) Started 1/1 - 3 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Bishop’s Hat
Brazilian Starfish (rghm) [/SIZE]Started 1/1 - 3 plants
Lemon Drop (Seed Train) Started 24/2 - 2 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Charapita (Rory) [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Chuncho [/SIZE]Started 12/1 - 0 germinated Absolute failure, will probably not grow.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Prik Kee Noo Suan [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 3 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Tabasco [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 1 plant

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Oro Already have two plants from end of last summer
Habanero Manzano ([/SIZE]JWC10ct[SIZE=14.6667px]) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Locato Red [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Peru Bitdumi [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Rio Huallaga [/SIZE]Started 12/1 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Rocoto Mini [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 1 plants

Chinese Pot Started 12/1 - 2 plants

I know that I have missed some credit, so many people have been generous to me with seeds this past year, for that I'm grateful. I look forward to the coming season.
Chilidude said:
Maybe add some perlite to the coco+soil mix, because the chilis really like to grow in a more fluffier stuff.
Haha, I bought 100Litres of coco at the beginning of the season, I'm completely out now. I used a lots of that stuff, for the peppers and tomatoes especially. 
Comptine said:
Haha, I bought 100Litres of coco at the beginning of the season, I'm completely out now. I used a lots of that stuff, for the peppers and tomatoes especially. 
Well, already i ordered 3 blocks of that Ugro stuff with the new fertilizer, so i am good to go for the next season too.
Chilidude said:
Well, already i ordered 3 bricks of that Ugro stuff with the new fertilizer, so i am good to go for the next season too.
Does coco break down eventually? I mean, does it start looking like compost soil after a while? 
Comptine said:
Does coco break down eventually? I mean, does it start looking like compost soil after a while? 
I have used last season coco for my new plants and the last season coco looks about the same as the new stuff. Eventually the coco will compost, but It may take several seasons for it to do so, so the benefits of the coco may be in effect for several years. :P
Alana looking forward to seeing your coco step by step next season - not a medium I have tried yet ... as for the air pots they seem to be a great investment so far growth are you pleased with yours
Trident chilli said:
Alana looking forward to seeing your coco step by step next season - not a medium I have tried yet ... as for the air pots they seem to be a great investment so far growth are you pleased with yours
Cheers John, I'm not decided on the coco yet though. It'd be fun to experiment, but it will have to get down to costs. I have a few things I'll need to pick up next year, more perlite and pots I reckon. 
I think I like the 1 litre air pots as an intermediary stage before the final pot. They were far superior to the normal square 1 litre pots. The 3 litre were obviously not a great choice for chinenses, I should have put some form of bird pepper or similar in them. The 6 litre ones I'm really pleased with. So I might invest in more 6 litre and maybe 10 litre for next season.
How are your air pots working out? Any noticeable differences? 

Became this

Picture is not the greatest, but it's Jalapeño and Mango marmalade. Super yummy, almost like a chutney. Goes well with a lot of things. I added in a ripe Omnicolour, Yellow (or Golden) Cayenne, and either Lemon Drop or Aji Pineapple, I'm going to take a guess and say it was pineapple because of the aroma. Having only jalapeños there is no noticeable heat, but with the addition of the others there is a tiny sting to it. I'm quite pleased about that. There will be a lot more batches as the season continues, and I'll probably try to make it even hotter as the chinenses mature down the line. 
Comptine said:
Cheers John, I'm not decided on the coco yet though. It'd be fun to experiment, but it will have to get down to costs. I have a few things I'll need to pick up next year, more perlite and pots I reckon. 
I think I like the 1 litre air pots as an intermediary stage before the final pot. They were far superior to the normal square 1 litre pots. The 3 litre were obviously not a great choice for chinenses, I should have put some form of bird pepper or similar in them. The 6 litre ones I'm really pleased with. So I might invest in more 6 litre and maybe 10 litre for next season.
How are your air pots working out? Any noticeable differences?
I am from Denmark and growing in 6 L Air Pots this year, too - when it comes to crop yield I don't think I would benefit from growing in 10 liter pots, since they are already able to produce more pods than are able to ripen here. Nice to be able to compare your grow in a similar location to mine.:-)
dragonsfire said:
Did you add sugar/honey? sweetness kills the heat I found.
Yeah, it's like half sugar in there. I've noticed that as well, but hotter peppers overcome the sugar! It's really yummy actually. 
Donnie said:
I am from Denmark and growing in 6 L Air Pots this year, too - when it comes to crop yield I don't think I would benefit from growing in 10 liter pots, since they are already able to produce more pods than are able to ripen here. Nice to be able to compare your grow in a similar location to mine.:-)
Hey, cool to see a Scandinavian friend! Yeah, the 6L air pots seem to be doing a great job, they are equal if not better than a regular 10L pot, and they take up a bit less space, so that's always a plus. 
Comptine said:
That stick holding up the Aji Oro lasted a full 5 minutes before breaking. 

I did however find this underneath all that. 

Only a few more days to go before I get to try my first pubescense. 
Nice! This one is my favorite Pube from what I tested
OCD Chilehead said:
Very nice looking marmalade. I've not made any jams are jelly out of Aji Pineapple. I will try it this year. I have 12 plants or more. I think I'll be making everything. LoL

The Aji Oro has a beautiful profile.
Jams/Marmalades are really nice, like dragonfire said above, sugar masks the heat quite a bit. So jams actually make great gifts to people that are scared of heat. Also, they are quite unusual, at least here in Sweden. I've had people I've given them to use them as a chutney with chicken. I've gotten great feedback on the jalapeño and mango one. 
Comptine said:
Now, after it goes fully yellow, do I leave it for an extra day or two? I read somewhere implying that rocoto seeds take longer to mature, so you need to leave the fruit on for longer. What do you guys reckon, is that true? 
I usually pick them once the color has changed fully. I have never had any issues germinating seefs from the rocoto I've grown. Nice color on that pod!
The moment has come. Taste test! 
I had a Lemon Drop and Aji Pineapple ready at the same time. As well as an Aji Oro. Rather than just have a glass of milk I made myself a protein shake with milk, all for them gainz. 

Right, so I only took a picture after having tested the peppers. 

So, lets start with the Lemon/Pineapple. 
- The Pineapple I found had a very nice aroma, a bit tropical, I'm not a fan of Pineapple as a fruit because it's overwhelming in favour, this only had a hint of the smell of a real one. The taste was really fresh, and I think I could spot hints of tropical flavour. Super fresh taste, the heat came on quickly, I felt it a bit more at the back of throat. It also receded fast.
- The Lemon only had a standard baccatum scent, couldn't detect anything else. The heat was very much contained to the place where I chewed it. The flavour was strongly baccatum, maybe a bit grassy/soapy, and I can be imagining this - a hint of citrus, but it was really vague. More grassy I'd say.
- Overall the Pineapple was much more enjoyable, it had a sweeter taste. If I had to pick only one to grow the Pineapple is the easy victor. Very pleased with it. I'd like to argue that these two poppers are different, not by much, they sure look the same, but taste wise they are.
The Aji Oro, wow, just wow. It was super tasty. Wy crunchy, sweet and juicy. It's like a bell pepper that has been allowed to mature on the plant, but with a bit of extra sweetness. There was no heat in the bottom bit, so I started working my way up, and it got hotter further up. Really yummy though. Slow and mellow burn, now, I didn't eat the whole thing, but middle down the heat is probably just over the Lemon/Pineapple. I tried to get a better picture of the flesh, it's really thick, and quite translucent. Jalapeños have a thick flesh as well, but they are not nearly as sweet and juicy as this one was. If all pubes are like this I will definitely be growing a lot more of them. 