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Contest for First Ripe Pepper

hey heyy BB...i thought you fell overboard somewhere lol

sorry to hear about the aphids, they're making a last dash here too before it gets cold. I neemed them a new one yesterday lol
:P.. Ill post some pix of my little pods sometime tomorrow, the weather is cooling down it seems, its going to get cold tonight they are forecasting 14 degrees C! :shocked:
great news about the pods BB, but terrible news about the aphids...

I suppose it is getting that time of year down under...what does your 10 day forecast look like...
looks like its only going to cool down tonight & back to 17 degrees C at night for the rest of the week.

Those aphids have particularly taken a liking to my Datil plants more so than all the others! My T.Scorpions are looking fantastic, They were started 2 weeks later than the contest Nagas and are looking da bomb! (Ill take some pix tomorrow as well)
As promised my little contest Naga pods





great looking peppers BB...looks like there is no way for me to catch you since I don't have any pods started yet...

Pablo, you got pods yet?
understand BB...I sure as the world am going to keep on keepin' on...I just want pods so terribly bad I can't stand it...
Looking at where we are at with it, those Nagas of mine have been neglected big time, I started them off in canna coco, then they all got put into soil, then I decided I would use the cheapest coco bricks I could find from different sources and put a few of each back into some cheap and nasty coco, I also put 2 into good old potting mix, I have only fertilized my plants once, about 10 days ago.

The major advantage Ive had is having the sun on them. :)
Ive posted this pic in my thread "billyboys harvest", but these T. Scorpions have received my full attention, they are 2 weeks younger than our contest Nagas, They look fantastic.



I must check those Bhutts, as they are in there as well & were started the same time as our contest Nagas. I wonder if they have pods, Ill check tomorrow, forgot about them :shocked:
the sunshine is definitely an advantage...it is getting time for me to move mine outside for good but I just looked at the 10 day forcast and there is a 9C day this coming Friday...most other night temperatures are around 12-13C...

Just made up my mind...I am going to move my Nagas outside today...I can still move them back inside for the night this coming Friday....
AlabamaJack said:
great looking peppers BB...looks like there is no way for me to catch you since I don't have any pods started yet...

Remember that Billy boy is using hydro, and we split the contest into two groups so dirt growers wouldn't be competing with hydro folks. We expected the hydro folks to jump out in front.
I'm thinking, after what I've found, that I'm going to take a couple of my sad little Nagas and remove all the seed starting mix with the potentially auxin-inhibiting mycorrhizae. I'm put them in a bucket of water and gently wash away all of the soil, then replant. It may not help if some of the mycorrhizae have formed a symbiosis with the roots already, but I'm going to give it a try.
Remember that Billy boy is using hydro

Yep I started my babies in coco using coco nutes for a good month, but after that stage my hydro techniques ceased. I dont care what way you classify my grow technique with my contest Nagas, but Im calling it neglected & what your seeing with those contest Nagas is definately not how I would grow them Hydroponically :P
I still don't see why we're classifying coir as hydro and not peat or other soiless mixes but I guess that's already been discussed.
I don't know what has spurred the nagas to grow but they have started putting on new flower buds again...and a lot of them...somewhere around 70 I think...shots of a couple...most are 3 bud groups...


Picture showing new growth of Nagas...I know it is hard to see but if you look at the photo I posted with "me and my nagas" above you can see the new light green growth...over an inch, maybe two..


Now, question is what caused this growth spurt...they are back in my grow box and have been for about two weeks...I added the 15K+ lumens of 2700K light at the time I moved them back in the box and then last Thursday I started giving them Botanicare Liquid Karma...

Whatever is causing the growth spurt, I am happy...