food D3monic "Can" Cook but Allergies Suck!

The Hot Pepper said:
Ive seen another video floating about of an asian girl doing that challenge.... her hair gets caught around the exposed drill bit and rips out a patch of hair the size of a small saucer..... actually felt very sorry for her because at the end of the day she was just trying to have a bit of (harmless) fun....
Just good to see that lass taking some precautions with a hair tie and hat....
D3monic said:
it's 1am, i'm drunk. I just got a call asking to come in at 6am.... i'm f**king livid
well, look at it this way ...
i got a call, or - texts, that i'll have to work straight through sunday - at least ...
i decided to get drunk thereafter ...
haha ...
grantmichaels said:
well, look at it this way ...
i got a call, or - texts, that i'll have to work straight through sunday - at least ...
i decided to get drunk thereafter ...
haha ...
Me too, I gotta work thur-sun now
It's the same piece of shit i'm always having to cover for
whipped up a  quick batch of general d3monics sauce  for some  rice and pot stickers. 

Was out of cornstarch. Google said sub 3 T flour in place of 1T cornstarch. Google is an asshole. Sauce turned out super thick... like really really thick. 

I've put a lot of weight back on since I quite smoking pot. 10lbs shy of my heaviest. 
Years ago, after quitting smoking cigarettes I shot up from 140 lbs to 236 lbs. It took a lot of diet and exercise to get back down to an acceptable weight of 160. I was eating Paleo/Primal, riding 5-10 miles a day and doing P90x and Insanity religiously. 
I had to stop working out due to a injury from pushing myself too hard and I was having a lot of allergy issues from some of the stuff I was eating (almond milk, shellfish, coconut ect) I just kind of quit everything. 
Well, now that i've regained all that weight back I feel it's time to start doing something about it again. I'm limited on exercise I can do and working the rotating 12 hour shifts it will be difficult to find time for exercise but I already do a lot of cooking so there's no reason I can't start cooking healthier.
I'd like to start pushing the family into a Paleo/primal direction again. It will be hard to get everyone on board especially the teen but since I do almost all the cooking they will be held hostage to my menus. 
It's going to be equally hard for me to give up most the grains i've grown so partial to using. I might not be able to afford to go all organic and grassfed but even just eliminating a large portion of the grains and eating more vegetables should have a positive impact on my weight.... I already know i'm not going to be able to give up rice and some legumes but it's all about doing what works for you not putting yourself through misery. 
Time to brush up on some reading.
dude :shocked: ......are you going to quit drinking beer?
I've noticed that the older I've gotten the more easily I gain weight.  Beer and desserts definitely do not help.  I've started eating a lot of salads with some grilled/smoked chicken breast off my bbq.  My bike has been a godsend because I can't run for too long before my knees and back start killing me. 
Good luck with your diet and exercise.  I can't wait to see some of the healthy food you cook. 
t0mato said:
dude :shocked: ......are you going to quit drinking beer?
I've noticed that the older I've gotten the more easily I gain weight.  Beer and desserts definitely do not help.  I've started eating a lot of salads with some grilled/smoked chicken breast off my bbq.  My bike has been a godsend because I can't run for too long before my knees and back start killing me. 
Good luck with your diet and exercise.  I can't wait to see some of the healthy food you cook. 
Not planning on it at the moment though I have quit several times in the past. I should probably quit soda before anything else. I do pretty good, though I get a large dr pepper at mc Ds about 3-4 times a week on the way in to work. I used to have a FB page dedicated to paleo cooking but deleted it a few months ago. 
It's a hard habit to get back in to especially with my current financial situation and free time. Though I guess it sounds like i'm already making excuses for my eventual failure... not the first time in the past year i've made this claim of going healthier only to not follow through. 