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seeds De-Seeding

Hoping that a few of you have some pic's on the de-seeding procedure. Just want to make certain I'm not ruining mine...
I want to see this also, specifically how to save the seeds for sowing next season. If I'm drying the pods in a dehydrator do I let the seeds dry inside the half of a pod or remove them first??
I gut them prior to dehydrating.. I was mainly curious how much I need/ should be gutting. With a spoon the interior comes out which takes them longer to dry so wondering if there's a better way...
I like the paper bag method. Sometimes the dehydraters can overheat the seeds. Just put your seeds into a brown paper bag until they are dry the bag em up in ziplock bags, store in a cool dry place.
Here's what I've been doing lately:
Cut a circle around the stem and pull out as much as possible. Scrape those off onto a paper plate. Cut the chili in half and take out the rest. Try to keep just individual, healthy seeds. Fill a cup w/ 1 part bleach, 5 parts water, add the seeds and shake or stir vigorously. Strain and rinse the seeds. Let dry on a paper towel.

I recently took some seeds from dehydrated, halved, chilies. They ended up being very nice seeds and very clean. Taking dried halves and working the seeds out w/ a spoon might be even easier than above.
I use a knife, gloves and a cutting board. Cut the pepper in half,cut the piece with seeds away from the rest of pepper, yes sometimes I mutilate my pepper. It doesn't matter if I am going for seeds.I dry the remains of the pepper flesh in the dehydrator. I put the seeds on a paper plate, write the name of the pepper on it.. Let seeds air dry. I have never bleached or treated my seeds in any way. After a couple of days to a week I put the seeds in an envelope and they are ready to be stored.
if you're gonna bleach anything, you should use very little of it and dilute it with lots of water. not sure the ratio of water to bleach there is. but i remember for anti-fungal / bacterial applications you need around 1 tablespoon per gallon or was it liter or water? not sure. haven't had fungal problems as of late. mostly pests trouble my garden.
I took some seeds from dehydrated habaneros and i think i might've overheated some of them as only about 30% germinated. i had 30 out of 32 germinate when i deseeded fresh jolokias (using any method described above) and just let them dry for a couple of week on a plate

hope this helps
if you're gonna bleach anything, you should use very little of it and dilute it with lots of water. not sure the ratio of water to bleach there is. but i remember for anti-fungal / bacterial applications you need around 1 tablespoon per gallon or was it liter or water? not sure. haven't had fungal problems as of late. mostly pests trouble my garden.

Except I rinse it off. No damage to the seeds.
Yep. Rinsing it off is best if it's for seeds. =)

Oh and i also use tons of silica gel to keep mold and moisture away too. =)
Temperatures below 120F shouldn't hurt the seeds at all. Dehydrating 1st is best, IMO, because;
if you cut out the placenta (the seeds are attached to it) you have removed the hottest part of the pod. For some that may be desirable; but I'm growing for flavor and heat.
I cut a few pods in half lengthwise, pick out the seeds, and put them on a paper plate to dry. I then put them in an out of the way place for 4-5 days (or longer). Then I put them in 3x2 baggies, label them and put them in the fridge until I need them.

I use old cat food cans w the labels torn off to store mine during the year. They dry fine in the can. That way I can add to the can every time I eat a fresh chile. At year end I transfer to envelopes for long term storage. Re-use the cans again next year. I also use envelopes that come in all my spam mail - they're free. I then store my seeds in the basement where it's always cool and dry. I've germinated seeds that were 10 years old using this method. The bottom of the fridge also works well, but you can quickly run out of space. I don't use seeds from the dehydrator as I feel they're less likely to be usable.