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Dear, Lucky Dog Hot Sauce:

All that aside, I'm not sure how a Raiders fan can even watch this Superbowl - a former hated division Rival against a hated division rival. You should probably just go fishing instead PMD. heh
Edit- that kicker call was probably a bad call just like so many calls in history that can't be reviewed. 
It was pretty blatant. As long as I've been alive when you hit the kicker's kicking leg it's "running into the kicker, 5 yards". When you hit the plant leg it's "roughing the kicker, 15 yards, automatic 1st down." 
That hasn't changed in decades of football - until tonight. 

That's egregious. 
I live in denver donkeys country and would root for them if the fans out here were not so cocky.  I'm saying this even being a chiefs fan since i was a child.  I hope seattle whoops their cocky asses and gets their first super bowl title.  GO HAWKS!

jedisushi06 said:
I live in denver donkeys country and would root for them if the fans out here were not so cocky.  I'm saying this even being a chiefs fan since i was a child.  I hope seattle whoops their cocky asses and gets their first super bowl title.  GO HAWKS!
Thanks for the support! :)
As a Seahawks fan I admit the calls went our way tonight. It happens to every team and I know that Seattle got cheated in the last SB from all the bad calls.
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
All that aside, I'm not sure how a Raiders fan can even watch this Superbowl - a former hated division Rival against a hated division rival. You should probably just go fishing instead PMD. heh
I may not even watch it as sports are not something that rules my life as it does many people.
I can take it or leave it anytime.
Running into the kicker instead of roughing the kicker was a muffed call.  Not being able to review Bowman's fumble recovery after the ball was on the ground was bogus enough that they'll change the rule for next year (9ers got screwed there too).  Refs DID impact the game, and its probably the payback the long suffering SEA area needed to make up for the last time they were in a SB.  Fitting perhaps.
Feel bad for Bowman cause of the knee - looked awful.  Kaep's gotta take better care of the ball and admitted it - kudos for the character from a kid like that.  Sherman's freak outburst on the reporter denigrating Crabtree was classless, revealed his true character and I lost all respect for him as a result.  The only Seahag I respect or wish to see do well is Russell Wilson, who possesses a yard of guts and tact - but sadly not enough for the rest of that punk ass team.  Also someone who's word carries weight should tell Carroll he looks like a ridiculous fairy skipping all over the field like that.  Broncos dismantle the Hawks 27-13.
Also - GO BEARS!
edit: spelling
Is this what a Seattle/Denver Super Bowl looks like?
I'm still picking seattle to win it all.  Peyton will get picked off not once but twice in the super bowl and the hawks with force a fumble or two.  SEA 24 DEN 17

There is the fact that if the Donkeys win Manning will retire and they can go to back to where they belong at the bottom of the AFC west.  
SmokenFire said:

Feel bad for Bowman cause of the knee - looked awful.  Kaep's gotta take better care of the ball and admitted it - kudos for the character from a kid like that.  Sherman's freak outburst on the reporter denigrating Crabtree was classless, revealed his true character and I lost all respect for him as a result.  The only Seahag I respect or wish to see do well is Russell Wilson, who possesses a yard of guts and tact - but sadly not enough for the rest of that punk ass team.  Also someone who's word carries weight should tell Carroll he looks like a ridiculous fairy skipping all over the field like that.  Broncos dismantle the Hawks 27-13.
Agreed on all counts. Sherman was totally classless. Mark Brunell was on the radio this morning, and basically called him a punk - he disrespected the game, his organization and the fans. 
Also saw an article that Seattle fans were throwing garbage and food at Bowman as he was being carted off the field. 
Most classless actions I've ever seen. That Pete Carroll allows Sherman to run his mouth any way he wants says a lot about the make up up this team. I shudder to think of the kids watching this game at home believing Sherman's comments constitute "sportsmanship" in any way. The choke sign, smacking Crabtree on the ass after the play, calling out another player not once, but three times after the game? Any respect I once had for Sherman's game evaporated. Looks like we're all rapidly learning why Harbaugh didn't draft him. 
And I would say all of this regardless of what team I root for. Those are things you just don't do. And the NFL is a funny game - people like Sherman usually don't have to wait long to get their comeuppance. Whether it's Sherman inevitably losing a step (as all DBs do - just ask Champ or Revis) or just getting burned at a big moment in a big game (as Manning might do in 2 weeks) there will be a lot of piling on. One thing's for sure - no one respects what Sherman did after that game. And it's a bad look for the Seahawks and their fans. 
Pelting an injured player with garbage is just tasteless. You stay classy Seattle. 
You are all full of shit. Like Crabapple is an innocent? My ass. He has been disrespecting "the game" just as much as any other gangster player to ever play the game. They all talk shit and dance around like 5 year olds. They are all "professionals" and very few act like it 100% of the time on or off the field. Calling out Sherman for his outburst is easy but I suggest you all check the back story before throwing that rope over the Crabtree branch. Not defending Sherman here but they are all basically thugs.

Poor baby, getting "garbage" thrown at him? Yeah.... Like the Seattle fans are the only ones in the NFL to ever act like that. Please. It's football. A few hours on a few Sundays we are entertained by a gladitorial sport. Your team lost. Stay classy LDHS.
Scoville DeVille said:
You are all full of shit. Like Crabapple is an innocent? My ass. He has been disrespecting "the game" just as much as any other gangster player to ever play the game. They all talk shit and dance around like 5 year olds. They are all "professionals" and very few act like it 100% of the time on or off the field. Calling out Sherman for his outburst is easy but I suggest you all check the back story before throwing that rope over the Crabtree branch. Not defending Sherman here but they are all basically thugs.
Uh, no. Crabtree has never talked about a specific player after winning a game. 
Crabtree doesn't make a "choke" sign to the opposing bench after winning a game. No players do. 
I am not "full of shit" - be happy your team won, but you should be embarrassed by Sherman's behavior. The entire NFL and every analyst sure is. Start listening to what people are saying and you'll realize how much Sherman is embarrassing your city and your franchise. 
It's shameful. To claim that "every player does that" is 100% fiction. 
Scoville DeVille said:
Poor baby, getting "garbage" thrown at him? Yeah.... Like the Seattle fans are the only ones in the NFL to ever act like that. Please. It's football. A few hours on a few Sundays we are entertained by a gladitorial sport. Your team lost. Stay classy LDHS.
Uh, yeah - they are. Throwing food at a guy on a cart is entirely disrespectful and shameful. It was just a couple of knuckleheads so I won't call out the entire fanbase for it, but again - to claim that others do it is bullshit, and to diminish the significance because of that claim is asinine. 
If player behavior, shit talking, chest beating and ass smacking, fan booing and officiating gets people all butt hurt unless it's their team winning should check another sport... Like tennis.

Shurman smacked Crabtree on the ass and reached out to shake his hand. Crabtree shoved him in the face. So hang Shurman. I yelled at him during that interview to stop embarrassing our town and franchise but alas... Testosterone, adrenaline and attention got the best of him. It is just plain wrong to say that the Seahawks and their few idiot fans are the only ones in the sport to act like that. It's called Booing. BOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Any given Superbowl has an average of 15 convicted Felons in the game but it's the Seahawks that act like children. I get it.
Scoville DeVille said:
Any given Superbowl has an average of 15 convicted Felons in the game but it's the Seahawks that act like children. I get it.
So far, yes. 
Did you hear Kaep after the loss? The one everyone calls a thug because he has a few tats? Yeah - he didn't blame the refs or trash an opposing player. He took the blame for the loss. Stand up guy. 
Did you hear Manning after the win? Complimented his opponents - showed them respect. 
You act like every player on every team pulls the embarrassing, poor sportsmanship antics of Sherman - they don't. That Pete Carroll hasn't put a muzzle on him long before this is a sign that it's how the Seahawks roll. That's their style. It is what it is. 
Lifelong Cowboys fan my 'sef.
And having spent 3 decades in Alaska as well as living in Seattle and Port Townsend I have been a fan of the SeaChickens for a very long time.
Never heard of 'em.
I heard of Peyton Manning.
They're from Broncistan right?
Isn't their executive VP of operations some guy that looks like Mr. Ed?
Every one of the teams in this weekends playoffs are storied teams.  All have been there and done that.  I do think that Sherman was a little classless in his antics and post game interview, but he has been one of the best corners in the game all year and said that Crabtree was talking smack to him all game, so if that is true and he got the last laugh, then so be it.  I know that he better be at his best in two weeks because Peyton will pick him apart if not.  My prediction Broncos 34 Seahawks 24
JayT said:
  My prediction Broncos 34 Seahawks 24
I say thats mighty big talk from a one eyed fat man!
SeaChickens win and you have to post and eat quinoa and soyrizo tacos.
Punko's win and I have to eat a horse steak.