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contest December - Musubi throw down

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Yeah, you suck at dough. BTW, you left your merkin here when you went to FL...

I'm off the the merkintile for my ingredients.

Home or abroad


Greasy spoon

Mystery meat

Spicy something or other

I'm game if you are

I'm so drunk I will eat anything this dude is selling

Dehli belly makes your bottom smelly

Im almost sure thats cat on a stick being grilled

Must be good the vendor looks Mexican

Anything with fried onions and Chilli sauce has to be a winner
OH YEAH! Street Food! Dibs on Feesh Tacos!
well, I'm pretty sure we can't actually dibs something :lol: just got a little carried away at the thought of street feesh tacos. :sigh: YUM!
What about Soup and Sammy? The wife and I are self-admitted soup and sammy addicts. I could be fun to kick it up a notch for a TD.
I like it. Soup and Sammy's, bust out your G Foreman grill, oven baked ham and swiss, grilled cheese and tuna, poh boys? grinders? hoagies? dipped in tomato, cream of tomato, cream of clam? any soup, Split pea even? broth with some Hab puree'?

Let's do this....
Soup fits one pot meal. That means TB could do chili and you could do soup, but no sammy. Other one pot meals: stews, pepperpot, short ribs, pot roast. Many possibilities!

The definition of a one pot meal is the majority of cooking is low and slow, in a pot. You can sear and saute before, but the meal is all cooked low and slow, all together.

It may be served in a bowl or on a plate, and one non-pot starch is allowed (rice, noodles, potato, or bread). That's it.

Almost forgot my favorite one pot meal: Beef Rendang! (Malaysian/Indonesian)
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