contest December Throwdown Discussion

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RoadKill is in???

I can do that! Skunk, deer or coyote are usually available along side the roads around here. Gotta be quick to beat the magpies and eagles for the best pieces, though. ;)
SEE!!! There you go! I don't even know to put okra in gumbo instead of jambalaya! I'm so screwed for this one!

Time to make another rule for self- "if you've never cooked Cajun before, you should sit this one out".

If you look at my profile I have a general recipe for you.
....and running the little bastard over would be good too.

Ya know running it over it does help to tenderize the meat and well, dog-gone-it is also just plain fun. But, I tend to be more prone to use my .44 mag. That way it's a good clean kill and if your using a hollow point it'll even clean it for you ready for the freezer or the stew pot.
If you look at my profile I have a general recipe for you.

Ok, Hot Stuff, I'm checking you out~~~ ;)

simple enough recipe, serve it over rice or ??? or just eat it as soup?
I hope it's cajun. That could be fun and spicy...BUT
I am so curious to hear what THP has up his sleeve with a corporate sponsor, with the winner being featured. That would be so fun!!

I saw a thing on tv in those cajuney parts where they eat frogs and stuff. I keep daring myself to try something like that. There are a few places here that sell frog legs (esp. close to the everglades), but I haven't had it yet.
Might just have to gig my own and fry em up for a throwdown!!!
Fun facts:

-I have so many cajun cookbooks I've lost count.

-The first meal I ever learned to make on my own was a jambalaya.

-I can make a perfect roux after 20 beers.......with my eyes closed.

-Real cajun food isn't pretty....but tastes better than any other food on the planet.

-Paul Pruhdomme and Justin Wilson are household names here at the Circle-H


Those two guys are my favorite. Wife and I ate at KPauls (unbelieveably good) on our honeymoon in N.O. Then spent 4 days cruising around the bayou, Houma and such, then back to NO for a Saints/Greenbay game. Been back a couple of times since. Justin Wilson had the best show back in the 80s wish I could find his shows again I gaurrrrnnntee it.

Louisana Kitchen and Seasoned America are Paul P's best. Firey Food That I Love ain't bad either.

+1 for YAY CAJUN!!

Who said foods gotta be pretty except on TV and here.

God and you drink Keystone TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fried frog legs and BBQ alligator... not i'm getting a real urge to cook whether it's a Cajun throwdown or not. :onfire:
Miss a thread for a day or two and see what you get..... WTF???? NO OKRA????
Geesh - y'all need to l'arn a thang or two....

FD - you'd like frog legs; in some ways they're more effort than they're worth, but so are chicken wings. Go for it, and let me know your thoughts.
This is just an example. Anyone down for anything like this?

Bayou Battle...

Pick at least one main ingredient:
1. Catfish
2. Gator
3. Crawfish
4. Shrimp
5. Andouille

Pick at least two additional ingredients:
1. Okra
2. Corn
3. Rice
4. Tomatoes
5. Pecans

Pick at least one Cajun staple:
1. Roux
2. Trinity (green bell peppers, onion, celery)
3. Crab/Shrimp/Crawfish boil (spices)
4. Creole Mustard
5. Filé Powder

Pick at least one cooking method:
1. Grill/Smoke
2. Fry (deep or sauté)
3. Étouffée
4. Boil
5. Stew

And the rest of the additional ingredients are up to you. To keep it Cajun you must use Cayenne pepper, but since this is The Hot Pepper you must also use at least one hotter pepper!

Everything else is open. Be creative.
I'm DOWN...mark me down. (Costanza)

Curious though...could we mix cookig methods? I like to pan-fry my scromps, but boil the rest...
Sure you can mix cooking methods as long as long as you mix the ones on the list.

Re-check the list.

PS. This is not final!
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