contest December Throwdown Discussion

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The SoFlo Posse
The PA Posse
The Pee Pee Posse (aka The Golden Girls)

This is the Throwdown of the posses! Form yours now!

ramen noodles....been discussed and dissed before-

and don't count out the NW POSSE!

btw, Pf and Pk did you get the PeePee Posse yet?

EDIT to include the WEST COAST POSSE!
welp you can now count me out of this next one

I will be at a friends house in Pittsburg, so I will not be able to cook anything unless he allows me to, but I most likely wont ask, because hes a prof. photographer and I know he will want to take pics of my food and then I will automatically win because my food will be the best looking, and wow that was a huge run on sentence/s, like a boss
wheebz- are you whining about having a good camera to work with????

How about all those who take pics with their phones? And YOU who persevered through the knife-wound-from-heck?

Course, If you want to discount/disqualfy yourself...SuWEET! One less competitor for me! :rofl:

Ya' know wheebz, you really should sit this one out. You really do have a great advantage of having a friend who is a professional photographer, so you should step back.

And if any one is a professional chef, they should sit this one out. If anyone else is a Cajun or is related to a Cajun, they should sit this one out. If you own some good Cast Iron or a big deep fryer cooker, you should sit this one out. If you are connected to a fisherman and can get some fresh stuff right off the boat, you should sit this one out. If you grew your own Cayenne chiles, you should sit this one out.

Should I continue?
Damn 5 of those sit this one out apply to me.*Cries is a corner.*

SL...reckon I am out in spades! Groovy. I'm jonesin' for mac & cheese anyway.. :rofl:

[:idea: Cajun mac'n'cheese....note to self , don't tell TB~~]

shoot, it's working so well- three heavy hitters GONE..., if I continue the Jedi Mind Tricks, I could be the only entrant!


Yea, like that'll ever happen! :rofl:
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