contest December Throwdown Discussion

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He's so down to earth fun, thanks Potawie

I've enjoyed Emeril and Justin on TV, but have to say that Paul Prudhomme is my favorite from his books and havin eating at his restaurant a couple of times in N.O.
Now I have a craving. I'll make a batch of gumbo so big I can stir it with my artificial limb. Literally put my foot in it. I can't believe the next td is so close and as far as I can tell we don't know if this will definately be Cajun although it looks like a consensus.
I have to agree with TB Emerils knows bow to serve a mighty tasty plate. The lady and I have been to the one here in Orlando. Mighty tasty!
DD- you're gonna miss it by Sunday!

They usually start sometime Friday and end sometime Sunday, which is when you must have pics posted.

The Boss will post a "BEGIN THROWDOWN" with the rules and "proof of life" which must be in your pics somewhere, usually in the teaser or ingredients picture. Finished entries must be posted by the deadline which The Boss will determine and post with the rules.
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