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contest December Throwdown Discussion

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Thanks for sharing THP. That sounds like a cool idea that you are working on and I can't wait to see how it plays out. Now, I can move on and not feel so ignored. :lol:

I hereby declare the December Throwdown already officially over.

We have a tie between Paul and PF for December's Drama Queen Throwdown.

Congratulations Winners!

I hereby declare the December Throwdown already officially over.

We have a tie between Paul and PF for December's Drama Queen Throwdown.

Congratulations Winners!

Again?! :rofl:

These two are the former DQ tiara wearers... I guess they miss it.

Rose and Blanch sure bring the drama.
I've avoided commenting thus far...but thanks to TB and THP I feel justified in posting some thread highlights of the "Battle For The Tiara" :rofl:

I know this is going to earn me some 'humph, who does he think he is...' points but...it's too funny :)

...and nobody paid them a bit of attention.

I'm assuming picking the next t-down theme by the winner was an honor only for FD4?

I'd declare it to be CAJUN!!!
....provided I had been given the power to do so.

Am I friggin invisible???

....or you could always address me by one of my Indian names:
-Wins Much but Left in Cold
-Proves Point, Convinces No One

But, it worked out well the last time.....even if I did get trounced!

I don't really even care why anymore.....your rules....your site....your choice.

It doen't take a genius to realize that the issue is being ignored on purpose, but you can bet the farm that there's a damn good reason for the silence.

In summary...WAAAAHHHHH!!! :rofl:


What gives anyhow? THP we need a ruling on this, is the newly crowned Paulky going to be the picker of the next Throwdown or what?
We all thought that was a nice touch to allow the previous winner choose the next throwdown. We all need to know.

BTW, I see that the Boss (THP) hasn't made a ruling on who is picking the next T-down. :( It sure would be nice to know either way.

Heck I've been begging for a rulling for several days now and still haven't gotten a ruling. :(

Well yeah. Especially since my poll was removed. A simple ya or nay is all we are asking for. Once we get it, we can move on.

And then at the first response from THP a complete flip flop!

Thanks for sharing THP. That sounds like a cool idea that you are working on and I can't wait to see how it plays out. Now, I can move on and not feel so ignored.

In summary...WAAAAHHHH! :rofl: Too funny.
Just because I have not posted before in this thread does not mean that I have not been reading it from the start. Or all of the other threads...
Just because I have not posted before in this thread does not mean that I have not been reading it from the start. Or all of the other threads...

I don't mean that you haven't, but the whole story isn't what is in the threads. There are also PM's that you haven't read. Not everything is as it appears that meets the eye. You and others reading this thread do not know the whole story.
Ye gods...can of worms.

Paulie I think you're Blanche and PF is Rose, but that's ok.. I still love you gals :)

Personally, I enjoy reading all the DQness, and I think you do too DTS!
Do all the times pky mentioned his exes, mostly in the FZ, win him more points? I can't believe I can't outdrama a cop and a swabby! Where's my tiara? HUH? I'm talking to YOU! I'd stomp off in a huff if I had two feet! AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Do all the times pky mentioned his exes, mostly in the FZ, win him more points? I can't believe I can't outdrama a cop and a swabby! Where's my tiara? HUH? I'm talking to YOU! I'd stomp off in a huff if I had two feet! AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Correction made.

3 Way Tie!
Hehe p2 you are definitely Blach with all your exes. PF is definitely Rose. This thread is sitcom gold. PF you shouldn't get so upset, just roll with the punches. And not sure what "whole story" means there's one PM about who is naming the TD. The whole story was in my reply. And I may not get to a PM instantly or get to read every post in the forum again in the future so I look forward to more drama ;)

Wait... was that your attempt to add more?


Back to TD discussion. Keep ideas flowing they could always be used for the future if not this one.
I'm very surprised no one has considered a stir fried rice dish for a TD.

Such a dish would leave a very wide field of ingredients to choose from.
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