contest December Throwdown Discussion

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TB- you missed the kid's chocolate dipped deep-fried waffle??? You should have gotten 20 points of cholesterol just by visual-osmosis!

Cajun seems to be too narrow of a subject and it sems that those who know will blast those who don't. Tomatoes or no tomatoes...if that is the deciding factor of what is creole or cajun, then my goose is cooked before it even starts!

But then again there are chili makers on both sides of the bean fence...with or without beans-beef or pork-toms or not---

chili/soup-stew with or without beans

I'm leaning towards a single ingredient or cooking style that will be embraced by all regions of our THP world.

stir fry

OH! I GOT IT!!!!! (as a nod to the current status of a well liked member of our forum)...How about- IN THE OVEN!

Anything that can be cooked IN THE OVEN!!!!

As long as I don't have to have a bun in the oven. Shudder. I like both the stir fry and Cajun ideas. Spicy desserts or booze also appeal to me. French, spicy versions of coq au vin, cassoulet...
SL... Hell no! Not oven ribs.

I have a winner for fried. Picture this: Take a large block of cheese, wrap it in bacon, cover that in pork skin and deep fry until the skin turns to crackling. Serve with chilli gravy. Maybe even deep fry the gravy... :drool:
Cajun deep fried? That's waaayyy too specific, and the best Cajun is not deep fried.

Cajun is not deep fried for true...but many cajun recipes have as much or more bad juju than deep fried. If done right, deep fried can actually be on the healthy side. Cajun'll do for me too. I love me some roux...
thp- did I say RIBS???????

All I said was- "anything that can be cooked in an oven".....and I am not to say whether ribs can or cannot be cooked in an oven...

buns, pizza, quiche, brownies, 'shrooms, prime rib, stew, roo, .....

Edit- TB and DTS- did you guys miss salsakid's chocolate covered deep fried waffle, PK's chicken fried bacon and my Redeye (bacon) gravy?
thp- did I say RIBS???????

All I said was- "anything that can be cooked in an oven".....and I am not to say whether ribs can or cannot be cooked in an oven...

buns, pizza, quiche, brownies, 'shrooms, prime rib, stew, roo, .....

Edit- TB and DTS- did you guys miss salsakid's chocolate covered deep fried waffle, PK's chicken fried bacon and my Redeye (bacon) gravy?

Sorry SL. Did you have coffee in your redeye gravy? Chicken fried bacon is old news. Salsakid's waffle was good but didn't yank my chain. got game girl, YOU could do any throwdown and WIN!
Sorry SL. Did you have coffee in your redeye gravy? Chicken fried bacon is old news. Salsakid's waffle was good but didn't yank my chain. got game girl, YOU could do any throwdown and WIN!
Oh noesssss I had to go look. SL how could you make red-eye gravy w/o black coffee?
Sorry SL. Did you have coffee in your redeye gravy? Chicken fried bacon is old news. Salsakid's waffle was good but didn't yank my chain. got game girl, YOU could do any throwdown and WIN!

TB-no coffee in the gravy, just a stiff Bloody Mary on the side.

It was sounding like folks was jonesin' for some deep-fried/greasy entrees for the next TD and it seems like there have been some recent entries that fit the bill for the deep-fried category.

Anyway, thanks for the props, and cudos to you, you 30lb-less-hunka-hot-burnin-blues! I was gonna post something in the last TD about you picking one heck-of-a time to post a weight loss success when I'm posting a bacon-and-butter gravy entree in the TD! Bacon Gravy is not the norm at our house, but like a great alfredo, it's a delightful treat!

edit to include thp's comment-
I'm probably wrong, but from what I know, red eye gravy is bacon gravy. Where does the coffee come in to play? other than being served at the diner at 3:00am?
Traditional redeye gravy has ham drippings and coffee. More of a Georgian version for CFS which tries to compete with true Texican CFS gravy which is a milk/cream based peppery gravy. I've had both and there is no question which I prefer although I will say, I would forgo either in lieu of cheese sauce, which is in my opinion.....THE 8th wonder of the world!
I haven't yet participated in a TD, and I would love to! I like SL's idea of anything that can be cooked in the oven. Has a chicken wing challenge been done before? A wing TD sounds fun too.
edit to include thp's comment-
I'm probably wrong, but from what I know, red eye gravy is bacon gravy. Where does the coffee come in to play? other than being served at the diner at 3:00am?
You cook a country ham (or pork product as a variation) and deglaze the pan with coffee. The "red-eye" gravy keeps you up all night ;)
You cook a country ham (or pork product as a variation) and deglaze the pan with coffee. The "red-eye" gravy keeps you up all night ;)

learn something new every day~
thx TB and THP
...sorry SL, but Cajun is a wide open catagory just like other cuisines.
What you get in Lake Charles (SW LA)is going to be different than what you get in New Orleans (SE LA).
Different regions, different tastes and methods... kinda like BBQ.

...and please guys, nothing in the oven... ours just went out and has to be replaced, and can't do that for a few weeks.
Should make it interesting for Thanksgiving...

We've been home less than a month, and have had to replace the water heater AND the central ac/heat system AND outside unit already... they were all old and years past their warranties, so it is at least better we were home when they all finally gave out (w/h was 20 yrs old, a/c was 33 yrs old).
As long as I don't have to have a bun in the oven. Shudder. I like both the stir fry and Cajun ideas. Spicy desserts or booze also appeal to me. French, spicy versions of coq au vin, cassoulet...
I'm still holding out for French. Or Kosher. Although that might be too broad, it could be narrowed down to Sephardic or Ashkenazi for example. Or even Ethiopian Jews.

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