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Deployment Pics

Any updates, Pauly?
He's on an Army post at school. Depending on the school they may not allow any Internet connection or even allow him to have his phone. Army can be pretty strict that way.
Salam Alaykum!
Holy crap......
The past 2 months have kinda sucked. Although I could have my phone, there was NO internet in the rooms. (They DID have Wi-Fi at the MWR, but I never made it that far in my down time.)
Combat advisor school was a busy 8 weeks. Pretty full of language, counter-insurgency, weapons training, IED training, and urban operations.I didn't take too many pictures. But the few I have I shall share with you now:
Tigerland- Combat Advisor School- Ft.Polk, LA:

A couple of cool sunsets:


The last 2 weeks of training were in an actual FOB-type environment. (Living in a tent.)
Here we are unloading on the first morning:

This is my cot and area. Yeah....I knida over prepared! ;)

Tactical breakfast:

more to come....
Getting ready for dismounted patrol:

During mounted combat patrol, someone drove a MAT-V into a giant ditch. We sat in the shade for an hour and laughed till the wrecker got there.

SIM rounds. They had cases and cases of them. We shot for hours, but they took them away from us when we turned our weapons on each other.

.....well WE thought it was funny:


More to follow.....
Sweet, looks like typical Ft Polk weather, hot and humid. They didn't issue you knee pads for dismounted patrols? Sure saves the knee caps during a 3 second rush on rocks 
As a matter of fact, they did.....but nobody wanted to wear them! I kind of wish I had! ;)

Urban operations; We split into teams and took turns playing the insurgents. One team would hide, and the other team would kick in doors and find us. To make sure you could tell who was who.....the "enemy" turned their blouses inside out. It was just too damn funny NOT to take a couple photos!

MAX-PROs. The baddest vehicle in Afghanistan.

The day before graduation....blowing off steam!

I lost 16 pounds while down there!

paulky_2000 said:
I lost 16 pounds while down there!

HOTTIE!  Dang, Pauly....   heck of a way to loose weigh, though...
Be Safe, and enjoy your break before leaving.
Jeff H said:
What is the silly yellow tip on your M4 signify? Is it an ECI or something different?
That is called a BFA (Blank Firing Adapter).  It's used to force more gasses back through the gas tube to make firing blanks more reliable. It also prevents anything from traveling out of the muzzle. (safety) 
I'll be in the Kandahar area. I hear it's really damned hot there this time of year. OOF.............
paulky_2000 said:
That is called a BFA (Blank Firing Adapter).  It's used to force more gasses back through the gas tube to make firing blanks more reliable. It also prevents anything from traveling out of the muzzle. (safety) 
I'll be in the Kandahar area. I hear it's really damned hot there this time of year. OOF.............
Yep and, sorry to have to break this to you Paul but <sighs>
There's no Cold Beer there either, not even warm Beer but you get to have all the bottled water you can stand :)
someone should invent packets of beer like those Emergen-C things.  Open the packet, pour into a bottle of water...instant beer!
That is called a BFA (Blank Firing Adapter). It's used to force more gasses back through the gas tube to make firing blanks more reliable. It also prevents anything from traveling out of the muzzle. (safety)

I'll be in the Kandahar area. I hear it's really damned hot there this time of year. OOF.............

I'm looking Into IA orders right now myself. Good luck in Afghanistan.