• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Roguejim said:
Thanks.  How many fruit per plant? 
Any idea what "lows" they can tolerate? 
Any special ferts required?  I'm doing this!
One for sure, can be as many as three.
Frost is not cool, freeze kills em dead, overnight.
When we started this I read they don't like wet feet, but they handle it fine here when we get lot's of rain. And Ramon (Walkgood) lives in Florida, his just stay wet.
I hit them a few times a year with nutes, they're not demanding.
You just can't buy a Pineapple as good as when you let one fully ripen on the plant.
Wow even pineapples! What could you want more! :D
If you still need the cure something good from here:
Translates more or less to "at times an instant of quiet", seems fitting. :D
Scott, no matter when I come for a visit, there is something new and interesting going on!
It killed me to have to cut down some of my plants that have ripened up all their pods.  You
could see new growth coming out and the plants getting ready to gear up again.  It would
be awesome to be able to see them actually be perennial w/o heroic measures here   :rofl:
Your spread looks great in all respects, my friend!
Essegi said:
Wow even pineapples! What could you want more! :D
If you still need the cure something good from here:
Translates more or less to "at times an instant of quiet", seems fitting. :D
 Very nice Essegi,
I got brave and planted two citrus trees this summer. A Lime and a Mandarin Orange tree. We live just North of where they will NEVER freeze, we sure hope they don't! Last year the Lime was in a pot and we got 10. I must have ticked it off when I planted it in the dirt as it dropped all the fruit and flowers. But I have 3 oranges and ones turning color!
PaulG said:
Scott, no matter when I come for a visit, there is something new and interesting going on!
It killed me to have to cut down some of my plants that have ripened up all their pods.  You
could see new growth coming out and the plants getting ready to gear up again.  It would
be awesome to be able to see them actually be perennial w/o heroic measures here   :rofl:
Your spread looks great in all respects, my friend!
Thanks Paul!
Yeah, it really hurt my feeling to pull up close to 100 plants 3 or 4 weeks ago, they went where they came from. I ground them up and tilled them in. You just need a larger greenhouse ;)
I was out in the garden today, I had a few 2x8's, so I made a small raised bed for 3 of the Comfrey plants. While out there I noticed the Clover is starting to darken up. I was going back and forth as to whether I should hit them with some nutes
I held off because last year the rye darkened up nicely on it's own. Now that's a good sign!
Devv said:
I got brave and planted two citrus trees this summer. A Lime and a Mandarin Orange tree. We live just North of where they will NEVER freeze, we sure hope they don't! Last year the Lime was in a pot and we got 10. I must have ticked it off when I planted it in the dirt as it dropped all the fruit and flowers. But I have 3 oranges and ones turning color!
Nice, here we have just 2, small and potted, when it will be cold we take them inside home. 
Essegi said:
Nice, here we have just 2, small and potted, when it will be cold we take them inside home. 
Yeah, but then they get so big that it's a chore to haul them in. And they won't hardly fit in the door. Which is where we were. Unless we get the cold front from hell, we should be OK. We'll cover them and pray...
Seacowboy said:
Get your Comfrey going yet?  Think half of the 12 crowns have popped the surface already, need to add a bit more mulch as they come up so my lawn mower dude doesn't take them out.
 I have 12 out of 13 up and running. I started them in pots and have been transplanting them to the garden along the edges 18"s from the fence and 3' apart. I bought 3 2 year old Bocking4 crowns from Coe's, they're growing like crazy. I started them in 1 gallon pots and the roots hit the bottom and circled in less than 2 weeks. I dug a nice 7 gallon hole and put 2.5 gallons of composted cow manure (store bought) at the bottom, 3-5"s of dirt and then the plants. He threw in 3 roots pieces and 2 have come up. I'm going to let those get some size, as the new growth is tiny compared the the more mature crowns. I bought 6 1 year old Bocking14 crowns from HH, they sent 7. All of them are up and looking good. 4 have been planted, same thing roots circling the bottom of the pot. I did the same way of planting but just a 5 gallon hole.
Good luck with yours!
By the way Devv.  I spent all my free time the past 3 days reading the last 25 pages of your glog!  Wow  What a read.  I sure like your set-up but I can see all the hard work you and LB have put into it.
Sure is different from here with the timing of your harvests and when you get ripe fruits.
I bought some of those Comfrey Crowns from Coe's a month or so ago.  I put them in pots as I did not have a permanent place for them yet.  Prepping the spot, but will need to fence the area off, as the chickens like to get out and scratch up ay tilled garden spots.
Will see how they do next spring and see what needs to be dome to use them in the compost pile.
Thanks Willy!
Your a brave sole reading all that ;)
Yeah, we are most definitely on different schedules. The remaining plants are flowering, so we should have some pod set here soon!
My Comfrey that I planted (9 so far) are inside the garden fence. I'm giving one away to a friend and the other three are brand new starts from root cuttings. I'm sure I'll be able to plant them in a few weeks.
Today was a beautiful day! 58° when we woke up with a high of around 80°, it's going to be short lived, they're talking low to mid 90's later in the week.
Tomorrow I plant the Rye grass, scratch that, 94° on Thursday! I'll wait a week ;)
Up potted a few peppers, and the remainders are flowering. The JA HAb, NagaBrain,  and BB7 especially. I'm hoping they do something before it frosts here...
Hopefully pics tomorrow after some mowing :D
stickman said:
Habby Belated Birthday Scott... did you get mobbed by the family? :cheers:
 Thanks Rick,
My family is scattered across the country, but I did spend 5 hours on the phone with them. Talk about phone ear!
PeriPeri said:
Ditto that - A belated Happy Birthday Buddy! Hope you had a super day :dance: :dance: :dance:
 Thanks Lourans,
It was a nice relaxing weekend which started out with a visit to my sons house, had the 4 grand kids around which was great. The 4 year old sent me home with a cup of worms, her present to me ;)  I put them in one of the raised beds and hope they thrive.