• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Haha...I did the solo cup shuffle for a couple years, can't beat that price! The reason I finally bit the bullet and bought my small square pots is because they were top heavy especially once the plants start to get a little bigger and they'd often end up just as yours did...I only paid .15 each for them and they were worth every dime I paid!
Pump house sounds to be moving right along...I miss my well water especially with the crazy prices we pay out here for H2O. Glad the pups are healing up. The city limits are usually the extent of area that animal control covers...we had to resort to taking the strays that wandered up to the Wally World parking lot in town and then calling animal control so they'd come get them. 
Always fun and sometimes scary to stop in here Scott!!! Keep the updates flowing brotha!
Sorry about the cup Scott. You're doing better than me though, last week I knocked five on the floor. Everything bounced back though... In sure your traumatized adventurer will too.

Sounds like the pump house project is coming right along. Can't wait to hear how it goes... That's alot of plates to spin in the air.

Give the pooch my best!
JJJessee said:
Glad Otis is on the mend. 
Manzanos are looking good.
Yay, for warmer weather!
Thanks JJJ!
Warmer starts tomorrow, hope it lasts, barely got over 35° and drizzle. Me I came home and went to work on finishing the trench. Tomorrow I'm picking up some 1 1/4" pipe and hope to get it put together and start filling things in.
maximumcapsicum said:
Plants look good Scott! Comforts me to see how big they can get in the Solo cups. I think I'll make it to Spring after all!
Thanks Adam!
And at that size they can stay for a few more weeks.
Pinoy83 said:
babies looking great....you guys lucky sprouting manzanos...
Thanks Jericson!
With all of us that are growing it this season I'm sure you will have many seeds to try out, I know I'll send you some if I'm blessed enough to have pods. They can be hard to get out of the shoot.
stickman said:
Congrats Scott... your hairy ladies are looking great! ;)
Sorry to hear Otis got cut up, but glad to hear he's on the mend. You might want to see if you can get ahold of the pepper spray cans they carry in Alaska for the Grizzlies... they're the size of small fire extinguishers and have at least twice the range of the ones intended for people... :hell:
Thanks Rick!
The young ladies cleaned up nicely,  they were a rugged looking group at first, gnarly twisted coty's. But now they seem happy!
3 years ago the neighbors Pit Bull killed one our Rat Terriers. We didn't complain because we let them run loose, and it happened 100yds. from the house in the road. I'm sure Sydney ran out there ready to start stuff. That's how she was. About 6 weeks ago I went down there at 5:30 AM and waited for them to come out to leave for work; I explained to them the Doberman was coming by at 2:30-3:00AM and fighting with Otis through the fence, keeping us awake at night. We never bothered to ask for the vet bill to be paid. At this point I feel lead poisoning is the only solution. My G-Kids come over and I worry about them, I also worry about LB as she leaves for work 1.5 hours later than I do. Sad we can't feel safe when the place is double fenced.
Jeff H said:
Monzanos look great. 
Keep your dog close and your Glock closer.  ;)
Thanks Jeff!
And +1 on keeping things close!
Penny said:
Those plants look great!! :dance:
Thanks Penny!
PIC 1 said:
Scott the story about the dogs had my heart beating and adrenaline rushing. I'm glad to read your dog made it out of there safely.

Great job with the pot up's, very healthy and robust plants.....even though the Manzano could use a shave (5 o'clock shadow)............har
Thanks Greg!
I'm just glad we were awakened, Otis was spent from taking on 2 dogs, mean dogs. Who wants dogs like that?
The Manzano's sure can be a challenge to get going, the last ones I sowed behaved and came up quickly.
Plants are looking great Scott! Glad to hear your dogs on the mend. It's stories like that that make me always carry either pepper spray, my Ruger or both while walking our dogs, especially when a lot of people around us let their dogs roam free.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Nice looking manzanos.   Once you get them outside they should explode.
Sorry bout the dropped cup.  I haven't done that YET this year, but I'm due lol.
Thanks Jeff!
I'm hoping I can get some pods in our heat. I'm going to have 1/2 in pots so I can try to find where they like to be best.
Oh, that's not the first one I dropped this year. I had a box of 8 fall off the chair a month ago, my fault. This particular one was hard to find, as it is so young. It's looking OK today, so I guess we're good!
stc3248 said:
Haha...I did the solo cup shuffle for a couple years, can't beat that price! The reason I finally bit the bullet and bought my small square pots is because they were top heavy especially once the plants start to get a little bigger and they'd often end up just as yours did...I only paid .15 each for them and they were worth every dime I paid!
Pump house sounds to be moving right along...I miss my well water especially with the crazy prices we pay out here for H2O. Glad the pups are healing up. The city limits are usually the extent of area that animal control covers...we had to resort to taking the strays that wandered up to the Wally World parking lot in town and then calling animal control so they'd come get them. 
Always fun and sometimes scary to stop in here Scott!!! Keep the updates flowing brotha!
Thanks Shane!
Yeah those solo cups are tip over candidates for sure. Going to look into a more stable pot for next season.
Having a well is a big advantage over city water due to the cost. Even figuring in the new well over the last 25 years it comes to $42 a month, not including electric, which is like next to nothing.
I agree no animal control in the county, so I'm elected ;)
maximumcapsicum said:
Sorry about the cup Scott. You're doing better than me though, last week I knocked five on the floor. Everything bounced back though... In sure your traumatized adventurer will too.

Sounds like the pump house project is coming right along. Can't wait to hear how it goes... That's alot of plates to spin in the air.

Give the pooch my best!
Thanks Adam!
They seem to do OK with G forces! She's looking OK, so no damage done.
Otis is coming along, his right ear took the worst of it, but he's a tough guy!
MeatHead1313 said:
Plants are looking great Scott! Glad to hear your dogs on the mend. It's stories like that that make me always carry either pepper spray, my Ruger or both while walking our dogs, especially when a lot of people around us let their dogs roam free.
Thanks Chris!
I used to walk them without a leash, not any more, and yes I will be armed. No way a human could handle a Pit and a Doberman, don't even want to think about what could happen.
OK, got some pepper love in the mail yesterday.

Thanks Jericson! Can't wait to try them :party:
I took a few pics this afternoon.

Kurtovska Kapija, she's a tall girl! Caught up with the supers in height.


Then I saw the Aphids!
Had to remedy that!
So first fungus gnats, now Aphids, glad I watch them closely, they were just starting in both cases.
Devv said:
OK, got some pepper love in the mail yesterday.

Thanks Jericson! Can't wait to try them :party:
I took a few pics this afternoon.

Kurtovska Kapija, she's a tall girl! Caught up with the supers in height.


Then I saw the Aphids!
Had to remedy that!
So first fungus gnats, now Aphids, glad I watch them closely, they were just starting in both cases.
them babies are no longer babies...they will be mom soon.....
hope you enjoy the powder, and hopefully it taste good....they all yellow bhuts in 3diff flavas...
Wow your plants are looking great! Even battling aphids a little, they look wonderful.

I'll join everyone in wishing the best to Otis as he mends up. You know, it only takes one neighbor to ruin things. I'm in a rural area of Michigan, and I have folks from church who occasionally deal with that sort of thing. It only takes one...
Scott...you're one smart mo-fo. Learned a little last year testing the water a bit...had an awesome grow, but this year is about to get freaking epic. Having plants that big and strong just a few short weeks from plant out is perfect timing! Aphids happen...once it warms up nature will take care of them. Nothing is gonna hold them plant back once they hit dirt!
Plants look great Scott. Glad to hear you are keeping those aphids down.

Looks like a warm stretch of days coming this weekend. Maybe 4 in a row! Plants are not going to want to come back inside afterwards.

Have a great weekend!

Pinoy83 said:
them babies are no longer babies...they will be mom soon.....
hope you enjoy the powder, and hopefully it taste good....they all yellow bhuts in 3diff flavas...
They're trying to be Mom's! I've been pinching the flowers.
Thanks again for the powder!
maximumcapsicum said:
Powders look great! Jericson really seems to put heart and soul into his mixes. Bet they're fantastic.
Plants are looking great Scott!! You been pinching flowers off 'em? They look like the should be spewing buds. Stronger than my pepper plants looked at any point last year!
Keep on growin!
I saw his glog, those powders should be great!
Thanks Adam!
I have been pinching, and need to do so tomorrow. Saw more flowers while bringing them outside this afternoon. They just got a quick top drink, tomorrow they get the bottom soak.
stickman said:
Holy Cow Scott... those Kapijas look ready for action! In Hungary, they usually prune off all but 2 or 3 main branches, and stake those. The MoA and Jigsaw look great too!
Thanks Rick!
I'm amazed how large it got in such a short time! The Annuum's definitely have the height thing going for them!
Pulpiteer said:
Wow your plants are looking great! Even battling aphids a little, they look wonderful.

I'll join everyone in wishing the best to Otis as he mends up. You know, it only takes one neighbor to ruin things. I'm in a rural area of Michigan, and I have folks from church who occasionally deal with that sort of thing. It only takes one...
Otis is doing really well, except this morning he found his 4th Skunk. I wish he would learn from past mistakes.LOL
I did call the Sheriff's Office today, believe it or not the county does have animal control services. And they said they would get with them. Guess the neighbor and us here won't become friends.
Sawyer said:
Late to the party, again, but regarding those dogs, it sounds like a case for the three S's, i.e., shoot, shovel, shut up.
The Sheriff's Office did say we have the right to protect our property, it's only a matter of time before they come back over here. I just hope I'm home :shh:
stc3248 said:
Scott...you're one smart mo-fo. Learned a little last year testing the water a bit...had an awesome grow, but this year is about to get freaking epic. Having plants that big and strong just a few short weeks from plant out is perfect timing! Aphids happen...once it warms up nature will take care of them. Nothing is gonna hold them plant back once they hit dirt!
Thanks Shane!
I absorbed a lot here watching and reading how everyone does things. A few will go in the hoop house this weekend if the weather doesn't show anymore 20's in the 10 day come Sunday.
I did catch the Aphids right at the start, no damage can be found. It really pays to look closely at the plants!
capsidadburn said:
Plants look great Scott. Glad to hear you are keeping those aphids down.

Looks like a warm stretch of days coming this weekend. Maybe 4 in a row! Plants are not going to want to come back inside afterwards.

Have a great weekend!

Thanks Mike!
I have them outside as I typo, gotta watch to see what Tuesday will bring though. And I hope this is the beginning of the weather change. Also hoping we don't ramp up too quickly to the dreaded summer temps!
Penny said:
Same here, glad to hear that you caught those damn aphids early ;)
Thanks Penny!
I have never seen an Aphid until very late last season in my garden, but they found me!
I'm busted by the posting police:(
I'm sure the cold weather isn't done here yet. One thing that's been good so far is the winds haven't been as bad as normal when the fronts come in. Before I plant I'm going to put the wind break back up so the North wind won't bother the upper part of the garden where the peppers and tomatoes are going.
I moved all the OW's out and all the larger plants when I got home, about 4 days of nice weather are expected. I drug out the sunshade and set it up so the plants wouldn't fry in the 4 days of expected sun.
I setup and old ladder and a 2.5 gal jug to keep the wind from chafing the plants. The sun shade is a 30%.

This plant is one I sold to a buddy, and it has issues. None of mine or the ones I sold to another buddy are having problems.
Here's a pic:

To me it looks like it has major sunburn. I asked him to bring it in yesterday but he didn't. I wanted to have a good look at it. I do know he set it in tap water to bottom water for 2 hours. The time shouldn't matter, but he said the water is really over chlorinated at his place, very strong odor. I used rain water for most of the plants life and well water when no rain water was to be had.
Anyone have any ideas what's ailing this plant? He said 3 others are dropping leaves. I asked about where they were etc. trying to figure out if they were in some sort of shock. I do know they spent the weekend outside, but mine have been in and out according to the weather and never took on this type of look.
Thanks for stopping by!
Poor thing has taken alot of damage, but the locations of the damage seem to suggest mechanical irritants. I think your right about the sunburn.

I've seen similar symptoms from over watering too. No idea about the chlorine but its certainly possible.

Give my best to Otis!