• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Wow Scott love the giant white hab and brown egg! The deep purple veins must be a trait of the plant... I am seein that here too. Must be very hardy plants in te hands of a very hardy grower.

Otis is looking great! Bouncing back strong.
I would not be happy about two dogs attacking my dog like they did to yours. People that let their dogs run loose really piss me off. Those are the kind of people that really need a punch in the back of the head while they take a drink of hot coffee.

MeatHead1313 said:
Congrats on getting plants in the dirt Scott! Looking good! Glad to see Otis is on the mend as well.
Thanks Chris!
This is almost a 30 day premature event this season, I hope it works out!
Otis, AKA Odie, is doing well. thanks! He worried us at first as he just laid there for 5 or 6 days sleeping. He's back to his old self, but still healing. His spirit is intact, and that's the cool part! he's the man!
Blister said:
I would not be happy about two dogs attacking my dog like they did to yours. People that let their dogs run loose really piss me off. Those are the kind of people that really need a punch in the back of the head while they take a drink of hot coffee.

Hi Neil,
Out here, things are different. We're in the sticks. I called the local sheriff's office and I do have rights. They said I can protect my property, and I made a complaint. It's on record. I have a really cool tool, a Cooper Arms bolt action single shot chambered in a Ruger 204, hand loaded to 4,350 fps and can group dime shot groups at 100yds. I've been patient with these people, even going over and warning them about the possibilities. Their dogs have been a problem for quite a while. 3 AM fighting through the fence (our dogs are fenced in) gets old. I'm done with them, hopefully they will keep their dogs penned as I asked 6 weeks ago. hopefully I won't have to use my goodies
GA Growhead said:
The brown eggs had dark purple stems last year too. They weren't but two foot tall.
Cool plants for sure.
Plants look beautiful. Love you forecast!
I would have plants in the ground too!
Hi Jason!
The Brown Eggs are a really cool plant! I'm hoping they do well!
I just hope the forecast holds, but not holding my breath. I'm sure a few more fronts will visit. The last cold day in spring I can remember is 3-21, 2 or 3 years ago hit 25° or 26°. I ran the sprinkler for 5 hours, all the plants had ice on them, just like an ice storm. Everything had ice on it, I lost just one plant. The local farmers had to re-plant all their corn that year.
Your time is soon!
First of all, I wish I had the same rights here. Do defend your property by all legal means.

Secondly, nice shooting. I'm a fellow shooter and handloader that's always striving for a combination of the best accuracy and velocity I can get. I get a huge grin on my face when I can cover my groups with a quarter, dime size is another thing altogether :D
By the looks of that forecast that hoophouse ain't gonna be needed for a while...hopefully not at all! Hate those late cold snaps that have to go and screw things up. Best of luck an congrats on the early dirt day brother!!! Rum drink well earned!
All right, in the dirt and plants looking just great.  Nothing like a little sun to 
make them look their best!  
Your hoop house rocks, Scott.  You will sail through any freezing nights
as long as you don't get long spells of cold.  It wouldn't take much to
keep it warm on really cold nights.  The sun in your photos looks great!
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow Scott love the giant white hab and brown egg! The deep purple veins must be a trait of the plant... I am seein that here too. Must be very hardy plants in te hands of a very hardy grower.

Otis is looking great! Bouncing back strong.
Thanks Adam!
Sorry I missed this while responding last night. Otis was chasing Squirrels earlier, so he must be feeling well.
Blister said:
First of all, I wish I had the same rights here. Do defend your property by all legal means.

Secondly, nice shooting. I'm a fellow shooter and handloader that's always striving for a combination of the best accuracy and velocity I can get. I get a huge grin on my face when I can cover my groups with a quarter, dime size is another thing altogether :D
Thanks Neil!
That Cooper rifle is a real piece of work, they're known for their accuracy. I have the trigger pull set to 1.5lbs and a Ziess Conquest 6.5x20 on it. I ran close 200 rounds through it dialing in the handloads.
maximumcapsicum said:
Good to know. I'll make sure they're not shaded by a taller variety. Right now the brown egg is definitely the most photogenic of my plants.
I didn't know it was a shorty, I wonder if it gets bushy? It's growing at the same rate as the rest.
stc3248 said:
By the looks of that forecast that hoophouse ain't gonna be needed for a while...hopefully not at all! Hate those late cold snaps that have to go and screw things up. Best of luck an congrats on the early dirt day brother!!! Rum drink well earned!
Thanks Shane!
I did have my rum drinks last night ;)
I'm sure we'll get a few more cold ones before it's all over. I just hope we don't go into the summer heat early!
PIC 1 said:
That's inspiring to see plants in the garden this early. Your weather forecast is similar to what we get in early June........seems so far away.
Otis is looking happy...................and the salsa looks delish !
Have fun with the rest of the plant out.
Hi Greg,
Everything's on schedule except for the early planting of those plants. I have the materials for another hoop house, but time has been the issue. The well has kept me busy; 180' or so of trenching back to the shop takes a while ;)
But I bet your summers are just fantastic, June will be here way fast!
Otis is almost fully healed, I can't believe how fast he's recovered!
LB loved the recipe so much she made a full batch this time. Thanks again!
PaulG said:
All right, in the dirt and plants looking just great.  Nothing like a little sun to 
make them look their best!  
Your hoop house rocks, Scott.  You will sail through any freezing nights
as long as you don't get long spells of cold.  It wouldn't take much to
keep it warm on really cold nights.  The sun in your photos looks great!
Thanks Paul!
I just hope the weather holds for them, but we have plans in case it does get cold again. I feel the whole country has had more then a fair share this winter.
Here's a few pics. It was cloudy when I took them so the lighting is off. Of course now the suns out.
I had to pic through the plants to find ones not so beat up from the wind and sun last time out. I guess it's part of the hardening process...
TSMB, I dropped this plant awhile back, and had a tray of JA Hab seeds in a paper plate on the floor. I guess a few got mixed in, note the volunteers.

Mystery, I cut this lady back. It sure is a vigorous grower. Wonder what it is?

Jay's Red Ghost Scorp

Douglah x Butch T

Tabago Treasure. The sun is breaking through the cloud cover.

MoA, ready to rock! I'm going to let this one alone and see what it does. This plant doesn't have the rounded leaves like the others, hope it's true.



Sweet Hungarian Paprika

Winds have been blowing.
Damn Scott. I took a couple days off since it is hard for me to keep up over the weekend and I missed a lot . Tons happening at the Devv ranch. 
In the dirt already. Awesome. We have about a foot of snow on the ground now.  :rolleyes:
Otis healing nicely.  :party:
Practicing on the outdoor range, just keeping yourself in practice in case it is needed, right?.  :shh:  I really need to get out and do that. I don't think I have fired a shot since November. Probably the longest I've ever gone, but the range is outdoors and under the same foot of snow. 
Whoooaa! MoA Pod City. 
Yeah , my MoAs have distinctly more rounded heart shape leaves than any chinense I've seen. But mine are barley and inch tall too so...
That's a nice parade of young ladies, Scott.
Here's to dirt weather  :cheers:
I love seeing the plants in the dirt. We have a couple of feet of snow on the ground here, and it's snowing again right now... so seeing your plants in the ground gave me a momentary good feeling.
Also, I grew the Bahamian Goat pepper last year for the fist time and loved it. My wife ever really enjoyed the flavor and she is wary about the hot stuff. It's a winner.