• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
maximumcapsicum said:
Poor thing has taken alot of damage, but the locations of the damage seem to suggest mechanical irritants. I think your right about the sunburn.

I've seen similar symptoms from over watering too. No idea about the chlorine but its certainly possible.

Give my best to Otis!
That's my initial assessment. I know I never over watered, and he couldn't in as short a time as he's had it. AND that's how it looked after two days in the sun, funny thing is they never have burned here. BUT, I bet his were in full sun, mine are on a table that gets indirect sun.
Thanks for the well wishes towards Otis, he's doing well, but stanking like a Skunk!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Wish I could help, but not sure as well.
Well I'm hoping it's just too much sun!
Sawyer said:
Don't know if chlorine could cause that or not, but just as a good practice he should draw the water into an open container and let it sit for a day before using it.  That will give the chlorine time to dissipate.
Yeah, I told hm he needs to set water aside to let the Chlorine dissipate. I feel bad because the plants came from me. I feel it's environmental, one way or another.
Glad to hear Otis is doing better. I have some suggestions on how to preemptively deal with this in the future, but it involves sniper rifles, scopes and silencers. :shh: 
Other than the obvious sunburn on the plant, I'm not sure what is causing the wilting. Could be just sunburn or it could be more. Just not sure from that pic.  
Ya gots some ginormous plants, Scott!  
They will hit the ground running at plant out!  
Sorry to hear about Otis.  
Probably not as sorry as he is!  :rofl:
I agree with the folks saying sun burn - the leaves really look like some of mine do after plant out if I haven't hardened them off enough to be in the direct sun for so long. Also - what Sawyer said about letting the chlorine dissipate - that's a quick and easy solution to the chlorine in the water. He probably ought to do that.
JJJessee said:
I'd say sunburn is the culprit, but chlorine is probably not doing it any favors.
Jeff H said:
Glad to hear Otis is doing better. I have some suggestions on how to preemptively deal with this in the future, but it involves sniper rifles, scopes and silencers. :shh:
Other than the obvious sunburn on the plant, I'm not sure what is causing the wilting. Could be just sunburn or it could be more. Just not sure from that pic.  
Thanks Jeff!
He's doing well.
I think I'm going to give the rifle range a bit of a work out tomorrow, like real early!
PaulG said:
Ya gots some ginormous plants, Scott!  
They will hit the ground running at plant out!  
Sorry to hear about Otis.  
Probably not as sorry as he is!  :rofl:
Thanks Paul!
I hope to have a few in the hoop house after this weekend, the weather is grand! Hope it stays!
Pulpiteer said:
I agree with the folks saying sun burn - the leaves really look like some of mine do after plant out if I haven't hardened them off enough to be in the direct sun for so long. Also - what Sawyer said about letting the chlorine dissipate - that's a quick and easy solution to the chlorine in the water. He probably ought to do that.
David brought the plant in today, it's most definitely sunburn. All the lower new growth that was shaded looks perfect. He's been keeping the plant in the dark and the pots heavy. I told him to put all his plants outside, on the East side of the house, and make sure no sunlight after noon sun hits. I want them outside to dry off some. The weather is fair so the temps are not an issue until we see what after Thursday brings.
Thanks for all the input!
Well, well, well. the well has been completed! A little over $12K, the last 12 months have been a bit pricey here with a new AC system and well, and a few other small things like a new freezer last weekend, due to a failure. But one can only go so long on old equipment. I can't think of but one device that's old, the garage freezer. Bring it on!
The well at 300' is in 130' of water, the pumps at 220'. This is so it won't pump sand. It's 40' above the .020 slots that allow water to enter the casing, so we should be good. The old well was probably blown out with air and has torch cut slots in the casing, it's always pumped sand, AND bits of the rotting casing. I was told this well should outlast me, which is cool considering it was drilled in a major drought.
Looks like a good course of treatment. Nice of you to help him out so much... Got to cultivate new chile heads just as you cultivate the peppers themselves.

Congrats on the pump! Nice stats, and nice to be able to complete a project and move on.

Have fun at the range!
maximumcapsicum said:
Looks like a good course of treatment. Nice of you to help him out so much... Got to cultivate new chile heads just as you cultivate the peppers themselves.

Congrats on the pump! Nice stats, and nice to be able to complete a project and move on.

Have fun at the range!
Thanks Adam,
I want them to be successful, and yes I'm cultivating chili heads, it's fun!
Thanks on the pump. I buried some pipe today but we had a lot of garden work we wanted to get done today. I still have to run it to clean it out before we hook the house up. What I like is 1 1/4" pipe! Maybe I can get some volume to the garden?
The range is out the back door. I set it up several years ago, dang I forgot to shoot this morning...but will ;)
We put several hours into the garden today.
Put some maties and peppers in the hoops house, hope they do OK. This is an experiment for me!


This freed up 11 pots, yes!
Here's the temp stats:
45 was 56 cloudy
46 was 70 sun out for just a bit 2-3
45 was 60 clouded up 2-3
64 and 70 at 4:30 sunny 2-4
47 and 80 at 3:30 sunny 2-5
31 and 52 at 1:00  cloudy 2-6
30 and 50 at 2PM  cloudy 2-7
37 and 41 at 8AM cloudy 2-8
cold as hell 2-9 to 2-13
68 and 93 3:30PM Sunny, all day 2-14
68 and 94 12 noon Sunny all day 2-15
77 and 80 3PM both ends opened up, thermometer shaded by a piece of cardboard 2-15
Pepper shots in the dirt! I only planted what I had several of, call me chicken.
Tam Jal

Aji Lemon or is it Limon? I dunno


Everyday Jal

Scotch Bonnet, store bought seeds. Like kind of Annuum like.

Mystery plant. Funny, I have a few of these. We shall see!

Potato patch, LB did a lot of the digging. I'm so lucky to have a wife that likes to work in the garden with me.
That's 4 rows, should be plenty!

Hard to see but one of the two double rows of Onions
Woot! Scott's got it goin' on in the dirt! :onfire:  I'm surprised you didn't put down any black plastic mulch before planting outside, but will be keeping an eye peeled to see how your experiment goes. Since you're breaking new ground, I can understand risking only the redundant plants... it might make for some controls in your experiment... you plant some now and plant the rest when you normally would have to see which ones do the best for growth and productivity. Cheers Scott!
stickman said:
Woot! Scott's got it goin' on in the dirt! :onfire:  I'm surprised you didn't put down any black plastic mulch before planting outside, but will be keeping an eye peeled to see how your experiment goes. Since you're breaking new ground, I can understand risking only the redundant plants... it might make for some controls in your experiment... you plant some now and plant the rest when you normally would have to see which ones do the best for growth and productivity. Cheers Scott!
Right now we have really warm weather for the next 7 days, I'm worried about too much heat in there. When the wind died down right after I covered the hoops it was 92° in there with both ends open, then the wind started some and it went back to 80°. If the weather turns to cold I'll be putting the black plastic down for sure. Oh and yesterday hit 92°!
Pinoy83 said:
yayyyy...on the dirttttt...
I know it!
Always good to get some dirt under the fingernails!
Being a few pots were freed up I moved three over that needed to be in bigger shoes.
I really like this plant and the purple veins. Brown Egg

Bahamian Goat

Giant White Hab
Everything is looking great.
You're digging in the dirt already....you lucky so and so :)
On your row cover, is that like plastic, of is it breathable?
Those peppers you can cover with a 5 gal bucket if you're afraid of a cold night.  You can wash off a frost if you get to it before the sun hits them too.
By the time I plant out, you will be over 100 degrees out!!!
JJJessee said:
In The Dirt!
Thanks JJJ!
Spring is a comin'! The early work is done, 2 weeks before corn and the others go out. Hoping for seasonal weather! AND not what we've been having!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Everything is looking great.
You're digging in the dirt already....you lucky so and so :)
On your row cover, is that like plastic, of is it breathable?
Those peppers you can cover with a 5 gal bucket if you're afraid of a cold night.  You can wash off a frost if you get to it before the sun hits them too.
By the time I plant out, you will be over 100 degrees out!!!
Thanks Jeff!
It's just 4 mil clear plastic, not breathable, but it does some with all the air leaks at ground level.
I've used the 5 gal buckets in the past to shield the plants, works really well!
And yes, I'll be whining about the 100°s sho enough!
The 7 day forecast.

Otis on the mend, nose still roughed up...

His worst damage was behind his ear. He wouldn't sit still for a clear shot..

Thanks for all the positive reinforcement, he's truly a family member.
Hi Scott,

Amazing you already have some plants in the ground! I love it! It's freezing here, so it is good to see some nice weather...it means there is hope :-)
Beautiful plants, you have there!
What happened with Otis? By the way, he has a very clever face, much more clever than many people :-)
Keep posting those nice pics, my friend!

Scott, Great to see the hoop house with plants in the ground!  That forecast is mighty attractive indeed.  Lets hope for the best!  Glad Otis is well!
Have a great weekend!
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Scott,

Amazing you already have some plants in the ground! I love it! It's freezing here, so it is good to see some nice weather...it means there is hope :-)
Beautiful plants, you have there!
What happened with Otis? By the way, he has a very clever face, much more clever than many people :-)
Keep posting those nice pics, my friend!

Thanks Balázs
Two dogs, a Doberman and a Pit Bull dug under our fence, they came from a homestead 1/4 of a mile away. Otis took the hit, the two Rat Terriers did OK, one was bitten but Otis took those two dogs on until he was totally exhausted. He lay panting for 30+ minutes after we caught on as to what was happening, we were asleep. By then he was so bitten up it took 5 towels to clean the blood off him, some how they never got to his vitals. Although I don't care at this point about the dogs that attacked ours, I would say he put a serious hurt on them. He's been attacked before by 3 and he whooped them, 55lbs of muscle and loose skin that I'm sure helps him in such endeavors. He's not a mean dog or a fighter, but he has the tools to defend himself and his girls. And you mention his clever face, he's one of those dogs that need not be trained, he just listens. He's a really gentle sweet guy that loves to please. But a fantastic watch dog. But so good that all I have to do is call him over when someone new comes by and pet him and say it's OK Otis. Just a perfect dog!
capsidadburn said:
Scott, Great to see the hoop house with plants in the ground!  That forecast is mighty attractive indeed.  Lets hope for the best!  Glad Otis is well!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Mike!
I hope your weekend is a relaxing one!
And yes the forecast is just perfect! Can't we have that year 'round?
Otis is doing better day by day, he's not favoring his right side like he was. He was walking with his head hung down to the right. I think the damage to his ear bothered him quite a bit.
HillBilly Jeff said:
So glad your dog is on the mend.  I would love to have your lows for my highs right now!!!
Thanks Jeff!
Otis is a special dog. I had one once before 30 something  years ago. Suzy was just like him. It's like she was reincarnated. She was a full blood Pit Bull, and not a mean bone in her body. Walked my son to the bus stop every morning, that's the only time she went off our property, and off course she picked him up in the afternoon.
You'll have those temps soon enough, by then I'll be whining about the everyday 100° temps.

I almost forgot. This blows me away. LB is making salsa. She came across a recipe via Greg, that she and I both loved. She made a 25% batch last week; now she's going for the gold!
Just goes to show ya, a little here, a little there, and they will assimilate!

Edit: OK a cold rum drink is calling me...