• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Garden's looking great and it's nice to see someone growing Manzano's in the heat. it gives me some hope that the one Jason, GA Growhead,  sent me might just make it though I'm thinking I'm going to be picking up some shade cloth :)
Here's having this bizarre winter over and finally getting down to some growing :cheers:
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice job Scott. The plants are lookin better. I'm not going to have that kind of action until August I'm guessing. Nothing like strolling thru the garden and munchin on fresh fruit and veggies. Thanks for the update.
Thanks Chuck!
We're just on different schedules, most likely I'll be done by late June. IF the peppers can hang with 3-4 days between watering I'll keep a few. The downside is the garden gets no rest, and neither do I :shh:
Barley-pop57 said:
Hi Scott,
Your garden is looking sweet !!!!  Impressive pics !!!!  Keep up the great work
Thank you sir!
I appreciate the good vibes!
Jeff H said:
Plants are looking amazing. They are all really taking off this spring aren't they. You'll be one of the 1st this year to be swimming in ripe pods.
Thanks Jeff!
They went from sickly yellow to exploding in a 10-12 day period. Lesson learned about a 3-15 dirt day for the Chinense. Next season 4-1.
RocketMan said:
Garden's looking great and it's nice to see someone growing Manzano's in the heat. it gives me some hope that the one Jason, GA Growhead,  sent me might just make it though I'm thinking I'm going to be picking up some shade cloth :)
Here's having this bizarre winter over and finally getting down to some growing :cheers:
Thanks Bill!
They growing nicely, and I have 5 or 6 in varying sunlight. Taking advantage of a huge Live Oak.
Sunshade works great, been using it for 2 years, Bought some more this season to bring my covered total to 1,200 square feet. This place has really good prices:
I use the 30%, the 20x40' cost about $165.00, hoping I get 10 years out of it.
And yes we had the same cold winter, even colder than Fla.
jedisushi06 said:
i give this glog two thumbs up!  
Thanks Mikey!
Barley-pop57 said:
Hi Scott,  Looking good my friend !!!!  Your already on page 58 w / comments....sure sign of a good job.  Keep up the great work and pics !!!!
Thanks Mike!
Always appreciating good vibes ;)
Look at all those pods!!!
I grew the white bhut for the first time last year, and loved the flavor.  Mine came out with less heat than the red, and a much sweeter taste.  I thought it was very different for a bhut, and was one of my favorite tasting peppers I tried last year.
Pulpiteer said:
Look at all those pods!!!
I grew the white bhut for the first time last year, and loved the flavor.  Mine came out with less heat than the red, and a much sweeter taste.  I thought it was very different for a bhut, and was one of my favorite tasting peppers I tried last year.
Thanks Andy!
I got the seeds from Walkgood, I'm really hoping they come out as you just described.
Pinoy83 said:
pods poopppinnnng....fooods makin me hungryyyy....everything looking good scott :hell: :hell: :hell:
Thanks Jericson!
Things are finally coming together! Getting quite a bit of wind at the moment, but they'll hang.
Have a great week!
HillBilly Jeff said:
You have some serious poddage going on.  I'm less than a month from dirt and can't wait.  Color me jealous..!!!!
Our time is coming soon!
Great sets of pics, Scott.  You're setting so many pods already!  Really sweet - can't wait for my turn!
btw - You were oh so right.  My plants are already monsters and it's a few weeks yet before I can kick them out of the basement.
HillBilly Jeff said:
You have some serious poddage going on.  I'm less than a month from dirt and can't wait.  Color me jealous..!!!!
You'll have those pods kicking all summer, especially with those beauties you have growing!
Me I'll be done early July unless I decide to water them for 90 days more to get a second crop. I just hope the first crop gets after it, I may not have a second wave with the heat.
cone9 said:
Our time is coming soon!
Great sets of pics, Scott.  You're setting so many pods already!  Really sweet - can't wait for my turn!
btw - You were oh so right.  My plants are already monsters and it's a few weeks yet before I can kick them out of the basement.
Thanks Dave!
Can't wait to see them podding up for you!
Devv said:
Thanks Rick!
I planted 2 types of Cilantro, one bolted behind my back this week, from what we read they're toast flavor wise. Maters, heck yeah! Cut way back and just planted 30 this season.
All the Annuum's are kicking it, and the Chinense are starting. We have a fast spring and a long summer. Start early and end early ;)
If the Cilantro goes too quick for you, you might want to check out Culantro... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eryngium_foetidum
I have some started with seeds I got from Baker Creek that's looking good. It likes the hot weather as long as you give it shade, and it's more pungent than Coriander, so it doesn't lose its taste when it's dried. You have that shade netting, so I would think it'd be a slam dunk. :)
jedisushi06 said:
I get one chance at a crop out here! You should get a nice one on the first run!
I'm sure hoping for that!
I looked at last season, I put the sunshades up May 17th.
The 5 day forecast still has 80's which are in my favor. I see a lot of progress this week!
stickman said:
If the Cilantro goes too quick for you, you might want to check out Culantro... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eryngium_foetidum
I have some started with seeds I got from Baker Creek that's looking good. It likes the hot weather as long as you give it shade, and it's more pungent than Coriander, so it doesn't lose its taste when it's dried. You have that shade netting, so I would think it'd be a slam dunk. :)
I need to try that Rick, I pinched the other Cilantro yesterday, was just trying to bud. Been a crazy week at work and here too!
Enough that we're taking a brain day Monday, but I'm sure they'll call me in for something..
Scott you've accomplished a ton of work since the first seeds were dropped. Don't know how you and a few others here manage to care for the garden plots with a full time job, along with other priorities. Hat's off to you folks that can take what's a hobby to most and turn it into a serious accomplishment.

It's a pleasure to view peppers on the plants at this an early of a stage. Half of my plants are still in the growroom while the others are hardening off in the coldframes....no pods yet, but lots of open flowers...

That's how I cut my steaks, 1.5", sometimes 1.75" depending on the loin.

That's a beech about the corn...any type of pre-treatment for the worms prior to planting?

Cucumber beetles are usually my problem around here. I try to plant the summer squash and cuke's later, usually early June when the soil drys up.

Have a great weekend !
OCD Chilehead said:
Sounds like it's all working out. Good to hear the weather is in your favor finally.
Thanks Chuck!
The weather is good for a another two or three weeks, and then the real heat kicks in. Sunshade time!
PIC 1 said:
Scott you've accomplished a ton of work since the first seeds were dropped. Don't know how you and a few others here manage to care for the garden plots with a full time job, along with other priorities. Hat's off to you folks that can take what's a hobby to most and turn it into a serious accomplishment.
Thanks Greg!
The only reason I can do this is my hours. I have an 8 hour day, no OT allowed, and it runs 6AM to 2:30PM

It's a pleasure to view peppers on the plants at this an early of a stage. Half of my plants are still in the growroom while the others are hardening off in the coldframes....no pods yet, but lots of open flowers...
Ah, but it's early for you. I'll be done and you'll have months to go. The heats my cutoff, unless they can hang while I travel. I'm really trying to get them to have a huge root system and be able to survive our trips. Just too many to rig on timers this year. And no one nearby to help, that I can trust. My son moved:(

That's how I cut my steaks, 1.5", sometimes 1.75" depending on the loin.
Nothing like a nice thick steak cooked medium rare ;)

That's a beech about the corn...any type of pre-treatment for the worms prior to planting?
I feel it's the organic gardening, corn just needs to be sprayed. Or very closely managed, I'm hoping the BT powder does the trick this season.

Cucumber beetles are usually my problem around here. I try to plant the summer squash and cuke's later, usually early June when the soil drys up.
I'm trying spring cukes, the farmers plant August 25th for a late crop and do well. So we do that as well. We get stink bugs here, they sting (I guess that's it) Tom's and peppers later in the season. They're a beetle I guess.

Have a great weekend !
You too! We're playing hooky Monday, we both have days to burn ;)
The last 2 weeks have been good to my garden, the plants are kicking in nicely! I'm thinking about putting the sunshades up this weekend. I already seen some sunburned pods.
I tried taking a few pics and it's too bright. Will do in the morning.
But here's what I took:
Pepper rows 1 and 2, doing the best, that's a 2.5 gal jug, and the corn is 6' tall now.

Crappy pic of the in the dirt Manzano, full sun. The others are in semi shade. But this one is the one with flowers everywhere. Hope they set!

Jimmy Naredello, already ripe pods!
thirdcoasttx said:
Man I wish I had that much space!! Looks real good!!!
cypresshill1973 said:
MeatHead1313 said:
Looking great Scott! Hope you can get the corn problems sorted, and the manzano's set some pods for you. And congrats on the ripe Nardello's!
Thanks for the good vibes!
Hoping the weather stays like it is for 3 more weeks! Probably won't but I can hope!