• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
maximumcapsicum said:
Scott these photos are really fantastic. The JA Habs are making my mouth water. Slice up a couple of 'em and stick 'em in a lb of ground beef... basically my favorite burger du jour. 
What kind of camera are you using? Guessing these aren't iphone shots.
Hi Adam,
I use two cameras, don't own a cell phone, the ones above are with a 10 year old Cannon D60 with a Tameron 28-350mm Macro, not a true macro IMHO. The lens I really want is $500...bought the second camera instead...I actually read the manual today and figured out how to NOT have it flash. It's an old school SLR (now a days) 6 mp camera. But can take great shots. The other is a Nikon Coolpix L820, it does better with a 18 mp chip  for taking the  outdoor shots as it has a wider lens.
stc3248 said:
Looks as though you're just germing under lights??? Works well in a grow area where you can maintain temps between 75 and 85 degrees. Maybe next year you order a heat mat and thermostat...set that sucker between 80 and 85 and they'll pop if they're going to pop. In spite of tough germination...you're still overloaded, so no biggie! You'll be giving away buckets of pods by May!
I have 1 of 3 trays under the lights, which keeps the thermometer at 75-80°. The other two sit on the table in the dining room, yeah LB loves me! I know I could do better with the heat mat, but dang spent so much this year already. $400.00 on dirt, $200.00 on lights. PH meter...and it goes on. Next year will be an easier sell to the wife. I still want more shade cloth, which means expanding the frame system....we'll see.
And yes, way over loaded...half the fun eh?
Thanks for stopping by!
PaulG said:
All right, new seeds, and a pile o' red habs!
Doesn't get much better than that.  
The little fellas are looking good, too!
Hi Paul,
I let those Habs get really ripe to harvest the seeds, they were that red a week ago. So soon they will be in the mail ;)
Thanks for the good vibes!
Devv said:
Hi Adam,
I use two cameras, don't own a cell phone, the ones above are with a 10 year old Cannon D60 with a Tameron 28-350mm Macro, not a true macro IMHO. The lens I really want is $500...bought the second camera instead...I actually read the manual today and figured out how to NOT have it flash. It's an old school SLR (now a days) 6 mp camera. But can take great shots. The other is a Nikon Coolpix L820, it does better with a 18 mp chip  for taking the  outdoor shots as it has a wider lens.
I have 1 of 3 trays under the lights, which keeps the thermometer at 75-80°. The other two sit on the table in the dining room, yeah LB loves me! I know I could do better with the heat mat, but dang spent so much this year already. $400.00 on dirt, $200.00 on lights. PH meter...and it goes on. Next year will be an easier sell to the wife. I still want more shade cloth, which means expanding the frame system....we'll see.
And yes, way over loaded...half the fun eh?
Thanks for stopping by!

Hi Paul,
I let those Habs get really ripe to harvest the seeds, they were that red a week ago. So soon they will be in the mail ;)
Thanks for the good vibes!
Cool Scott. We actually have the same camera, but most of the photos I upload here are from my iphone's camera. Quick and easy. Need to do some nicer shots when the plants get a little further along though.
maximumcapsicum said:
Cool Scott. We actually have the same camera, but most of the photos I upload here are from my iphone's camera. Quick and easy. Need to do some nicer shots when the plants get a little further along though.
Well poop, I hit the limit "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"
One thing I'm "trying" to do is take better pics for this glog. I've shot weddings, and other events and they came out great, but plants are "hard" (ever see the movie up?) the composition portion is way harder than people. I still have a long way to go as far as I'm concerned, I'll get there ;)
Devv said:
Well poop, I hit the limit "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"
One thing I'm "trying" to do is take better pics for this glog. I've shot weddings, and other events and they came out great, but plants are "hard" (ever see the movie up?) the composition portion is way harder than people. I still have a long way to go as far as I'm concerned, I'll get there ;)
Rule of thirds, bud! You definitely have the foreground/background thing down pat.
stickman said:
Very nice looking pics Scott...  and welcome back from your fling with sin... ;)  If ya broke even and had a good time you still came out ahead. Cheers!
Thanks Rick,
We hardly ever break even, but have fun. The first day we were up a few hundred, of course that doesn't last. I guess one could compare it to going to a club, you can easily drop a few hundred. It made my bride of 34 years happy, so I'm good!
maximumcapsicum said:
Rule of thirds, bud! You definitely have the foreground/background thing down pat.
Thanks Adam!
Today was a busy day, I up-potted 47 plants, if they were large and in the 6" pots they went to the 1gals, most were just starting to get root bound. The 3.5's and solos went into the 6" pots. Another 7 or 8 seedlings stood up and went into solo cups. I have 7 or 8 hooks I should be able to put in cups in the AM.
I wanted to take picks but the day flew by...film at 11
Have a safe and Happy New Years!
Devv said:
Thanks Rick,
We hardly ever break even, but have fun. The first day we were up a few hundred, of course that doesn't last. I guess one could compare it to going to a club, you can easily drop a few hundred. It made my bride of 34 years happy, so I'm good!
Thanks Adam!
Today was a busy day, I up-potted 47 plants, if they were large and in the 6" pots they went to the 1gals, most were just starting to get root bound. The 3.5's and solos went into the 6" pots. Another 7 or 8 seedlings stood up and went into solo cups. I have 7 or 8 hooks I should be able to put in cups in the AM.
I wanted to take picks but the day flew by...film at 11
Have a safe and Happy New Years!
Another newish question... how do you know when a plant is root bound? I have some general ideas but I was wondering if there was anything specifically you looked for.
I consider a plant root bound when the roots start to make circles at the bottom of the pot. There's no recipe to this other than experience. I can say this, when the plant is as tall as the pot it's been in since a baby, it's time to look at one and see where it's at.
Tomorrow I'll have the time to take some pics...
Makes sense. I am still getting a feel for when peppers are root bound. Ficus trees take a couple of years, but I think the bonchis go through spurts of growth and can become root bound in a matter of a month or so. Wonder how much root pruning they can take...
Great glog Devv. Looking forward to more pics!
Yeah, when they are that tall they should be root bound.  Checking pellets is pretty simple.  Then it is just one pot up before the plant out.  If I planted my annuums now, they'd be trees before they hit the garden lol.
Jeff H said:
Scott, with all those annuums popping, you are starting 2014 with a bang. Can't wait to see the updated pics. 
Hi Jeff,
I had 10 more or so stand up, and they're in cups. I have a few pics I'm going to post below, today flew by quick!
maximumcapsicum said:
Makes sense. I am still getting a feel for when peppers are root bound. Ficus trees take a couple of years, but I think the bonchis go through spurts of growth and can become root bound in a matter of a month or so. Wonder how much root pruning they can take...
Great glog Devv. Looking forward to more pics!
Thanks Adam,
I'm going to do some research because a few of the larger ones will have to be cut back and I'm sure the roots will too. Or I may just sell the larger ones, so I learned, start in mid to late November next year...
HillBilly Jeff said:
Yeah, when they are that tall they should be root bound.  Checking pellets is pretty simple.  Then it is just one pot up before the plant out.  If I planted my annuums now, they'd be trees before they hit the garden lol.
Last year was my first year growing from seed, no lights, just a south window. They grew soooo slow. This year with the lights the difference is amazing; my start this season was based upon last years experience.
capsidadburn said:
Just checking to see if you had a hammock up in some of your plants yet!
Happy New Year Scott!
They are getting bigger than expected. I made some changes today; lowered the shelf and am going to run the T5 24x7 and rotate the plants every 12 hours. Hoping the taller ones fit. The top is filled with the tiny gals.
Happy New Year Mike! Hope it's a great year for you and yours!
I wanted to take a ton of pics today, but there was too much to do around here.
This is 64 pepper plants that got new shoes between today and yesterday, a few maties in there too.

These are the latest arrivals:
Mostly Annuum's, the one with the plastic is my first Manzano to pop, dang it if it's not wearing a helmet. Trying to keep it moist, hoping it doesn't rot.

These are the remaining youngin's, a few are maties, most popped in the last few days.

It was warmer today, finally! When it hit 50° the older plants went outside, and the OW's got to come out of the shop. They will have to be moved back in later, along with the 7 boxes of peppers.
This is the Red Bhut, doing OK for spending 3 out of the last 4 weeks in the shop. This plant was hammered by mites last year while young, in the center you can see where they killed the main stem.

True Reaper

JA Hab

Thai, I want to make this a desk plant, such a pretty plant

I wanted to post more but we stayed up too late last night :D  I behaved and no hangover :drunk:
Happy New Year!
The Army masses!  Now were talkin' !  I only kept 5 OW's this year and I may let that go down to 3. 
At least you behaved!  I pretty sure I misbehaved cause I remember my wife kissing me at midnight while I slept on the couch.  Not  the way  it's supposed to go down I think!
My clock is different that everybody else's here!
Keep em coming Scott!
GA Growhead said:
Looking Good Scott!
Happy New Year!
Thanks Jason!
Happy New Year to you and yours, may it be the best ever!
capsidadburn said:
The Army masses!  Now were talkin' !  I only kept 5 OW's this year and I may let that go down to 3. 
At least you behaved!  I pretty sure I misbehaved cause I remember my wife kissing me at midnight while I slept on the couch.  Not  the way  it's supposed to go down I think!
My clock is different that everybody else's here!
Keep em coming Scott!
Hi Mike,
I think I have 10 OW's. Way too many, and way too many plants!
I don't know how we stayed up, we're 4 AM people.
I forgot to post my updated list....the @ means that at least one is alive..LOL the * means a new seed.
C. Chinense:

@ Bahamian Goat-Jason
@ Barrackpore-Jamie
@ Bhut x Y7 F2-SPiceGeist
@ Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist
Bishops Crown-store
Black Congo-store
@ BOC-Mike  
@ Bonda-Annie
@ Brainstrain-Jamie
@ *Brown Egg-Jason
@ BubbleGum 7- Mike via Jason
@ Choc Scorp-Ramon
@ choco bhut-douglah-Spicegeist
@ Cumari do para-Mike
@ Datil-Jason
@ Devils tongue-store
@ Douglah-Rick
@ Douglah x Butch T x Superhot-Spicegeist
@ Fatalli-store
*GA Black-Jason
*Green Hornet-Jamie
@ Giant Yellow 7-Annie
@ Giant Yellow Brains-Annie
@ JA Hab-Ramon
@ Jay's Peach Ghost Scorp-Mike via Jason
@ Jays Red gost scorp-Mike via Jason
@ Jigsaw-Dale
@ *Madame Jeanette-Stefan_W
@ MOA-Ramon
@ Mystery Red-Jamie
@ Peach Bhut-Annie
@ Red Bhut-Ramon
@ Scotch Bonnet-store
@ Sepia Serpent-Mike via Jason
Tobago Seasoning-Jason
@ Tobago Treasure-Jason
@ Trin Choc Bonnet-Mike via Jason
@ Trin perfume-Annie
Trin Scorp-Ramon
@ TS Moruga X Bhut-Spicegeist
@ TSMB-Annie
@ White Bhut-Ramon
@ White Hab-store  
@ Yellow 7-Matt
@ yellow brain-Jamison
@ Yellow Cardi-Jamie
@ Yellow Fatalli-Annie

C. Baccatum:

@ Aji Pineapple-Jason
@ Aji Crystal-store
@ Aji Limon-Annie
Bishops Crown-Jason
Inca Red Drop-Annie

C. Pubescens:

@ Red Rocotto-store
@ Manzano-Rick via Shane

C. Annuum

sweet hungarian paprika-Rick-Habenerohead
Espelette Basque-Mike-Patrick
@ Onza Roja-Mike
@ Jals-Jamie
@ Kurtovska Kapija-Rick-Misterno
@ Tam Jals
@ Jals
Costeno Amarillo-Mike
Thai Red
@ Serrano
@ *Paprika Stefan_W
*Jimmy Nardello-Jamie
*Billy Biker-Jamie
*Numex Jalamundo-Jamie

On your helmet head, have you tried taking nail clippers and gently trim some of the outside edge?  I have done this and saved them, I have also popped their heads off, and a few times I found the coty to be dead.  But generally speaking, I have found that if I don't help, I don't remember any success.  Now I didn't keep them under plastic like you're doing either.