• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Devv said:
Yeah, it tripped me out. I saw Stefan (meatfreak) post, clicked and his post wasn't there.  Then I started digging.
Fresh garden grown corn is a fav! Nothing like picking it and eating it a few minutes later.
Once the rain stops hit them. I use liquid nutes and they go away when we have a lot of rain. Tomorrow is 7 days since rain and time to hit them, well just the lamers ;)
You got that right!  I miss the days I used to grow sweet corn.
And about all the lost data.   Maybe it has nothing to do with the server.  Perhaps we experienced a small rip in the space time continuum.  You should go check the garden.  That corn might be back on the stalks and you could pick and eat it all over again!
cone9 said:
You got that right!  I miss the days I used to grow sweet corn.
And about all the lost data.   Maybe it has nothing to do with the server.  Perhaps we experienced a small rip in the space time continuum.  You should go check the garden.  That corn might be back on the stalks and you could pick and eat it all over again!
Hah! I've lost days before, but that was in the '70's! ;)
A few shots to post whilst I'm cooling off.
Dirt Manzano.

And sporting poddage, well just one ;)

OW Funky Reaper growing like crazy all of a sudden. Just can't beat Ma Nature's drinks.

Primo kicking in too!

Some color finally on the Bishops Crown

JA Hab OW setting larger pods, I need to snip a few :party:

Jungle thang going on.




Well breaks over. I just love my string trimmer!
thirdcoasttx said:
Let me know how those bishops crown taste. I got some seeds for that and am thinking about putting them in a dwc. Great lookin pods hope you are having a great sunday!
Thanks! I sure will, this is my first year growing them, so I don't know what to expect ;)
Hope your Sunday is a good one!


El Chunchorito

Today's Green Bean pull.

Todays pull...

LB is making some salsa...
Thanks Stefan!
Those white pods are the first pods from Ramon's White Bhut. They're rather small but I expect larger ones later on.


Made with fresh tomatoes
Red and Green Bells
Apple Cider Vinegar
Black pepper.
Devv said:
??????????????????? ;) ;) ;)
Sorry Scott... guess I was having senior moment brought on by extreme busyness... :P  I posted here yesterday but the post seems to have disappeared somehow?!
     Oh well, I'm lovin' the look of the sweet paprika pods! How did you like the taste of the Kurts? If you're looking for something to do with those Orange Habs, Ramon's "Tres Alarmas" sauce recipe was really tasty when I made it with mine last year.
     Dang! that last round of pics show you've really got it goin' on! Continued success brother!
You're really getting some nice harvests.   The plants are thriving.  We can water but somehow it's just not the same as rain.  A good shower at the right time makes a world of difference in the garden!
thirdcoasttx said:
Let me know how those bishops crown taste. I got some seeds for that and am thinking about putting them in a dwc. Great lookin pods hope you are having a great sunday!
I've grown bishops crown for three years in a row now and I can tell you that they are delicious, sweet and fruity around the outer lobes and just a bit of heat in the placenta in the middle section, overall just a very nice tasting pepper. But again very little heat!
Tearing it up Scott!!! Those JA Habs look like red tennis balls!!! So far ahead for June 1st!!! You're gonna have a crazy year picking all them pods!!!
thirdcoasttx said:
Let me know how those bishops crown taste. I got some seeds for that and am thinking about putting them in a dwc. Great lookin pods hope you are having a great sunday!
The BCs are a very sweet...and very mild baccatum if you only eat the pod flesh, but if you throw in some of the placenta they got a little bite to them. All of the heat is concentrated in the center placenta. Make great stuffers and snackers, that anyone can enjoy. The plants can get MASSIVE...the one I grew two years ago went over 12' by season's end. 
did you can up that salsa?  Cadence says she can't play that song yet.  Plants are looking soooo goooodddddd! Take a little time for howlin at the moon!
Here's my favorite banjo player singer song writer, besides John Hartford of course.

stickman said:
Sorry Scott... guess I was having senior moment brought on by extreme busyness... :P  I posted here yesterday but the post seems to have disappeared somehow?!
     Oh well, I'm lovin' the look of the sweet paprika pods! How did you like the taste of the Kurts? If you're looking for something to do with those Orange Habs, Ramon's "Tres Alarmas" sauce recipe was really tasty when I made it with mine last year.
     Dang! that last round of pics show you've really got it goin' on! Continued success brother!
No problem Rick!
Yes, we lost 17 hours of posting the other day. What do you do with the Sweet Paprika pods Rick?
We made a stir fry with chicken and they were fantastic! The sad thing is something is eating a lot of the sweets. Not bugs, animals. Don't know if it's coon's or squirrels. I'm thinking coon's I never see squirrels in the garden.
Thanks for the good vibes!
maximumcapsicum said:
Send a can of that salsa my way! Just whooped up a big batch of myself today, but roasted the jals, onions, and garlic. I eat my weight in this stuff... Guess that's what got me hooked.

Your plants doubled in that rain. Looking very awesome.
Thanks Adam!
Yeah salsa got me going, then I ventured further ;)
This is salsa LB likes, it's in her heat zone, and great with chips and tacos. She made me smile yesterday when she picked up a JA Hab and said "JA Hab? This is for chicken quesadilla!"
Small steps ;)
Spicegeist said:
Wait... what's this?
That plant is from seeds I harvested from some pods Annie sent last season. The pods she sent were Yellow Fatalii, but I think it crossed with a Bhut. Brought it to work today and as soon as I tasted it I was slammed by the heat, as was everyone that sampled it. The taste was kinda of bitter, so I'm going to see what the next round of pods tastes like. It sure is a pretty pod though ;)
cone9 said:
You're really getting some nice harvests.   The plants are thriving.  We can water but somehow it's just not the same as rain.  A good shower at the right time makes a world of difference in the garden!
Thanks Dave!
The rain came at a perfect time, lot's of flowers now, I hope they set. The weather is still below 95° so my hopes are high. I was worried I may get some fruit splitting with over 3.5"s of rain, but so far OK!
chile_freak said:
I've grown bishops crown for three years in a row now and I can tell you that they are delicious, sweet and fruity around the outer lobes and just a bit of heat in the placenta in the middle section, overall just a very nice tasting pepper. But again very little heat!
Good deal!
I have plenty of heat in the garden and am looking for tasty peppers, these sound like they should do well. Thanks for the input!
Durham Bull said:
Ummmm... Salsa looks tasty!!!
i'll take a bowl, love the stuff.
Thanks Cy!
It's on the stove, we started it late and like to let it sit in the fridge and marinate before we balance the taste if needed. I need to mention that Greg (Pic1) sent me the recipe.
stc3248 said:
Tearing it up Scott!!! Those JA Habs look like red tennis balls!!! So far ahead for June 1st!!! You're gonna have a crazy year picking all them pods!!!
Thanks Shane!
The early start has been paying off! I don't have tons of pods out there but I have pods. I'm hoping for a representation from each plant before we travel. And hoping they can go 5 full days without water during the heat. So far they're doing well watering wise, which is a big deal here in sandy land ;)
The BCs are a very sweet...and very mild baccatum if you only eat the pod flesh, but if you throw in some of the placenta they got a little bite to them. All of the heat is concentrated in the center placenta. Make great stuffers and snackers, that anyone can enjoy. The plants can get MASSIVE...the one I grew two years ago went over 12' by season's end. 
Wow I have three of them, 12' is amazing! Thanks for the taste input! And I'm glad it's a pod LB will like too!
chile_freak said:
Very cool looking pods though
jedisushi06 said:
did you can up that salsa?  Cadence says she can't play that song yet.  Plants are looking soooo goooodddddd! Take a little time for howlin at the moon!
Here's my favorite banjo player singer song writer, besides John Hartford of course.
Haven't canned it yet, we cook it on low until the onions disappear, then let it sit in the fridge to balance the flavors. It will be canned though. The last time we made it we canned more than half and then I added a tsp of Reaper puree to the last 6 pints. That perked it up!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Pods look great. I think ramon and Steve moa from.the OG grow out crossed. I have yett to see true to shape pods from the second generation seeds. I'll post photos of two growers
Thanks Denniz!
I have one that's put out a few pods that look more like a MoA. But the first pods have been small. I'll just wait and see what they do down the road and go from there.
Thanks for the comments!
Wow-wee !
I'm thrilled to see the plants producing will solid gains. I've been away for awhile but after going back a few pages and reading your progress here it seems like I've missed a whole season. Quite a difference in plant size within a months time !
Nice "pizza and pico" photos.....perfect finish ...the cheese has that rich deep color throughout.
i bet Ramon appreciates the photo of the JA OW. Beautiful ripened pods and a very healthy plant.
Hat's off to you for getting one of the best looking OW plants within the glogs...
Lot's off awesome-ness happening here !