• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
WalkGood said:
Scott things are looking great your way mon, I agree my plants also look perked up when mama nature gives us dat sky water. The stuffed peppers look awesome and who better to make them than a ½ Italian, I haven’t made them for a long while now but I bet yours were super tasty! Now that we know you are ½ Italian we’ll be expecting some gourmet Italian cooking with plating shots to boot, hehehe

I’m glad to see you’re making some garbanzo dip and enjoying it, good great stuff! I appreciate the “big up” on that but from now on just call it Scott’s or Devv’s as you da driver in tu casa and it looks great brethren!

I love the shots of your Fathers Day celebration … what a fantastic smoking area under that big tree, simply awesome \o/ Your son and daughter must be great folk blessing you with those 3 awesome G-Kids … cool shot of dat humming bird!

Great harvest you provided your son with, mon you are living da life … Hat’s off brethren \o_
Hope you have a great week!
Thanks Ramon!
Italian recipes we have, most are based on the basic red sauce recipe...
stc3248 said:
Happy Father's Day Scott! Nice pull for your boy and the G-kids look magnificent! I know my neighbors see me walking around with my camera every day...pshttt. Who cares?

Thanks Shane!
stickman said:
S'right! Your friends don't care, and your enemies..... know where they can go... ;)
LOL, I agree!
koskorgul said:
Looking good Scott. Love the foodie pics.
Thanks Rob!
It finally dried out enough to hit the plants with some ferts today, a few pics below...
The wife warned me we had a visitor hanging around.

On our front porch under the firewood rack.

JA Hab's are starting to pickup speed.

Interesting looking Reaper

Waiting for some color here!

This Reaper has the most true pods..
Have a great week!
Scott great photos,  Reapers look gnarly, the inground plants look to be jumping and I can tell you had an enjoyable Father's Day.
I dig those stuffed peppers.....one of my favorites.  
Shane she might like a surprise package, hahahahaha ...
Scott those reaper pods and pictures are most definitely breathtaking, super job brethren!
Edit: give the JA Habs bigger shoes and they'll take off for you. Looking back at them VS the pod picks ... well you know what I mean, hehe
Awesome pictures from Father's Day!  Beautiful grandkids!!!  Thanks for sharing!
Couple of questions on the stuffed peppers.  Is the rice cooked or raw?  Instant or regular?  Does the stuffing not fall out of the pepper when they are floating in the sauce like that?  Never made stuffed peppers before, but for some reason thought they were baked in the oven.  At my house, they would probably just eat the stuffing and leave the pepper.  Hate to waste a perfectly good pepper on someone that doesn't appreciate it, but might make some for a potluck or something.
I with you on that Bonnie, at our house we do them in the oven, we mix a little rice with the meat and we make the kids eat the peppers. I know I'm WG da ogre, lol but now a days our oldest son loves peppers so that early intervention worked. Or should I say there's now less for mama and I, hehehe. Still working on our 13 year old, he's a tuff cookie.
Now after reading Scotts method, both my wife and I loved the idea of cooking it in sauce and we're going to give that a try .... yes I'm looking forward to reading Scotts reply as well but my guess is the meat stays in fine and the rice is cooked. Have a great day ^_^
That looks like a real happy place in the country, Scott...I'm more than a little jealous of you! All your pods and plants are really pretty, and I know your grand kids are a treasure to you.... :party:
I dig the frames over the garden...Are those for tomato trellises?
The plant stakes with the feather ornamentation are a very nice touch, too!
We ate a lot of stuffed peppers and galobki when we were kids. As I recall, they both had the same filling of cooked rice, chopped onions, seasonings and ground meat. Mom steamed the galobki and ladled the tomato sauce over afterwards... stuffed peppers were stood up in a casserole dish with the sauce poured over the top and baked.
stickman said:
We ate a lot of stuffed peppers and galobki when we were kids. As I recall, they both had the same filling of cooked rice, chopped onions, seasonings and ground meat. Mom steamed the galobki and ladled the tomato sauce over afterwards... stuffed peppers were stood up in a casserole dish with the sauce poured over the top and baked.
Rick that's awesome and the same as my mom did for us but I'm still interested in trying it out Scott's way too.
Scott how long is the cook time in the sauce?
PIC 1 said:
Scott great photos,  Reapers look gnarly, the inground plants look to be jumping and I can tell you had an enjoyable Father's Day.
I dig those stuffed peppers.....one of my favorites.  
 Thanks Greg! Those Reapers seem to be taking forever to color up, especially the Bhut looking Reaper which has had pods on it forever.
romy6 said:
 What Greg  said . Nice work my brotha :onfire:
Thanks Captain!
GA Growhead said:
Digging the pod shots! reaper madness!
Glad things dried out for a minute!
I'm thinking we're going to be in the hot zone here until late Sept. The rain really was a blessing even though I missed a few fert applications.
stc3248 said:
Uh oh...Pia is not gonna be happy about that one! Hahaha!!! Those Reapers need some acne meds! Really looking great Scott! Nice job!
LOL, I was thinking about dedicating it to her, now she's gonna call both of us azzes. That dang thing was a big as a softball! Those Reapers are getting way cool I must admit, dang it takes so long to get production..
WalkGood said:
Shane she might like a surprise package, hahahahaha ...
Scott those reaper pods and pictures are most definitely breathtaking, super job brethren!
Edit: give the JA Habs bigger shoes and they'll take off for you. Looking back at them VS the pod picks ... well you know what I mean, hehe
Thanks Ramon!
The JA's are going in larger pots this weekend, rain and ferts got them to kick in!
highalt said:
Awesome pictures from Father's Day!  Beautiful grandkids!!!  Thanks for sharing!
Couple of questions on the stuffed peppers.  Is the rice cooked or raw?  Instant or regular?  Does the stuffing not fall out of the pepper when they are floating in the sauce like that?  Never made stuffed peppers before, but for some reason thought they were baked in the oven.  At my house, they would probably just eat the stuffing and leave the pepper.  Hate to waste a perfectly good pepper on someone that doesn't appreciate it, but might make some for a potluck or something.
Thanks Bonnie!
The rice is raw regular rice, nothing falls out of the peppers, the ingredients congeal like a meatball. Actually we usually make them with just one bell and the rest are poblano. I just happened to have way too many bells this weekend. You could make it with one bell and the rest is meatballs.
WalkGood said:
I with you on that Bonnie, at our house we do them in the oven, we mix a little rice with the meat and we make the kids eat the peppers. I know I'm WG da ogre, lol but now a days our oldest son loves peppers so that early intervention worked. Or should I say there's now less for mama and I, hehehe. Still working on our 13 year old, he's a tuff cookie.
Now after reading Scotts method, both my wife and I loved the idea of cooking it in sauce and we're going to give that a try .... yes I'm looking forward to reading Scotts reply as well but my guess is the meat stays in fine and the rice is cooked. Have a great day ^_^
 Yes it does stay together, and LB uses 1.5 handfulls of rice per 1.5 lb of meat. She does cheat and use instant rice for the bed when she serves the meal.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
In grounds are looking great. I like the acne problems your peppers are having
I can't wait to see how they turn out!
windchicken said:
That looks like a real happy place in the country, Scott...I'm more than a little jealous of you! All your pods and plants are really pretty, and I know your grand kids are a treasure to you.... :party:
I dig the frames over the garden...Are those for tomato trellises?
The plant stakes with the feather ornamentation are a very nice touch, too!
Thanks Gary!
This place has been work, work, work for 25 years, but I wouldn't trade it for anything, the wife found it and just had to have it. Gotta keep mama happy:)
I love when the kids come over!
The frames are for the shade cloth, I have a 20x40'  30% that goes up as soon as it hits 90. It has really helped the sun scald on the peppers and tomatoes. Ahh the feathers are the ends of the arrows, I used to bow hunt a lot, those are the older ones that just sat around the shop.
OK so now the posting police doesn't like the # of responses....guess I need a response bump...LOL!
stickman said:
We ate a lot of stuffed peppers and galobki when we were kids. As I recall, they both had the same filling of cooked rice, chopped onions, seasonings and ground meat. Mom steamed the galobki and ladled the tomato sauce over afterwards... stuffed peppers were stood up in a casserole dish with the sauce poured over the top and baked.
Rick, ya just can't beat stuffed peppers!
WalkGood said:
Rick that's awesome and the same as my mom did for us but I'm still interested in trying it out Scott's way too.
Scott how long is the cook time in the sauce?
LB cooks them about 3 or 4 hours on low to cook the meat, this also allows the flavors to blend.
stickman said:
 Responses Bump... that's a new one on me...
LOL! Me too!
Sooo I did take some pics..very few...gotta find them the response thang threw me off..

A couple pics of the Moruga that I have been treating with the "Death by Rosemary"


She got her third and hopefully final treatment yesterday, still hanging in the shade. Well she didn't die:)
Actually the new growth looks good!

Cayenne's continue to produce, I didn't even pick them all, or look at the Jal's, I was hot and and I was a  sweatball!

Odie, who's not covered in blue chalk anymore....G-kids were over...
Thanks for coming by and spreading the love!
PIC 1 said:
The Mourga plant looks healthier than most of my plants that don't have issues, the treatment must have been a success.
 LOl Greg! 
I see your plants all the time :P
Thanks for the compliment!
Silver_Surfer said:
Very nice garden. Plants and pickin' are doin' mighty fine.
Careful around those potted plants though; someone's shootin' arrows at em.
First year with hot peppers and have learned a ton. Gonna try some of your tricks next year!
Thanks for stopping by!
So I came home and the container plants are drooping again, temps are running 75-95 and will stay close to that until mid Sept. Gonna look int what I can up-pot them too this weekend. Dirt growing is way easier!
Some picks....I found a bit of color this afternoon....

Whooohooo! Bhut Reaper is finally starting to ripen...

Just starting...

Potted Red Caribbean pods

Orange Hab in a container

First Primo pod, isn't it cute?

In the dirt Red Caribbean, loading up..
Thanks for stopping by!