• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Ok...so the way I see it is since you have two distince phenotype Reapers on several plants you're going to have to do side by side taste tests one following the next from each of your plants on one long vid...thoughts?
Haha...looking great! Coloring up and cooking in the South Texas heat! Ther're gonna be scorchers! We get huge Tarantulas down here by the droves. Pia will get over it, but she may have a few bad dreams!
NICE coloring up, Scott! :party:  And yeah, your Moruga looks greener, more lush, than mine that--I don't think--have problems. Yet. Love, love the "hues." (And Shane, must you torture Pia . . . yeah. Yeah, ya do: I commend you sir! ;) )
stc3248 said:
Ok...so the way I see it is since you have two distince phenotype Reapers on several plants you're going to have to do side by side taste tests one following the next from each of your plants on one long vid...thoughts?
Haha...looking great! Coloring up and cooking in the South Texas heat! Ther're gonna be scorchers! We get huge Tarantulas down here by the droves. Pia will get over it, but she may have a few bad dreams!
Thanks Shane!
Hmmmmm I say we let Mikey (Matt) try 'em, he'll eat anything...LOL..that's a brave man!
Yeah, I didn't post it to tease Pia, but what the heck we can run with it. She can give us a virtual slap in the head :D
Funny thing is since it showed up and since left, LB opens the front door real slow...and looks all around AND up..LOL
WalkGood said:
Scott you must have mastered that cam cause the pictures are superb mon! Keep dem coming \o/ Every little ting looks awesome ^_^
Thanks Ramon,
I'm learning on the flash shielding, I also cheat and take several so I can choose the best. My cam is NOT designed for what I'm doing. It's great for portraits and weddings, we've shot a few with it....
I borrowed a camera from our Journalism dept. to demo, trying to decide whether to buy a lens or a new point and shoot...
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
LOL, that's what I said:)
Dang, it's about time!
annie57 said:
NICE coloring up, Scott! :party:  And yeah, your Moruga looks greener, more lush, than mine that--I don't think--have problems. Yet. Love, love the "hues." (And Shane, must you torture Pia . . . yeah. Yeah, ya do: I commend you sir! ;) )
Thanks Annie!
Think I baby them too much?
So today I checked the garden and found three Reaper pods, two long and one true have holes in them...they look to be .17 cal sized. Grasshoppers? Will have pics tomorrow, have off and can shoot some pics in the AM...much better than at 3:30-4:00PM
Have a great evening!
Very nice! That red carib is definitely podding up like crazy. I had a few of those this year, but I ended up giving them away because I am not a huge fan of habs. How do you find their taste compared to other habs?
Devv said:
… I'm learning on the flash shielding, I also cheat and take several so I can choose the best. My cam is NOT designed for what I'm doing. It's great for portraits and weddings, we've shot a few with it …
Flash Shielding and/or filtration is good both indoors and outdoors (remember da sun) hope that gives you a jerry-rigging-idea. I’m cheap and have never bought one but I use my light tent folded up as the cloth offers and excellent shield or filter and da-real-macoy can be expensive. I hear you on the cam’s design, we all have handicaps and even still you work around it and produce great pictures, hat’s off on your photoging \o_
Devv said:
… I borrowed a camera from our Journalism dept. to demo, trying to decide whether to buy a lens or a new point and shoot …
Good on you testing a PAS first, there are certainly some great new ones on the market. If this is a substantial investment I would recommend looking for one that shoots camera RAW even if you don’t start out using it, with your mad skills you will eventually and it makes a world of difference. Good luck with the search amigo!
Devv said:
… So today I checked the garden and found three Reaper pods, two long and one true have holes in them...they look to be .17 cal sized. Grasshoppers? Will have pics tomorrow, have off and can shoot some pics in the AM...much better than at 3:30-4:00PM …
You are a brave sole leaving them on the plants. I would have picked them, cut them open immediately to make sure there’s no worms that could move to more pods. Looking forward to seeing ma spics, have a great day off brethren!
It's 6:24 here and I have no "like this," IIRC I've only used a few this morning ... frustrating to not be ables to just dish dem suckers out ... I shall return but for now


Devv said:
So today I checked the garden and found three Reaper pods, two long and one true have holes in them...they look to be .17 cal sized. Grasshoppers? Will have pics tomorrow, have off and can shoot some pics in the AM...much better than at 3:30-4:00PM
Ouch! Maybe you could sacrifice one of the pods to find out what may be inside. I know Earwigs and Borers will tunnel into pods... no clue what your issue may be.
Have you thought about doing a write-up about your experience making and using Rosemary oil to control mites? If you do, I bet the Boss would pin it for future reference. That one looks like a keeper!
Stefan_W said:
Very nice! That red carib is definitely podding up like crazy. I had a few of those this year, but I ended up giving them away because I am not a huge fan of habs. How do you find their taste compared to other habs?
Hi Stefan!
I've haven't tried them yet. This is my first year growing anything hotter than a Cayenne, and my first year from seed. So I'm a late bloomer I guess:)
WalkGood said:
Flash Shielding and/or filtration is good both indoors and outdoors (remember da sun) hope that gives you a jerry-rigging-idea. I’m cheap and have never bought one but I use my light tent folded up as the cloth offers and excellent shield or filter and da-real-macoy can be expensive. I hear you on the cam’s design, we all have handicaps and even still you work around it and produce great pictures, hat’s off on your photoging \o_
Oh yeah, started doing the shielding outside first, the plant canopies block enough light to trigger the flash. Without a shield everything is white...LOL I'm cheap too, why spend if you don't have to.
Good on you testing a PAS first, there are certainly some great new ones on the market. If this is a substantial investment I would recommend looking for one that shoots camera RAW even if you don’t start out using it, with your mad skills you will eventually and it makes a world of difference. Good luck with the search amigo!
Any camera I buy would have to really excel in close quarters, mines a 6 mega pixel, now they have 12 and above, also its ASA or ISO tops at 1000, now they are above 1600, possibly higher. Don't know if it's the chip or the firmware, no updates available for my camera. For those that don't know what ASA or ISO is, it's the speed of film, and now converted into the digital medium. When we had to use film, the average speed was 200, 400 (and possibly 1000) was available but it was slightly grainy in comparison but excelled when shooting sporting events because it supported faster shutter speeds. With film, faster meant a trade off in sharpness, color, and overall quality. This trade off,  IMHO opinion has been mastered in digital cameras, because the chips can "see" better than film. Anyways all of this translates better low light and hi-speed shots.
You are a brave sole leaving them on the plants. I would have picked them, cut them open immediately to make sure there’s no worms that could move to more pods. Looking forward to seeing ma spics, have a great day off brethren!
I'm going to remove the pods this morning for inspection, pretty sure it's grasshoppers, they're everywhere...it's always something...
It's 6:24 here and I have no "like this," IIRC I've only used a few this morning ... frustrating to not be ables to just dish dem suckers out ... I shall return but for now


Thanks for the compliments and positive input!
stickman said:
Ouch! Maybe you could sacrifice one of the pods to find out what may be inside. I know Earwigs and Borers will tunnel into pods... no clue what your issue may be.
Have you thought about doing a write-up about your experience making and using Rosemary oil to control mites? If you do, I bet the Boss would pin it for future reference. That one looks like a keeper!
I'm going to have a look today, I thinks it's grasshoppers..
I haven't thought much about it, I'm a little leery still. The whole thing got started with Annie's mention of the 217 product, I checked into it and the price was over $60.00, a bit high for my tastes. I mentioned that I need to figure out how to make it. Well Ramon came up with the video, I just happened to have a ton of Rosemary. So I made some and sent it to him. He did the initial testing as my plants were in remission from sulfur treatments. So I don't feel I deserve the credit for the whole project.
It really seemed to work well, and one does have to keep the plants out of direct sun while treating. But I think before we hail this as the new mite treatment we should do more testing. My issue is control, in my environment I could eradicate the mites and they just move back in hanging onto whitefly legs, as there's just too much open country around me here.... So I never know if it truly does what it's supposed to. Does that make sense?
Devv said:
I haven't thought much about it, I'm a little leery still. The whole thing got started with Annie's mention of the 217 product, I checked into it and the price was over $60.00, a bit high for my tastes. I mentioned that I need to figure out how to make it. Well Ramon came up with the video, I just happened to have a ton of Rosemary. So I made some and sent it to him. He did the initial testing as my plants were in remission from sulfur treatments. So I don't feel I deserve the credit for the whole project.
It really seemed to work well, and one does have to keep the plants out of direct sun while treating. But I think before we hail this as the new mite treatment we should do more testing. My issue is control, in my environment I could eradicate the mites and they just move back in hanging onto whitefly legs, as there's just too much open country around me here.... So I never know if it truly does what it's supposed to. Does that make sense?
Crystal Scott... if you have unanswered questions about it, I'm sure other people will too, so prob'ly you're wise to hold back yet...
OK, so I demoed a Nikon Coolpic L110 today, borrowed from our Journalism Dept.
So far I'm impressed, I've been really fighting to get decent shots with my 10 year old Cannon D60.
So get ready for the blitz!
First off I could never shoot ANYTHING in the house (well hardly) cuz flash would white-out the pic, so I'll start with a few...

Today's haul....

I like the corking this Jal has.

Jal's ready for dehydrator.

3 trays of Cayenne's to dry. Dang I hate picking and cutting all of those! Last year I'm growing them!
Some outside shots....

Reaper pushing 35"s, I could never get a wide angle shot like that...liking it!

Now that's well hung quite a tail! Loving this camera!

Almost there!

So I really can't justify buying this camera for posting. It's $229.00 for the newer L810 model...
But LB said I want one for vacation....SOLD!
Bump please...
stickman said:
Bump... holy cow Scott... you've got the Harry Reems of peppers! Lol!
Thanks Rick!
 Haha I was reading your glog:)

Pepper Alley shot...

Primo pod...

All the Red Caribbean's are looooaaded

Assorted Reaper Pods...

Container plants, Primo out front...

Reaper in container, this IMHO is the typical Phenotype for a correct Reaper...based upon the dirt Reapers...we'll see at poddage time...almost there..plenty of flowers..

Reb Bhut in the dirt..

Poblano's loading up again, stole the rope idea from Bonnie!
That's it for now!
Holy South Tejas what a haul \o/ I had slim pickings in comparison today in Cayenne’s only 9, hehehe and you gotz 3 trays … awesome brethren. Beautiful shots all around, super job … mon that Reaper’s tail looks as long or longer than the pepper from the angle in the photo clearly well hung ROFLMAO
Glad you like the new cam, seems to sing in your hands ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
Love the look down pepper alley, now you just need to put up street signs as dem arrows won’t do there as the jungle comes up. Primo’s, Red Caribbean’s, Red Ghost and Poblano’s all kicking azz. I can see you quadrupling your hauls in da very near future, overwhelming, splendid, tremendous … Have a great weekend brethren!
Wow, Scott!  I try to get caught up mid-week, but it just doesn't seem to happen.  Lot's going on there in Tejas!  First off, congrats on the new camera!  Now back to your regularly scheduled programming... ;)
Those stuffed peppers looked amazing!  Glad you had a great 'Q on Father's Day.  On the next one you can break out the, by then, well-used camera and really give the neighbors something to talk about!  Loved the shot of your grandkids.  The one in the center looked so serious and the one on the right looks like she is having a great time! 
That tarantula was cool!  Haven't see one of those since I was a kid. 
Loving the phenotypes on your Reapers.  One of them looks very brainy.  My understanding is that the Reaper is a cross between a Pakistani Naga and a type of Red Hab.  That Bhut-like one is probably displaying the Naga features.  Looks cool.  And great tails on the others! 
Your Moruga looks like it did well with the Death by Rosemary treatment.  I'm going to have to try that if I can't keep them under control here.  I wonder if it works for whitefly?
Odie looks like a great dog.  Just kickin' it and being cool. 
Lovin' the Primo shots.  What a great chile, phenotype and all!  Awesome that even your little baby pods are already sportin' tails!
Nice harvest!  Love the corking on the Jals.  Glad to see you have the dehydrator fired up again, ready for more powders. 
And then the shot of pepper alley...love it!  Keep it up, bro!
Now, those are what I call Carib Red pods, Scott! :clap: Wherever did you get that seed? Mine always wind up more round than elongated/round like that. It's all good, but still. Looking brilliant, hon! Quite a haul of peppers for drying! I crushed some Carib Red and Harold St. Barts, dried/jarred, to go on pizza last night. And like the rope idea from Bonnie--ya gonna need it--a few shovel handles or TREES to brace those gorgeous BIG healthy plants!!! LOVE this!
Scott, Great stuff here!  Nice pod gnarl too!  I've been using the same D60 for several years and would like something new.  Don't know what or when that will happen.  Seeing your screens reminds me what I need to be doing.
Have a good day!
stickman said:
Dang Scott, you may not like the heat but your chiles do! Everything's looking awesome.
Thanks Rick!
I really don't mind the heat, it's the sweating...LOL I really thing the sunshade helps in this full sun garden.
WalkGood said:
Holy South Tejas what a haul \o/ I had slim pickings in comparison today in Cayenne’s only 9, hehehe and you gotz 3 trays … awesome brethren. Beautiful shots all around, super job … mon that Reaper’s tail looks as long or longer than the pepper from the angle in the photo clearly well hung ROFLMAO
Glad you like the new cam, seems to sing in your hands ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
Love the look down pepper alley, now you just need to put up street signs as dem arrows won’t do there as the jungle comes up. Primo’s, Red Caribbean’s, Red Ghost and Poblano’s all kicking azz. I can see you quadrupling your hauls in da very near future, overwhelming, splendid, tremendous … Have a great weekend brethren!
Thanks Ramon!
I like that little cam, easy to focus. Mine has a viewfinder which makes low down shots hard...unless you lie on your back!
Back atcha on the great  weekend!
DocNrock said:
Wow, Scott!  I try to get caught up mid-week, but it just doesn't seem to happen.  Lot's going on there in Tejas!  First off, congrats on the new camera!  Now back to your regularly scheduled programming... ;)
Those stuffed peppers looked amazing!  Glad you had a great 'Q on Father's Day.  On the next one you can break out the, by then, well-used camera and really give the neighbors something to talk about!  Loved the shot of your grandkids.  The one in the center looked so serious and the one on the right looks like she is having a great time! 
I took like 6 pics of them, either Lynzee, on the left was looking down, or Lorelye in the center was not looking at the camera. Lilly on the right knows how to take a pic! Thanks for the compliments!
That tarantula was cool!  Haven't see one of those since I was a kid. 
That's the second or third in 25 years here, they don't show up much. The wife's still careful about going out the front door..LOL
Loving the phenotypes on your Reapers.  One of them looks very brainy.  My understanding is that the Reaper is a cross between a Pakistani Naga and a type of Red Hab.  That Bhut-like one is probably displaying the Naga features.  Looks cool.  And great tails on the others! 
I can't wait to see how they all turn out as they mature, the ones that have the more correct phenotype are not putting the heavy load of pods that the Bhut like one is. I saw some (young) Douglah pics this week, and it looks a lot like those too.
Your Moruga looks like it did well with the Death by Rosemary treatment.  I'm going to have to try that if I can't keep them under control here.  I wonder if it works for whitefly?
I'm sure it will! PM me if you want some.
Odie looks like a great dog.  Just kickin' it and being cool. 
He is super sweet and obedient, but will jump in the pool in a heartbeat...and finds skunks. He's banned from the house until the smell goes away...LOL
Lovin' the Primo shots.  What a great chile, phenotype and all!  Awesome that even your little baby pods are already sportin' tails!
Nice harvest!  Love the corking on the Jals.  Glad to see you have the dehydrator fired up again, ready for more powders. 
And then the shot of pepper alley...love it!  Keep it up, bro!
Thanks for all the compliments!
romy6 said:
 Holy shit I don't drop bye for a few days and your garden is exploding with evil pods. Good action  :party:
Thanks Captain! means a lot coming from the podmeister!
annie57 said:
Now, those are what I call Carib Red pods, Scott! :clap: Wherever did you get that seed? Mine always wind up more round than elongated/round like that. It's all good, but still. Looking brilliant, hon! Quite a haul of peppers for drying! I crushed some Carib Red and Harold St. Barts, dried/jarred, to go on pizza last night. And like the rope idea from Bonnie--ya gonna need it--a few shovel handles or TREES to brace those gorgeous BIG healthy plants!!! LOVE this!
Hi Annie!
Actually I bought those off a seed shelf at Lowes....yeah the Cayenne's have been producing like crazy. I have to pick them every few days. That's a weeks worth in the dehydrator.
Thanks for the kind words! The garden has surpassed my expectations already this year. And those chinense plants are such beautiful plants to grow!
capsidadburn said:
Scott, Great stuff here!  Nice pod gnarl too!  I've been using the same D60 for several years and would like something new.  Don't know what or when that will happen.  Seeing your screens reminds me what I need to be doing.
Have a good day!
Thanks Mike! I believe you recently were mentioning lying on your back taking pics, low shots are tough when you have to use the view finder. What lens do you have on the D60?
Made some dried sausage yesterday:

We use this seasoning, but substitute Prague Powder #2 for drying. I'm pretty sure this comes with #1 for smoking.

Making 25lb's 50-50 pork-venison, the pork was frozen over 2 months to kill any trichinosis.

Stuffed and ready to hang.

It's got to hang and dry to touch before I smoke it.

My little electric smoker.

Smoked, and will be dry enough to eat in about 7 days.
