• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
WalkGood said:
As expected everything looks great, plants & pics. Mon the pods on your Red Caribbean look so much like my variegated JA Hab pods it’s amazing ... Love the jungle shot too!
Thanks Ramon!  Those Reds made out to a good size and are heavy producers!
GA Growhead said:
Welcome to the jungle, Scotts got what you need. Jungle. ♪♪ :D

Reaper #5 looking good!
Can't wait to see how the pod developes, It may be one of the last set for awhile. Looks like 100's are rolling in:(
stickman said:
C'mon Ramon... no GunsNRoses references... you're slackin' bro' ;)
 Rick, That's what I was thinking as I typed it!
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great Scott!  Finally got caught up, but it was awesome seeing it all!  You got a sick setup man and some great plants brother! Keep it up, the heat only goes up from here!
Thanks Matt!
Wow you read it all? Brave soul you are LOL..
I'm hoping some of the long looking Reapers are ready this evening, the green is almost all the way gone form the pods...
Stefan_W said:
Great looking grow!
Going back to our last conversation, I would avoid store bought garlics. A lot of very good garlic can be found online, and you definitely would notice the difference in the end. If you want I can send you some of mine to get you started. 
Thanks Stefan! I'm hoping the Tejas heat rolling in doesn't bring things to a screaching halt, I'm especially worried about some travel time we have coming up...been testing the timers and trying to tweak them so I don't have any loses.
I appreciate the Garlic offer!
Hey, Scott, your harvests and pod shots look great.  Your shade cloth
jungle is made to order - nice solution to the summer heat.  Good luck getting
a handle on the insects chewing your pods.  I usually get a few pods with a
hole drilled in them.  One I picked off and cut open had two earwigs inside.  
Barf.  Made me queasy just looking at them lounging in the pod, and they
don't even like the capsaicin.  I have found that Neem oil is pretty effective
in our climate.  When I use it, i will find chew holes started, but not finished,
so maybe it actually does what they say it does.
Good luck going forward, brother!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Put tape on the reaper.. when i accidentally snapped mine by sitting on it... i duct taped it and it worked out fine....
I was moving the sprinkler walking backwards and landed on my butt, the hose wound up right down the middle of the plant...I wasn't happy. It's locked in place pretty well and at this point I hate to disturb it.
PaulG said:
Hey, Scott, your harvests and pod shots look great.  Your shade cloth
jungle is made to order - nice solution to the summer heat.  Good luck getting
a handle on the insects chewing your pods.  I usually get a few pods with a
hole drilled in them.  One I picked off and cut open had two earwigs inside.  
Barf.  Made me queasy just looking at them lounging in the pod, and they
don't even like the capsaicin.  I have found that Neem oil is pretty effective
in our climate.  When I use it, i will find chew holes started, but not finished,
so maybe it actually does what they say it does.
Good luck going forward, brother!
Hi Paul! Thanks for stopping by and the compliments! We all have our challenges, be it cold, heat, drought, too much rain, critters, or bugs. It's what keeps us thinking and just makes us better. It's a great reason to plant too many!
Good god Devv, I've been missing out. Just went back and read through the last half of your log, you've got some good stuff going on. That venison sausage looks fantastic too!
TXCG said:
Good god Devv, I've been missing out. Just went back and read through the last half of your log, you've got some good stuff going on. That venison sausage looks fantastic too!
 Thanks TX! And thanks for stopping by!
That sausage should be ready come Sunday. Most of it I give away....I like the free deer hunting :D
Just a small update...
Finally a plate shot of the Stuffed peppers, set on rice and smothered with gravy and Romano cheese!

Picked a few Reapers and Red Caribbean's today!

This one is the first container plant too show color, Red Caribbean

Container Reaper pod, it got some bumps...we'll see what it does. It's set a few more tiny ones..

Container Primo, I removed the arrow. This pod is getting chafed in the wind against the feathers...correct phenotype?

It's pushing 100 here and sure to get there these next few day. I moved the container plants under a Live Oak tree, only allowing morning sun. It's also windy enough to dry things out. The dirt grow needs water every day, still trying to dial that in.
Weekend is getting closer.
Have a good one!
Geez Scott, I can just about visualize temps near 100 this time of year, but not for 8 weeks! I hope you get a little respite in there somewhere!
stickman said:
Geez Scott, I can just about visualize temps near 100 this time of year, but not for 8 weeks! I hope you get a little respite in there somewhere!
 Hi Rick!
Usually it's around 94 all summer, sometimes we have the 3 to 5 day 100+ spikes. But yeah, until around Sept. 15th!
GA Growhead said:
Primo looks good!
Sweet little harvest!
Gonna try one tonight and see how hot they are!
Lots of stuff going on there, Scott!  Loving the home made pork/venison sausage.  That looks killer!  So does the turkey jerkey and the rack of ribs.  Very nice. 
Lots of pods setting.  Great variety of phenos on the Reapers.  Sorry to hear about the .17 cal holes.  Nice harvest of the annuums.  No worries, the chinense are coming soon.  :) 
GA Growhead said:
Sweet! Let us know!
I will if I survive!...LOL
FreeportBum said:
Great pics!
Thanks, was looking at your grow...well done!
DocNrock said:
Lots of stuff going on there, Scott!  Loving the home made pork/venison sausage.  That looks killer!  So does the turkey jerkey and the rack of ribs.  Very nice. 
Lots of pods setting.  Great variety of phenos on the Reapers.  Sorry to hear about the .17 cal holes.  Nice harvest of the annuums.  No worries, the chinense are coming soon.  :)
Thanks Doc!
We've been busy!  I'm waiting for the mass ripening that's due soon!
PaulG said:
You have some great pods coming on, Devv!
Thanks Paul!
Now I know how everyone feels, the wait and all the obstacles...getting closer!
Hola Scott hope all is well in dat heat ... we have it as well now so I know how bad it feels. Not to mention the stress it drives the plants through, lucky you have the shade cloth. If I suffer any losses I'll have to reevaluate my grow spots. Not much we can do about it ... guess if one wants to live in a paradise like yours or mine its something one must put up with. The plating of the stuffed peppers is astounding, great job mon and it looks delicious! Pics are all looking great brethren, I can see you are working your magic with that new cam ^_^
Reapers and Carib Reds look awesome, love the color! Congrats on your harvest … So tell me how you are going to use them, have you tried them yet and are we to stay tuned for a Devv review ;) The Caib Red in the pot going thru the color change is cool, I love to watch the transformation take place till they’re just right to pick and eat ^_^

Container Reaper and Primo still need some time but have a very nice look about them, bet you can’t wait to pick dem bad girls and pop dem in your mouth ;)
Hope you have a great evening!
WalkGood said:
Hola Scott hope all is well in dat heat ... we have it as well now so I know how bad it feels. Not to mention the stress it drives the plants through, lucky you have the shade cloth. If I suffer any losses I'll have to reevaluate my grow spots. Not much we can do about it ... guess if one wants to live in a paradise like yours or mine its something one must put up with. The plating of the stuffed peppers is astounding, great job mon and it looks delicious! Pics are all looking great brethren, I can see you are working your magic with that new cam ^_^
Reapers and Carib Reds look awesome, love the color! Congrats on your harvest … So tell me how you are going to use them, have you tried them yet and are we to stay tuned for a Devv review ;) The Caib Red in the pot going thru the color change is cool, I love to watch the transformation take place till they’re just right to pick and eat ^_^

Container Reaper and Primo still need some time but have a very nice look about them, bet you can’t wait to pick dem bad girls and pop dem in your mouth ;)
Hope you have a great evening!
Thanks Ramon!
Watering every day! Never grew in a container before...ever,  5gal pots don't cut it some, are needing water twice a day. It's says 98 on the porch now..
Aight, I've never eaten anything hotter than a Cayenne before. I cut open the three smaller Reapers and all of them had black seeds, like some kind of rot...dunno what causes that. I chunked em.
The largest one was nice and clean inside, the placenta was a nice light orange-pick color. The seeds looked nice too. The fragrance was fruity, but a little sharp, not as sweet as the aroma when I de-seeded the peppers Jamie sent me. I cleaned the seeds out and cut a piece about 1/3 of the half and popped it in my mouth. LB said "what are you doing!?" I answered "dunno".
I chewed it completely for about a minute (or so it seemed), until it completely dissolved, no heat yet. I could taste the somewhat fruity-pepper taste. I guess the taste matched the fragrance. Next came the burn, granted I only ate a small piece but it kicked in! In my case the burn was mainly a tongue burn. I don't know how long I waited before I instinctively took a swallow of beer, didn't even think, just did it after perhaps 2-3 minutes. The burn was hot but not that bad. But not having a reference point, but it was HOT! The burn lasted about 7-10 minutes and started to subside, but I could still taste the pepper. I felt a mild burn in my esophagus, but no biggie. Now 20 minutes later I can still taste the pepper and my mouth feels like I ate pizza that was too hot...LOL.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Nice description Scott, it seem like you enjoy it ^_^[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]For me it’s all about the taste first then the heat (picante). I do the same, I cut out 3 or 4 slivers and also some slivers of the placenta to taste as well. I like to identify the taste in order to give me an idea of how I will use that kind of pepper. Good job mon! Not sure about the black seeds, but they're bad ... kinda like they rotted in their own juice and I've seen it before. As long as the pepper looks fine I've gone ahead an eaten it but tossed the seeds like you.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]I tasted my second Chocolate Scorpion the other day, first one was one that Jamie sent and now from my plant (seed from PIC 1, Greg). Funny I found more taste in the placenta but am having a hard time identifying the taste … guess I’ll have to eat a few more, lolz.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Have a great one brethren and thanks for the taste description![/SIZE]
WalkGood said:
[SIZE=10.5pt]Nice description Scott, it seem like you enjoy it ^_^[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]For me it’s all about the taste first then the heat (picante). I do the same, I cut out 3 or 4 slivers and also some slivers of the placenta to taste as well. I like to identify the taste in order to give me an idea of how I will use that kind of pepper. Good job mon! Not sure about the black seeds, but they're bad ... kinda like they rotted in their own juice and I've seen it before. As long as the pepper looks fine I've gone ahead an eaten it but tossed the seeds like you.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]I tasted my second Chocolate Scorpion the other day, first one was one that Jamie sent and now from my plant (seed from PIC 1, Greg). Funny I found more taste in the placenta but am having a hard time identifying the taste … guess I’ll have to eat a few more, lolz.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Have a great one brethren and thanks for the taste description![/SIZE]
Thanks Ramon!
To be honest without the swig of beer it would not have been near as good. I just wanted to taste it to see where it's going to fit in around here. I'm going to try one again but not make a habit of it...LOL.
I forgot to mention this elongated phenotype has a super thin skin and not many seeds. At this point I'm going to save the seeds for those who want them and use these for powder.
Well my new camera came in today, glad I live in a small town. I had to hunt the postman down because the office is closed this week and they stopped deliveries.
I have to get used to it but it's way easier to shoot closeups in macro mode.
So here's a few pics:
I guess I have to be more vigilant.

Found this bastard on the Jal, I pulled it off and went lizard hunting, left it near dead by where they hang out.

Hmmm found this on one of the young JA's

Found a baby hornworm and blended it in with the dirt.
Starting to see more color. Red Caribbean

Elongated Reapers


While posting this pic I noticed the hornworm egg, had to run and pull it off the plant. (down and right of the pepper)
Reapers seem to love the heat we've been having...

Some Gnarly pods, check out the bumps..


We made it to Friday!
You had me fooled with your great skills I thought you were already using the new cam and I didn’t check the meta data, great job!

Sorry to read you have the hornworms now, I’ve never seen it so bad here. Great catch on spotting the egg, I’ve done that where you’re looking at a picture you take only to run out to pluck some bad bug ...

Whoa all the pods & plants look illustrious \o/ but man dem bumps on dat Reaper make it look super smexy. Bet you can’t wait to eat da whole ting ;)
Hoping you have a great weekend brethren ^_^