• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Bodeen said:
Great looking harvest!!!
Thanks Jeff!
Stefan_W said:
Great harvest shots! I was looking at all of your assorted plants and I figured you need some tabasco peppers. Just let me know if you want some seeds. 
Thanks Sefan!
PM sent:)
Cartz said:
I've just started giving your glog the attention it deserves Scott. Wow...yet another great grow and amazing read! Thank you in advance for the couple more hours I'm going to enjoy getting through this from page 1. Staying on top of all the great glogs on THP is becoming a full time gig!
Thanks Nathan!
I try to keep up, but that's impossible! Lot's of fantastic information to be had!
WalkGood said:
Nice clean up or thinning and wow what a great harvest, I'm assuming you are going to multch around them next?
Thanks Ramon!
I mulched around the transplants and still need to get it under the existing plants. I simply ran out of gas yesterday, or maybe the Shiners called me? :cheers:
FreeportBum said:
Very nice harvest, they look great.  How often does it rain where you are? 
Thanks Devan!
Not nearly enough rain around these parts the last 8-10 years, the closest lake is @ 4% capacity. I'm hoping things will turn around soon. Last year my early garden grown March to July never saw a drop of rain..

wahlee76 said:
Looking great! I'm off to have lunch :P
Thanks Wally!
Sawyer said:
Sweet looking harvest, Scott.  What are the big white ones in the last picture?
Thanks John!
Hows things going?
Those my friend are banana peppers, great in a salad, or to just munch on.
'Yall have a great week!
FreeportBum said:
Wow  :shocked:   Wish I could send some rain your way, all it did this summer here was rain it seems. all the peppers I had in pots here I think I watered once maybe twice the whole season.  all the best
Actually we got .6 today, temps down to 75 as the cells rolled in. The hurricane south of us is supposed to keep us in some rain for a few days. The ranchers who plant oats should be happy.
I have watered every day since May, gets kinda old. That's why I added the heavy dirt again, it should help!
Durham Bull said:
great haul... and the plants look great. Nice, green & big
I don't know if I like the snake though...
Now if they would all set pods, the supers, I'm hoping!
And that's the second rattler this year in the garden. That's why I did the transplant this weekend.
Thanks for stopping by!
Lookin great Scott, I am planning on spreading things out much more next season so I can get between the rows and not worry about breakin branches and messin with critters.  I am really kicking myself for workin outside yesterday without a sunshade....shirtless WHITE boy in the sun for 3 or 4 hours = crying RED boy today....
MGOLD86 said:
Lookin great Scott, I am planning on spreading things out much more next season so I can get between the rows and not worry about breakin branches and messin with critters.  I am really kicking myself for workin outside yesterday without a sunshade....shirtless WHITE boy in the sun for 3 or 4 hours = crying RED boy today....
I haven't had sunburn in awhile, but I've had my share. The worst ever was a sunburned scalp. Yeah, I really learned my lesson this year on spacing peppers!
Thanks for the compliments and have a great week!
WalkGood said:
Scott the rattlers will keep da pod bandits away, especially me, lol
Sorry I missed this earlier, had a few minutes at work and rushed my visit.
LOL. if you can get past Otis, Pudding, and Peaches, you can have the pods. Poisonous snakes scare me big time. The cool thing is we have Black Indigo's here, and they get huge. Rattler's are a snack for them...LOL
They're not native but protected because they're beneficial. I was walking back to the house from the shop a few years back and heard my daughter scream, off the roof comes a tree snake with the Black Indigo hot on it's trail. The speed of these two really surprised me!
Glad they got there safe Ramon! They are little pods...but they pack the punch! And darn it I wanted to put some powder in there too!
I too received a box O pain this morning, from Matt....

A couple are missing..whoops we ate them at work. A coworker walked in as I was opening the box and was leery...and he needed to be! So we started off with one labeled SMFI Red Hab, a nice tasting pepper. It was kind of mild, but had a nice flavor, it would really work nice in a salad. And I've been eating more salads lately to drop a few "vacation pounds" LOL
Next we tried the Yellow 7, I really like this pepper, it's the second one I've tried and definitely a winner. I love the fragrance and the taste. I ate five pieces sharing it with different people, everyone liked it. Only one thought it was really hot. I rated the heat between a Hab and a super, being closer to the supers. But the way it comes in is really nice. It doesn't slam you with burn, it tapers in really nicely allowing you to taste the pod completely. I do think if I ate a whole one it would kill me LOL, so I stuck to pinky finger nail sized pieces.
Gonna try more later after I've had something to eat.
Thanks Matt for the gift!
WalkGood said:
Ahoy dat Matt sent some buxom pepper beauty arrr don't forget da grog!
Hope you have a jolly pirate weekend \o/
Anytime buxom is in a sentence...well I refuse to comment...LOL I guess you can see where my mind resides..
I ate a slice of the Assam, the taste was there, true Bhut flavor. This baby has some kick! I only ate a small portion of the tail and it is a potent pepper!
Devv said:
Anytime buxom is in a sentence...well I refuse to comment...LOL I guess you can see where my mind resides..
I ate a slice of the Assam, the taste was there, true Bhut flavor. This baby has some kick! I only ate a small portion of the tail and it is a potent pepper!
That's just a little pirate speak ... bux·om - adjective \ˈbək-səm\ of a woman : healthy and attractive with large breasts
So how was the Assam taste beyond tasting similar to a Bhut?
WalkGood said:
That's just a little pirate speak ... bux·om - adjective \ˈbək-səm\ of a woman : healthy and attractive with large breasts
So how was the Assam taste beyond tasting similar to a Bhut?
Ah yes the pirate speak...and my comments have to be censored..LOL any elaborations would show my true colors :D
To me it was a true bhut taste, just like the red bhut, although yours tasted the best of the 3 I've tasted flavor wise. It's going to work with me for further tasting during "taco time".
Have a great evening!
Today was rough day, came home from work a few hours early. Don't know if it was food poisoning or some weird virus, either way neither really ever bothers me. I can eat when I have the full blown flu, the wife can't get by that...
But today was different, without getting into details, all I can say is DAMN!
Anyways, I'm sipping rum drinks now and feel better :party:   I didn't get to taste all the peppers I wanted to today, maybe tomorrow.
One cool thing is it's raining, and when it rains here it's a big deal. We got .6 on Monday. I never emptied the rain gauge, but it was 1.7 this afternoon and it's still raining lightly with more forecast. A good soaking rain, although we really need the close to flooding type to replenish the lakes and aquifers. I don't wish flooding on anyone, but around here it's either just a little or too much, we and that's the whole area really needs, the too much.
Winds are out of the north, the plants are taking on some real wind...temps around 70, been cloudy all week.Those plants really should be setting pods and I'm looking forward to checking them in the morning.
have a great weekend!
And hopefully some new poddage this weekend!
So what happened with the tree snake vs. Black Indigo race?  Did the tree snake escape or did the Indigo have lunch?
I think one of my reapers may be a funky reaper.  Maybe not as bumpy, and it's not ripe yet, so I can't comment on flavor, but the shape looks a lot like the picture above.  I got the seeds from one of the main three vendors.  I don't remember which at the moment, but can look it up.
Edit:  I should refresh before posting.  Bummer about the bug.  Hopefully the rum will fix things right up.
And :woohoo: on the rain.  I got at least a couple of inches here last night and this morning, haven't checked the gauge yet.  Hopefully we'll cruise into fall with enough moisture.