• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Bummer about the funk Scott!  Hope it doesn't mess with your weekend.  We got a couple inches between last night and today.  Looks like the line of storms stretches over Gary's place and on up to Tennessee.  Much needed, but too much all at once.
Have fun tasting pods this weekend.
Sorry to hear the bug has hit you too Scott... first Annie, then Matt, and now it's down in Tejas. Looks like your rain is headed our way today or tonight, which put the kibosh on my salt-water fishing trip, but I'll grab what I can on a lake today before it gets here. Hope you feel better soon, and the pods start kickin' in to boot.
BTW... I came across this blog from India that talks a bit about how the locals use Naga chiles.  http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2012/12/21/cooking-with-the-chili-that-will-blow-your-mind/
This stuck in my mind because I gather that the Reapers were bred in part from Naga chiles.  Making a hot oil with Mustard oil as a base is pretty straightforward... I use Mustard oil when cooking greens, but to make it less pungent, I heat the oil in the pot until it smokes and turn off the heat and let the oil go back to room temperature. If you do that, it gives the oil a nice, nutty flavor that goes well with mild-tasting veggies. The author doesn't mention this in the article, so I assume it's not used for this application. I also thought it was interesting that the recipe for pork cooked with the Naga peppers is not dressed up with a lot of other spices, as Indian curries often are, but rather enhanced and allowed to stand on its own.
capsidadburn said:
Bummer about the funk Scott!  Hope it doesn't mess with your weekend.  We got a couple inches between last night and today.  Looks like the line of storms stretches over Gary's place and on up to Tennessee.  Much needed, but too much all at once.
Have fun tasting pods this weekend.
Thanks mike,
Over the worst of it, rested today, which killed me because it's so cool (80) out for a change.
We got 1.9 total since Monday, am I'm ready for more. Down here the ground soaks it up like a sponge.
stickman said:
Sorry to hear the bug has hit you too Scott... first Annie, then Matt, and now it's down in Tejas. Looks like your rain is headed our way today or tonight, which put the kibosh on my salt-water fishing trip, but I'll grab what I can on a lake today before it gets here. Hope you feel better soon, and the pods start kickin' in to boot.
BTW... I came across this blog from India that talks a bit about how the locals use Naga chiles.  http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2012/12/21/cooking-with-the-chili-that-will-blow-your-mind/
This stuck in my mind because I gather that the Reapers were bred in part from Naga chiles.  Making a hot oil with Mustard oil as a base is pretty straightforward... I use Mustard oil when cooking greens, but to make it less pungent, I heat the oil in the pot until it smokes and turn off the heat and let the oil go back to room temperature. If you do that, it gives the oil a nice, nutty flavor that goes well with mild-tasting veggies. The author doesn't mention this in the article, so I assume it's not used for this application. I also thought it was interesting that the recipe for pork cooked with the Naga peppers is not dressed up with a lot of other spices, as Indian curries often are, but rather enhanced and allowed to stand on its own.
Thanks Rick,
I'm leaning towards food poisoning. It hit me 30 minutes after eating a Chorizo and egg taco yesterday, and it hit hard! I haven't had a stomach virus that did anything more than make my stomach gurgle a little since I was 10 or 12. Not to say it wasn't, but I don't know anyone who's been sick either. The creeping cruds usually come around November down here.
I read the article and bookmarked it. I'm amazed at the uses people come up with using chili's. I'm going to have LB pickup some Mustard oil the next trip into town.
I didn't get anything done today except for bagging seeds, I have peppers to pick and will get some pics taken in the morning. It was very windy today, it's finally slowing down some.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
This morning at sunup it was 59, felt great to be outside in the cooler weather and I even got a bit done. But not quite as much as I had planned for the weekend.
I moved the bag ladies to full sun on the drive way. They're all flowering nicely.

The Red Caribbean had a few ripe pods.

First Moruga pod

The JA Habs are podding as well. Nice large pods.


Took the sunshade down yesterday, that's about all I did..Group shot of the now thinned out jungle, got some wind damage, but not much. Gonna move the wind break to the shade frame this week.

This gal continues to flower and set pods.

This Reaper finely set some pods in earnest, it's got about 15 on it and flowers everywhere.

Another Red.

Today's pick, a bunch of small Pob's in there. We threw away about 45-50 assorted pods that stink bugs and grasshoppers hit.

Monday's just roll around to fast!
Enjoy what's left!
I guess it really is turning to Autumn when you finally take down the shade netting Scott... It must get pretty gusty for you too to put up a windbreak so soon. Do those mini-Poblanos have as tough a skin as their full-grown siblings? If not, maybe you could use them for poppers... ;)
I used one of your Funky Reapers to make up a great-tasting Apple-Raisin chutney that'll warm the cockles of your heart... I think LB might even like it since it's not so in-your-face hot... providing you both like curries. I ended up drying the bulk of the FRs whole on the theory that I'd use them to make infused vegetable oil. Break off the stems, cut in half lengthwise and put into a swing-top bottle with heated vegetable oil so they'd soak it up more quickly, then put the bottle in a sunny window for a week to let it work. The recipes for making infused oils recommend using dried pods to avoid introducing mold into the infusion... makes sense.
Glad you're enjoying the outdoors again now that it's cooler for you.
Sawyer said:
Look at that blue sky!  The "bag ladies" and everyone else gotta be loving that.
It's really been beautiful the last few days, 59-60 at sunup highs in the mid 80's. The heats coming back but below 94 so they say.
romy6 said:
 Plants and harvests look sweet. :dance:
Haven't seen cool weather like yours since March. :party:
Enjoy it while you can .  :hell:
Thanks Jamie!
I think they're finally ready to get busy! It was really nice to be outside this weekend and not sweat. Don't worry the cooling down has started!
meatfreak said:
Plot and plants look great, Scott. Also a lovely harvest :)
Thanks Stefan!
Really looking forward to the supers setting now that the weather is changing.
stickman said:
I guess it really is turning to Autumn when you finally take down the shade netting Scott... It must get pretty gusty for you too to put up a windbreak so soon. Do those mini-Poblanos have as tough a skin as their full-grown siblings? If not, maybe you could use them for poppers... ;)
I used one of your Funky Reapers to make up a great-tasting Apple-Raisin chutney that'll warm the cockles of your heart... I think LB might even like it since it's not so in-your-face hot... providing you both like curries. I ended up drying the bulk of the FRs whole on the theory that I'd use them to make infused vegetable oil. Break off the stems, cut in half lengthwise and put into a swing-top bottle with heated vegetable oil so they'd soak it up more quickly, then put the bottle in a sunny window for a week to let it work. The recipes for making infused oils recommend using dried pods to avoid introducing mold into the infusion... makes sense.
Glad you're enjoying the outdoors again now that it's cooler for you.
Hi Rick,
The plants were suffering a little when I got home, but with a shot of water perked right up. I figured with the shorter days and the cooling down a bit it was time for full sun.
The garden is exposed to the wind which blows hard when we get a front, even a small one. I guess because we are on a ridge and it slopes down to the north, and plenty of open field for it to get a run at it. I had to tie one plant up that was at a 45 degree angle after the front blew in.
LB is getting a little braver, she made chili yesterday and used Cayenne powder instead of chili powder. It had heat but not so much. I was surprised she made it as spicy as she did.
I'm going to have to make the infused oil, sounds really good! I feel the FR's taste better than ghost peppers, so it should come out really nice.
So LB went to the post office and I had two packages, one was a complete surprise. I just love the THP people!
Mike (capsidadburn) sent me seeds, and a bunch. The cool thing is I didn't have any of these! I have so many new seeds for next year it unbelievable!

The second package was from Justaguy, I never get to visit as many glogs as I would like to. And visited his a while ago, the next day he PM'ed me and this package shows up in my mailbox! Too cool! He said after they arrived that every year he picks a few new visitors and sends out pods....how cool is that?

Really nice pods!
Thanks and have a great week!
Those are nice collections of seeds and pods. Making me jealous :P
Your plants are still looking good. Your season still has some time to go. Can you grow all year round in texas?
Do those mini-Poblanos have as tough a skin as their full-grown siblings?
I missed answering this yesterday.
Yes, they are just smaller because they spent their life in 100 and plus weather.
MGOLD86 said:
Thumbs up Scott! Nice harvest and the garden looks great!
Thanks Matt!
Really happy to see a few supers starting to put their first pods on!
wahlee76 said:
Those are nice collections of seeds and pods. Making me jealous :P
Your plants are still looking good. Your season still has some time to go. Can you grow all year round in texas?
Thanks Wally!
Some years we can, one can definitely do it in containers if they can bring them in.
Some years it can go down in the mid 20's, last year in ground plants made it all winter.
Have a great week!
Bodeen said:
Nice pull
This weeks news is poddage!
Container plants on the driveway:
Moruga is podding nicely, plenty of flowers and 25 or 30 pods so far.

Red Bhut is starting too! Just a few but I'll take it...


JA Hab's are setting well too!


Primo is starting too.


Reaper as well!



I need a bump please :P