• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
capsidadburn said:
Here ya go!
The dirt grow:
Plants are recovering from the 100+ weather. Just hundreds of Reaper pods setting!





Funky loading up for round three!

Red Bhut starting to set a few in earnest.

Primo finally showing a few pods.

I moved the wind break closer in where it will do some good...the north winds get crazy here!

Have a great weekend!
Bodeen said:
Like a bump in the night
capsidadburn said:
Great looking pod gnarl Scott!  Nice wind break and overall structure.  Mine are flowering and they look fertile too.
Hope you have a great weekend. 
Thanks Mike!
It's about time those supers started producing!
AND we got .3-.4 of rain, not much but any is welcome around these parts!
WalkGood said:
Congrats Scott nice to see the primo & bhut setting, great pics and I love da overall shot show the whole garden \o/
Thanks Ramon!
It's been hard taking care of those plants (the supers) all year without any real production, all I can say is it's about time!
GA Growhead said:
Looking professional over there. +1000000 on that overall shot!
Thanks Jay!
'Yall have a great weekend!
Wow man, really great looking plants. You have an awesome looking plot, and the plants loom like they love it! How much longer do you have until "winter"??
Thanks Matt!
We have weird weather, so I'll go with the normally. Most winters we get a few frosts after January, some, like last year have none. So an average year would bring me into December. I've seen late December in the teens for a daytime high and in the mid 80's. When it does cool down most times it's just a 3 or 4 day event and you can protect the plants. I will most likely take the dirt plants out of the garden so I can add the rest of the heavy soil and some compost/mulch.
We got another inch of rain last night. Bringing the Sat. total to 1.4, way cool! We don't have to water the orchard!
Jamison said:
Holy smokes Scott! Your overall shot of the garden is awfully impressive!!! Your plants are monsters. Beautiful pod shots too!
Thanks Jamison!
I don't normally grow peppers into the fall, but this year being my first to grow anything really hot, I had to stick it out and see what they would do being I planted the late. They have been in the ground since March!
Next season starts in 30 days, I want to have 16" or better height plants hit dirt in mid March....mainly because if I'm in the garden everyday I'm not finishing the bosses LB's kitchen..LOL
Sawyer said:
I got 3/4" of rain yesterday.  Just in time as I was about to have to start watering the in-grounds.
The rain was a major plus here, I'm watering everyday. I'm hoping all the heavy soil I added will help next year, I need an auto-pilot garden!
Jamison said:
Ditto, same deal here. Finally got some rain last night. Been awfully dry around here.
Cool deal, was it from the train we had coming out of Mexico?
I'm really liking the weather pattern around here lately, but we need heavy rain to fill the lakes again. 4% @ Medina Lake don't cut it..
WalkGood said:
Thanks Ramon!
I always appreciate you positive comments!
We went into D-town to check snail mail.
My Jigsaw seeds arrived!
Thanks Dale! They will hit dirt tomorrow.

Finally got caught up with grinding the dried peppers today...yellow supers, Jals,Thai, and Cayenne. Don't even ask what's in the freezer!

Going to try some Lime infused powder, don't know how it will turn out...but what the heck? These Limes were freshly picked this morning.

Dang, Monday is too close!
Scott powders look awesome and love your lime infusion idea, let me know how it turns out. I've been doing something similar but not with lime. I've used mango, apple and have been dying to try strawberry, soon try I guess. Naturally I've done onion and garlic powder mixed into the pepper powders too but not with the fruit powder ...
Hab a great week brethren ^_^
Man Scott, your patch is still rockin' on! It looks like the peppers are getting their second wind, and the pods don't look any smaller. You're gonna be set for powder for sure... maybe you could sell some to help defray your expenses this year. I like the experiment with drying the lime slices to see how they work with the powders... keep up the good work and let us know how the lime-infused powder works out. Cheers!