• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Happy birthday!  :dance:
Amazing pictures, Scott!
Beautiful plants, it is good to see those healthy green plants, especially because the frost has killed all of mine.
Keep posting those pictures, my friend.
capsidadburn said:
Great looking plantation you have going Scott!  Love the "Bag Ladies".  Those Primo and Reaper pods look killer too.
I'm glad someone pm'ed you to put down the shovel!
Hope you've had a great birthday.
Thanks Mike!
I actually relaxed after 10:30, went to a show and dinner.
WalkGood said:
Brethren you will be swimming in pods over the next several weeks \o/ ... awesome job mon!
Thanks Ramon,
They're really going nuts at the moment, ton of tiny pods set already.
kgetpeppers said:
Where do you get those bags from? they look nice.
I made them, 20 gal bags $4 a piece. Here's the link:
Vegas_Chili said:
Happy birthday Scott!!

Wow, everything is still looking strong! Glad your supers are finally setting pods :party: .

Hope you have an excellent weekend!

, Walter
Thanks Walter!
I'll be hollering at you when I get some color!
HabaneroHead said:
Happy birthday!  :dance:
Amazing pictures, Scott!
Beautiful plants, it is good to see those healthy green plants, especially because the frost has killed all of mine.
Keep posting those pictures, my friend.
Thanks Balázs!
Sorry to hear about the frost, our season are so different. I'm hoping for a spring pod set next year!
Happy belated birthday Scotty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Was soldering my hand to woozys yesterday) and  . . . it's your b-day WEEKEND!/WEEK!! :bday: :bday: :bday:
To prove you're mid-quinquagenarian, as loading 170 lbs. compost does NOT--thank God somebody stopped ya--without searching, what Pink Floyd album contains the song, "Careful with that Axe, Eugene"? Because I think ya about 25! :clap:
Catching up on your glog is about impossible. Man, those Bahamian Goat and BG7 struck me from seed gift!! Nice pod pull, reapers and primos look "cute" with tails, garden shot and wind break: yeah, you're 25. JA Habs do get monstrous, huh? And they sell lime powder as a spice! Brilliant idea! Bet that could nearly replace lime zest! Again, thanks (LB) for idea.
Seriously, be careful with your back, as even 25 yr. olds can overdo :rolleyes:.  Not that you would, at any age :rolleyes: x 5, and astounding grow, aka "plantation" as someone else accurately assessed! (Yeah buddy, ya gonna be busy busier with some powders! :party:
Happy belated Birthday Scott, hope you had a relaxing evening with LB, but not too relaxing... ;)
Your plants are looking like you're gonna have a great second wave to your harvest, and some of the pods pictured look huge for this time of year... I guess all that compost you put down will be reaping immediate bennies for ya. Cheers!
annie57 said:
Happy belated birthday Scotty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Was soldering my hand to woozys yesterday) and  . . . it's your b-day WEEKEND!/WEEK!! :bday: :bday: :bday:
To prove you're mid-quinquagenarian, as loading 170 lbs. compost does NOT--thank God somebody stopped ya--without searching, what Pink Floyd album contains the song, "Careful with that Axe, Eugene"? Because I think ya about 25! :clap:
Catching up on your glog is about impossible. Man, those Bahamian Goat and BG7 struck me from seed gift!! Nice pod pull, reapers and primos look "cute" with tails, garden shot and wind break: yeah, you're 25. JA Habs do get monstrous, huh? And they sell lime powder as a spice! Brilliant idea! Bet that could nearly replace lime zest! Again, thanks (LB) for idea.
Seriously, be careful with your back, as even 25 yr. olds can overdo :rolleyes:.  Not that you would, at any age :rolleyes: x 5, and astounding grow, aka "plantation" as someone else accurately assessed! (Yeah buddy, ya gonna be busy busier with some powders! :party:
Thanks Annie!
I saw the woozy's full of goodness on your glog, really nice looking product!
Now a days my lift limit is an 80lb bag of sackrete. The 170 was gallons, 34 5gal buckets of compost. And did 26 more plus 60 of mulch, raked it all out. Stopped there..and I guess I can still outwork most 25 year olds...mainly because they don't know how :D
But I do know there are many young people who do have the work ethic..
Am I crazy in saying I actually enjoy the work? Beats the desk work, and my little saying on Mondays is glad I'm here to rest..LOL Tomorrow I till all that in...took the day off, since turning 50 I take a day each year for my B-day, life's just too short. LB weeded the whole garden, took her 3 hours, in fact she does most of the weeding. Can't beat that! She also helps me make the rows in the spring, I have an old rib injury that hates me when I use the hoe a lot. I can shovel NP, something about that action.
stickman said:
Happy belated Birthday Scott, hope you had a relaxing evening with LB, but not too relaxing... ;)
Your plants are looking like you're gonna have a great second wave to your harvest, and some of the pods pictured look huge for this time of year... I guess all that compost you put down will be reaping immediate bennies for ya. Cheers!
Thanks Rick!
Oh yeah, had a nice day and evening. We saw Gravity in 3d and surround sound, simply awesome!
Really looking forward to the next harvest, hope the bugs and weather behaves!
The compost and mulch is for next years grow, gonna till it in and plant the cover crop. I'm out of compost and have about a yard and a half of mulch left, so that means I have to buy some, this was all free. I have the clover ordered, 20 bucks for 5lbs, the hairy vetch experiment is going to have to wait, they want 40 bucks for it. I've already spent more than I wanted to this year on the garden, but will step up for the extra compost if a freebee cow manure deal falls through. Which reminds me, I have to check on that...
Enjoy what's left!
Happy Birthday, Scott.  It just gets better after 55!
Your supers look like a jungle, bro.  Glad to see you are going to
get some pods there.  Is your shelter a greenhouse or a screened
WalkGood said:
What ... no party pics, hehehe. Hab a great week mon!
Nah, no party, just another day ;)
You too!
PaulG said:
Happy Birthday, Scott.  It just gets better after 55!
Your supers look like a jungle, bro.  Glad to see you are going to
get some pods there.  Is your shelter a greenhouse or a screened
Thanks Paul!
The 20x40' frame is for the 30% sunshade, it's down now until early June or whenever we get over 90° again.
The windbreak material I scored as they replaced the break at the school softball field. There were three pieces, but this one was only a year old. It was 10' high so I settled for 100' of 5' high. It's needed this time of years as the fronts blow in. We're 180' above town on a ridge, great for warding off the frosts, but windy!
Have a great week!
Devv said:
The 20x40' frame is for the 30% sunshade, it's down now until early June or whenever we get over 90° again.
The windbreak material I scored as they replaced the break at the school softball field. There were three pieces, but this one was only a year old. It was 10' high so I settled for 100' of 5' high. It's needed this time of years as the fronts blow in. We're 180' above town on a ridge, great for warding off the frosts, but windy!
Have a great week!
Wow, 20x40 - awesome.  
Wind is my least favorite form of weather,
I can tolerate rain and cold, but the wind
just makes me mad!
I want to double the sunshade area for next season if funds allow. I already spent a bunch this year...but we did pay off the tractor...so maybe :party:
AFter I took it down this year I still got sun scald on some Pobs, but Mother nature extended the heat this year..
Even when the fronts blow in I'm outside, the wind in my ears is maddening. I usually go and find a hunting hat with ear flaps..LOL

Well I should be outside mowing the lawn, but the mower quit and I don't feel like messing with it.
However I did open the hood. As you can see the mower doesn't get used much with the drought.
Interesting though...

Ramon, you said a slip would happen....now what?

It's really small!
♪ Wind in da ears ... no good my friend, do what I do and plug in, tune out and have a blast in da garden. Use DAP w/IEMs and listen to your favorite tunes ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
♪♪ Now that’s cool, nest & eggs on da mower, I wish dat was the case at our house, lol. As it is we have to mow the grass in the summer almost weekly and winter is only once a month … can’t wait till winter, lol.
♪♪♪ Allow the slip to grow and get strong before you move her and that’s only if you want to move her. I have cut them off and replanted, it does set them back some but allows you to use new soil and amendments. I have also left mama nature alone and let them grow out where they are, turn around time for next pineapple is much faster. When the slip got large enough I cut out the old plant, bam it took off. It’s your call but make sure she’s big and strong enough before you make the removal move if that’s the route you take. Good luck my brethren and it begins again \o/
♪♪♪♪ Have an awesome Tuesday!
WalkGood said:
♪ Wind in da ears ... no good my friend, do what I do and plug in, tune out and have a blast in da garden. Use DAP w/IEMs and listen to your favorite tunes ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
♪♪ Now that’s cool, nest & eggs on da mower, I wish dat was the case at our house, lol. As it is we have to mow the grass in the summer almost weekly and winter is only once a month … can’t wait till winter, lol.
♪♪♪ Allow the slip to grow and get strong before you move her and that’s only if you want to move her. I have cut them off and replanted, it does set them back some but allows you to use new soil and amendments. I have also left mama nature alone and let them grow out where they are, turn around time for next pineapple is much faster. When the slip got large enough I cut out the old plant, bam it took off. It’s your call but make sure she’s big and strong enough before you make the removal move if that’s the route you take. Good luck my brethren and it begins again \o/
♪♪♪♪ Have an awesome Tuesday!
Now that's a good idea, I have a mp3 player that doesn't get enough use...well any, but that's my fault. We have outdoors Bose speakers and I usually just crank them up, no one around to bitch complain :rolleyes:
I almost fell over when I saw that birds nest, I carefully scooped it up and gave to a 5th grade Science teacher that collects them.
I'm going to let the sprout grow and decide what to do after it has some size. We did get a nice Pineapple from the plant and planted the top of that one, now we have 4 growing. Can't beat the freshness of a fully ripe home grown pineapple.
romy6 said:
 One more reason not to mow the lawn Scotty  ;)  You can get to it next year :)
Sounds like your garden is gonna be going off come spring. Can't wait to see it  :dance:
LOL, and I didn't even look at it today. I think it's a no spark thing...cool thing is my son works for John Deere. I've been fixing things for him forever, if it is really broke, and not a stuck float or something he's getting a call. I'll get to it as soon as I find a round tuit...
Actually the garden is rockin' and rollin' right now, the fall mas pod set finally hit. I hope they hang long enough to ripen, and they should.
I'm almost ready for next spring dirt wise, got some Red clover and rye planted in the upper third. Once it comes up and is hanging, I'll hit the middle third, and finally the bottom third.
'Yall have a great week!

Checked the mail today and Brother Rick's seeds came in!

LB said the whole area @ the Post office smelled like fresh hot peppers when she opened the box, so I guess Rick's doing something I'm not :party: I tasted the powder, hot but nice flavor!
I look forward to growing the seeds!
AW! That bird's nest's so sweet! (And your gentle care of it!) Found in unexpected places--at least around here. Eggs be scrambled quick. Glad you gave it to Science dept.! Geez, remember how nice in Austin not having to mow! I come here and miss Tejas! :mope:
Super nice gift from Rick!
And pineapple in the dry, windy Texas wilds!
LB hoes? Weeds? See, we have dese tings called airports and if she'd like to see leaves turning in mnts. of N.C. Glorious stuff from top of Table Rock (or in middle of a field :shh: ) JUST kiddin'! I do have photos but on other hard-drive ready transfer new puter. When wind is blowing red maples below, look like the canyon's/gorge's on fire. But here's not too bad youtube. Heck, I hike up it every November--copperheads snooze--no ice on rocks yet. (I mean, she'd love it! Again, just kidding.) But if never been to foothills of NC--in mnts. can't see much (fog)--orter think about it. Brown Mountain Lights might even appear for ya!
Glad you took b-day off too! Or on if you worked "plantation" on b-day. Mama once wheeled on my father--he had some bad spells for over a decade after Korea--she'd come home from her job, was hippin' baby, making dinner, sewing on a button, and helping with homework. Daddy made an error: he complained, sitting in a Lazy-B that he'd worked hard all day. My mother said, "SON, you went to a job. I went to a job. Work, work, is what you do without pay because you love it!" I never forgot that. Peace and have great one!
WalkGood said:
Nice score both powder and seeds \o/ ... hats off to Rick \o_
Plus 1 on dat!
annie57 said:
AW! That bird's nest's so sweet! (And your gentle care of it!) Found in unexpected places--at least around here. Eggs be scrambled quick. Glad you gave it to Science dept.! Geez, remember how nice in Austin not having to mow! I come here and miss Tejas! :mope:
I wonder if that nest was there the last time I mowed? Could be why it was abandoned. or because the dogs gave it no peace...
Super nice gift from Rick!
I'm most excited by the Manzano seeds, that ones been on my hunt list all year, AND I've been reading all season about the peppers Rick grows. Looking forward to planting them!
And pineapple in the dry, windy Texas wilds!
They grow well here, just can't put them in the dirt, we lost 10 one year do to a freeze.
LB hoes? Weeds?
I don't know how the garden would look without her help, she's a weed pulling machine!
See, we have dese tings called airports and if she'd like to see leaves turning in mnts. of N.C. Glorious stuff from top of Table Rock (or in middle of a field :shh: ) JUST kiddin'! I do have photos but on other hard-drive ready transfer new puter. When wind is blowing red maples below, look like the canyon's/gorge's on fire. But here's not too bad youtube. Heck, I hike up it every November--copperheads snooze--no ice on rocks yet. (I mean, she'd love it! Again, just kidding.) But if never been to foothills of NC--in mnts. can't see much (fog)--orter think about it. Brown Mountain Lights might even appear for ya!
If we're ever out that way I'll certainly give ya a holler! During rehab for a car accident in '87 I went hiking almost everyday in Va. I just love the outdoors. That was before cell phones, I used to leave LB a topo map and say if I don't come home send them here, as I used to go out alone..
Glad you took b-day off too! Or on if you worked "plantation" on b-day. Mama once wheeled on my father--he had some bad spells for over a decade after Korea--she'd come home from her job, was hippin' baby, making dinner, sewing on a button, and helping with homework. Daddy made an error: he complained, sitting in a Lazy-B that he'd worked hard all day. My mother said, "SON, you went to a job. I went to a job. Work, work, is what you do without pay because you love it!" I never forgot that. Peace and have great one!
Believe it or not I mostly relaxed on Saturday, did a little in the early morning, and then headed to SA. LOL on Dad getting hung out for complaining, I quickly learned that the job at home is way hard too!
Nice scenery, I do miss the fall colors we had when growing up, but don't miss the cold months!
Have a great week!
Devv said:
LB hoes? Weeds?
I don't know how the garden would look without her help, she's a weed pulling machine!
Send her over, she can train my EB, lolz. Only joking brethren, my wife will help when I ask but she prefers to watch me bust my azz ;)
WalkGood said:
Send her over, she can train my EB, lolz. Only joking brethren, my wife will help when I ask but she prefers to watch me bust my azz ;)
I usually ask as well but try and throw it in as I agree to the list of "honey do's" I was just asked to do...