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Diningroom Contest Idea...

boutros said:
all your salad bowls say "Cool Whip" on the sides... (that was one of his I still remember)

I knew there had to be some out there!

SPORKS!!!! :lol: :lol:
I have one last of his I found-

If the centerpiece on your dining room table is an original signed work by a famous taxidermist...
Hey...whats wrong with that?

:late responding...this was to the rebel flag table cloth comment but works for the leaf blower comment too:
So does this constitute an official hijack?
no somali pirates here....

:evenin' TB:
Unfortunately the pirates were not after the napkin rings and doilies but they did make paulky walk the plank and stole his rum.
thehotpepper.com said:
Unfortunately the pirates were not after the napkin rings and doilies but they did make paulky walk the plank and stole his rum.

No. He was goin' full blown Hazel and swabbin' teh poopdeck!
OK~ back on topic....:)

So, Pauly, given your Asian theme place settings, it's only appropriate that the dinner dress should also reflect the Asian theme. Hmmm, let me see..........yes....I think Pauly dressed as a geisha while serving the lovely Retta is appropriate. What do you think?

paulky_2000 said:
This is what it looks like right NOW:


Kind of an Asian thing goin' on...
*little side story*

Retta bought a new TV and it was delivered to her house today. But to hook it up in the proper place, the cable needed to be moved to the other side of the room....

She got on a set of coveralls and crawled UNDER the house and moved it......then ran it back up through the floor.

Man, I love that woman!!!!