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Diningroom Contest Idea...

I have no idea why, but this thread scares the bejezus out of me! Maybe because I don't have a dinning room? Hell, I don't know...can I borrow my mom's setup?
Jester said:
I have no idea why, but this thread scares the bejezus out of me! Maybe because I don't have a dinning room? Hell, I don't know...can I borrow my mom's setup?

What? You askeer'd of power tools? Surely it couldn't be teh.......CROSS DRESSING MANGEISHA!!!
Don't worry Jester, you will be assimilated into the pepper continuum!
I vote for moyboy's dining room
paulky_2000 said:
Hey...I resemble that remark!

Then again.....I have no shame whatsoever.

No shame...........but a whole lot of FUN!!!!!!! :D
okay...as promised....

Here's Retta after being under the house...with her new TV!



Next weekend, she's building me a barbeque pit...:lol:
"To go with paulky's green eggs and ham, he cooked up some salmon from a can."
texas blues said:
thing 1 and thing 2!

and oh, what things those things could do!