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Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

But that gives any officer the right to shoot anyone because they might have a gun. That is why they are not supposed to shoot until they see the firearm, hell, he had no reason to draw his gun.

Speaking to Fade, not Nova.
As ive stated earlier Nova, in those circumstances i beleive the cop should shoot to keep innocent people out of danger.
I really doubt this guy was out to just plast people away guns blazing. He is a human being which probably regrets doing what he did and has to live with it.
But he is not the person solely responsible for what happened. Probably too much drink
I don't think he even noticed the lights of the patrol car until it got closer, then he stopped. It was not a pursuit! It should have been a controlled situation at that stage. The police officer was out of the car yelling at him in a very short time and shooting even quicker. If the bike was in gear, he would have had his left hand on the clutch and if he let go the bike would have surged and the cop will still have shot him. The police officer didn't have the contol to handle the situation, panicked and crippled someone for life. All the cop had to do was pause for another second, making his intent clear, warn the guy he's going to shoot. If the biker still doesn't comply then shoot. And ffs, the guy had his back turned, the cop had plenty of time with his weapon already drawn and pointed at the guy. No way the biker could have drawn a weapon, twisted, sighted and squeezed off a shot faster than a trained police officer with a bead on already.
millworkman said:
But that gives any officer the right to shoot anyone because they might have a gun. That is why they are not supposed to shoot until they see the firearm, hell, he had no reason to draw his gun.

Speaking to Fade, not Nova.

Wrong again.
Deathtosnails said:
I don't think he even noticed the lights of the patrol car until it got closer, then he stopped. It was not a pursuit! It should have been a controlled situation at that stage. The police officer was out of the car yelling at him in a very short time and shooting even quicker. If the bike was in gear, he would have had his left hand on the clutch and if he let go the bike would have surged and the cop will still have shot him. The police officer didn't have the contol to handle the situation, panicked and crippled someone for life. All the cop had to do was pause for another second, making his intent clear, warn the guy he's going to shoot. If the biker still doesn't comply then shoot. And ffs, the guy had his back turned, the cop had plenty of time with his weapon already drawn and pointed at the guy. No way the biker could have drawn a weapon, twisted, sighted and squeezed off a shot faster than a trained police officer with a bead on already.

How can you even watch the video and not see that the guys on the bike were attempting to run from the police. One guy nearly killed himself by hitting the curb because he was trying to get away. The other guy only stopped cause there was another cruiser cutting him off.
So, I watched the video several times, looking for "bikers", it is really evident that these kids are not "bikers", they are 25 year old kids, going on 20 years old and happen to ride a Harley. Most likely their parents have given them everything they have ever asked for including a motorbike. The kid stopped because he knew he did something wrong and when realizing a cop was behind him, thought he was doing the right thing by pulling over and facing his slap on the wrist...... unfortunately for the kid, this particular cop was broken. In referencing the police video, there was absolutely no reason for the officer... no.. this is not an officer... this is a control freak or one extremely untrained officer.

Even if the kid had a gun and had a chance to pull it, his position from the officer, whilst on the bike would have been suicidal and any cop would have detected that... the kid was in no physical position to pull a gun and direct it at the approaching officer. What I saw was a kid on a bike, pulled over because he knew he had done something wrong, was balancing himself and in the time the officer stop his car, immediately got out of his vehicle, with gun drawn, then shot. You can sing any song you want, dance any dance you want but it was really clear what happend.

End result, in my opinion, cop should be charged, at best, his next job should be walking the local Ohio mall looking for shop lifters.... when he gets out of jail.
Clear in the video but the video does not show what the cop saw. How many times have you faced down a potential armed suspect? What was your thought process?
22 seconds elapse from the time the lights were turned on to the shot. Thats not even enough time to be considered "running" from the cops.
Go out tonight, speed, wait for a cop to turn his lights on and start a stop watch. Pull over. Look at watch. More than 22 seconds just went by.
Ok...go out and try it and report back when you're done. There is a difference when someone is lit up and makes some acknowledgment that they intend to pull over. When you get lit up and you speed up and continue to pull away from the cop...that is the beginning of a pursuit.
No...an attempted traffic stop can be determined a pursuit within 22 seconds and yes, a pursuit can last only 22 seconds. Why the hell not. Once it starts there are no rules that dictate how long it has to last.
nubster said:
How can you even watch the video and not see that the guys on the bike were attempting to run from the police. One guy nearly killed himself by hitting the curb because he was trying to get away. The other guy only stopped cause there was another cruiser cutting him off.

I was referring to this post Arboc.
It seemed to me that nubster was trying to help justify the cops actions by saying that the two bike riders tried to evade capture. Pursuit or no pursuit i still say that the cop sucks balls.
Wow that is so crazy. Of course the motorcyclist puts his hand like that and turns around its human nature. He wasn't expected to be freaking shot!
The dude on the bike stopped. The cop yelled put your hands up at 4:08:03 and shot him at 4:09 thats BS !! The cop did not give the dude on the bike a chance!!!! The dude on the bike made NO agressive gestures or actions toward the cop!!!