Douglah Cappy 2010

Thanks all for the well wishes, I broke the ankle jumping on to the dock with lines to tie the boat up. It was very painful at first happened but now they have me on some Lortab. Nate, not using my hydro nutes anymore, just a one time dose. Now that they are outside, I'm using Espoma every couple weeks or when my plants need it. Got you on my list Nate.
Sucks about the ankle man I know how it feels having broken both mine twice. Your plants will be just fine with you limping around them every few days :) . Hope healing comes quick.
Hey Cap, hope the ankle gets better quickly, Got a question for ya about the B'cuzz mix, did it perform any better then the ProMix BX or is not a noticeable difference? I was told that ProMix had more micros then B'Cuzz , whats your opinion on it?

Yeah I think I will choose ProMix BX over the B'cuzz mix when growing peppers next year. The micro and macro nutrients plus the mycorise pro inside seemed to grow better looking starts. The B'cuzz mix was just a peat/perlite neutral medium for the same price, not worth it.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Yeah I think I will choose ProMix BX over the B'cuzz mix when growing peppers next year. The micro and macro nutrients plus the mycorise pro inside seemed to grow better looking starts. The B'cuzz mix was just a peat/perlite neutral medium for the same price, not worth it.

Thanks Cappy, thats what I needed to know, I was on the fence since they are both the same price, good to hear from someone who has experience w/ both.
Plants are doing fine while the ankle heals. First day of sunshine in almost a week.:)


Peppers are looking good Cappy.

You going to pull the grass shoots growing in the pots? I always get a few plus weeds and the OCD in me won't let them stay.

Hope the ankle is healing quickly.
I always pull any weeds that attempt to grow in my containers patrick. The grass you see is between the pots and in time will brown will die back when the pepper plants build a canopy and don't let light between the pots. Ankle is broke badly and will take a while the doc says, I am going crazy just sitting around not doing anything mostly. At least my plants are looking like there will be another bumper crop again this year.
Sorry to hear about the severity of the ankle Cappy. I've been laid up a few times myself, once spent over six months pretty much attached to a couch. Find yourself another hobby, something you can do sitting on your hiney. You ever consider building models? Not the plastic kids ones but something with a bit of a challenge. How about a ship in a bottle? Sure beats getting hooked on soap operas. Best of luck to you my friend.
Best wishes for your ankle. Had the same stuff last year. Spent most of the time watching DVDs and looking at my plants ;) And your plants are looking really nice.
Hope you ankle heals quickly there, Cappy. I broke my ankle playing basketball in highschool. I know your pain. I went up for a rebound and came down on someone's foot. Ankle went straight sideways and popped in 3 places. Ouch! Couldn't walk for nearly 2 months.

Plants are looking good, so they should be able to make it through while your ankle heals.;) Keep us posted.

Sorry about your ankle. I twisted my ankle a couple months ago and couldnt walk for two weeks.

Hope you get better soon.

Your plants will be a lot bigger after not being able to check on them. Not that i'm saying that they'll grow better without your help. Lol.
Bummer about your ankle ... but your plants still look great. And there will still be fish out yonder waiting on you ... Hope you mend soon !

P. Dreadie
Weekend update. Not much been done with the plants with the broke ankle, but I'm feeling much better lately. Hindsight I've had trouble with my Fataliis and several of my habanero varieties this season and I think I know why. Early this year I was hit by a neighbor, most weed killers are just concentrated fertilizers that kill weeds, so when I washed the leaves the weed killer went down in to the soil and over fertilized certain plants. Luckily, all my superhot were largely unaffected and looking nice. My soil has reached it's useful life and I'm starting over with new soil and downsizing next year. I acquired a loose bag of Farfards professional 3B mix and will start over with this awesome mix, using this on some Billyboy Douglah started late from NoVa HH. That about it as of now, lots of rain this last week and the plants seemed to have really perked up a bit along with the ankle.:)

The recent rain has really helped my plants too,The farm is looking wonderful. Glad to hear the ankle is perking up!