Douglah Cappy 2010

Thanks ya'll, my plants are looking OK, but they just don't look as vibrant as in years past with fresher soil. My soil seems to be getting crusty on top more than I like and is just used up after 4 years of growing. I opened a bag of some Farfards 3B ready mix and just wanted to jump inside it smelled so good. No way I will be able to afford to fill all 200 containers with this new mix so will have to downscale and work my way back up. We'll see how many pods I will be able to sell to help with this purchase next spring, the only reason I was mixing my own was to reuse old soil. Ankle getting better almost every day.
I haven't tried the Fafards 3B mix, but the few plants I have in the Fafard 3 mix are loving it. They are by far my best plants. I will be buying a whole lot more for next year 1 bag at a time if I have to. Fafard's is definately top notch.

I hope you get back on your feet soon!
Cap, here's hoping you heal well. Broken ankles, while full of ouch, are preferable to severe sprains. Dunno why, but they seem to heal faster.
I'll have to do something with all this old soil after the season is over will probably build a raised bed or just till in to a garden area. Was thinking about speading all over the yard but all the perlite would look like snow. Hey Chris thanks for the Primo 7 Pot I've got a couple and they look great, my Jonahs not so robust. My Brain Strain seems to be the biggest 7 Pod variety I grow plant wise with hippy's Yellow 7's being next. Scorpions all looking good, have some from Trinicoolieboy that looks like a good new source, his yellows are even larger than the CARDI so far. Chocolates from megamaster71 looks like I have several good plants going. My plan is to repot my best plants in to larger terra cotta right after the first pods. I have 8 big terra cotta pots just waiting, overwinter these. Thanks skydiver they are both bad at my age.:(
Glad to hear your feeling better Cappy. Time is a great healer.

Four years of use from a mix seems pretty good to me. Are you thinking of adding any supplements to the current pots to see if you can give them a little boost?

Best of luck to you.
question for ya how do you handle watering that many pots? do you hand water or have a sprinkler setup?

and definatley count me in to buy some pods from ya :)
I stumble down the rows with a hose in one hand and a crutch in the other.:shocked: I use a soft spray watering wand and it take me only about 15 minutes Mojo. Another reason they are so close together right now it makes watering very easy. I have pods forming on many plants so all is good.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I stumble down the rows with a hose in one hand and a crutch in the other.:shocked: I use a soft spray watering wand and it take me only about 15 minutes Mojo. Another reason they are so close together right now it makes watering very easy. I have pods forming on many plants so all is good.

If you're getting as much rain as I am, it's raining right now, you probably haven't had to hobble much.

:cheers: Here's to when you can dance around the hedgerow once again. :)
Lookin' great, it'll be crazy seeing your harvests. Sucks about the few after effects of your neighbors pesticide shenanigans... Best to ya on your continued recovery!
Hey Cappy
Glad to see the ankle injury is getting better quickly.
So this is your garden in a not so good year of soil and with problems with pesticide and with you taking care of your garden while holding to a crutch and stumbling from side to side...
How much would it cost me for you to fly regularly to Portugal to take care of my garden?! I only ask for the same kind of results :)

Congrats on the great garden and wish you a speedy recovery

Sorry about your ankle Cappy, been there, done that. No fun at all. Your plants look great IMO, but I'm sure you're the best judge of how they should look. Mine seem to be off to a slow start this year with my used soil as well. It's possible the MYCORISE® in the Pro-Mix is worn out and that stuff is a good growth activator. I found a product with mycorrhizae distributed by Natures Control - it's called Mighty Myco Premium Mycorrhizal Inoculant. It's available in several places. Links below. I'll try some myself next year.
I'll try some myself next year.

I've been reading alot about the Myco too. I'm not sure if I'll get the same product as you, but I'm definitely going to be trying to incorporate this into my regimin asap. As we all probably know, it is all about the soil when it comes to production. Alot of people tend to overlook the fact that the soil is actually alive too.

Looking good PRF! Best of luck with the ankle rehab.
My local hydro shop sells Water Soluble Mycorrhizae by the pound. Freshen them old pots right up. If you're interested they ship in case you can't find it locally.
Personally I can't say I've noticed any difference from the old pro-mix and the newer type with MYCORISE® but I've never really done a big side by side comparison
Personally I can't say I've noticed any difference from the old pro-mix and the newer type with MYCORISE® but I've never really done a big side by side comparison

I think I remember you saying that you add compost to your containers and healthy compost is loaded with mycorrhizae (it's pretty much everywhere) and probably the reason for no noticed difference. :)