Douglah Cappy 2010

Your overwintered plants look like trees! When you started in doors how high did you keep your MH bulb? I burnt mine on accident by putting it to close. Your really do have a farm lol.
First ripe Douglah and 7 Pods, finally rained here the last two day and needed to pick these. The douglah look like a plate of dog poop, but at the same time are the prettiest brown peppers ever. Collected some seed from both varieties.
Looking great Cappy! We finally got some rain overnight as well. Probably close to 2.5" in fact. My grass definately needed it. Gotta take care of the peppers first. :)

Very very nice, Cappy.
Can't wait to see your pepper pizza box this year.
There's a particularly wrinkly pod in that picture; I like it a lot.
Those Douglahs look tasty. They look like they should have caramel in the middle when you bite them. Those brown chiles need a brown beer to wash them down. :beer:
Nice first haul Cappy.

Are those darker Douglahs a different strain?

Same strain SS but the two darker ones come from a first year F2 plant. My douglah strain is proving to be not as stable as the brain, still too early but I have seen an inconsistency in the pods shapes from plant to plant. I have 72 of these growing and most don't have any pods showing yet so hoping the irregular pods are just hybrid vigor. Thanks.
Beautiful pods Cappy. I found my first pod tonight on my Douglah, it is tiny, but there! Thanks again for the seeds, I ended up with 4 plants, should be enough to get me through.
Taken a couple weeks ago of the 7 Pod Brain mother. :mouthonfire:

Thanks Cappy, She's quite the tree now. I finally got me some Brain Strain seeds from someone over here in OZ, I beleive they were sent to him by you so heres to hopin for a great deal of beautiful pods!

Thanks again for the updates, the hedge looks great, I don't envy the choice of picking the 8 best ones.

Good luck mate.
Hey Cappy, how many plants did this haul come from? I take it all those brains came off the mother?

Yes all those brain came off the mother, and top half of douglah pods come from the mom. The douglah on the bottom half of the plate are all single pods from first year plants. And for those that are on my list waiting for brain strain seed, I need payment either paypal or SASE. Seed drying now and will be packaged up this weekend first come first serve after those on my list. Don't miss out.
Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many purple pitted peppers did peter piper pick? First red ripe jalepenos, orange hab, peach hab, some nagas, a Bishops hat, and a guadeloupe black.