Douglah Cappy 2010

I use Pro-Mix for germinating seeds every year partrick. B'cuzz mix is the same but without the mycorrizae and is engineered for hydroponic use, more perlite. I really like it for my cups as I can be aggressive in feeding with hydro nutes. Outside last year I only added Premier Peat Moss bales and Black Kow compost to my already year old used Pro-Mix and has had wonderful success so this year I got more peat and a huge bag of perlite and a 50 lb. bag of dolomic limestone. Still need to decide on which compost; cow, chicken, cotton burr, or mushroom. Cannot afford to fill all the containers I grow in each year with new Pro-Mix, would if I could.
Wow!! Cappy Brilliant! I have the same flora nova hydro nutes i never thought of using hydro nutes for non hydro mediums. do you top feed your seedlings?
FloraNova is superb for hydropnics and soil cultivation as per the bottle. Pro-Mix and the Hydromix HP I'm using are soilless and is close to hydro w/ drip run-off used this way. I'm old fashion or just not smart enough to build a watering station so I top water my cups. I think Willard also uses these nutes with his plants, gotta be good.:P

Thanks JR!
soilless i have been liking alot lately,
I am using promix bx and i was curious what u think is the best way to check the nutrient levels and test ph, dissolved salts, etc just curious because I am new to totally soilless mixes and you seem to do very well.
I have the same thing. Bought the kit with the PH up and down included. No money right now to get the meter. You would be surprised how much the nutrients can alter the Ph of water. I tested my tap water at a ph of 7, added Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow at recommended dose for seedlings (1 1/2 tsp per gallon) and the ph went down to the 5-6 range. I am interested to see what it goes to when the plants get bigger and I use a higher dose.

I grew out two different sources of Douglah last year. Chances are if you got seed from me last year you are growing the cmpman1974 source. The source I'm growing is from SR in Trinidad and is my experimental source, attempting to stabilize and collect seed. The first source ended up being finicky and did not produce many pods for me, the SR source had a big flush of douglah pods late.
It is a good douglah plant Allen and like all Douglah strains, it was originally sourced from SR. I have also added a few Billyboy Douglah plants this year.
Looking good Cappy as usual! Man, that's a ton of plants. No Pro-Mix for me either this year at $40 bale. I'll buy the Premier Peat and mix it with my leftover stuff from last year. A little lime and it should be fine. Jalapeno germination from green pods is always iffy for me too. I made a point to save all my Biker Billy seeds last year from red ripe pods. I've got 4 planted, no germination yet after 6 days.
bigt said:
Looking good Cappy as usual! Man, that's a ton of plants. No Pro-Mix for me either this year at $40 bale. I'll buy the Premier Peat and mix it with my leftover stuff from last year. A little lime and it should be fine. Jalapeno germination from green pods is always iffy for me too. I made a point to save all my Biker Billy seeds last year from red ripe pods. I've got 4 planted, no germination yet after 6 days.
Keep us updated on your second year Biker Billy plants BigT. I'd like to know if they really are hybrids as stated, I have some doubts
Come on SS, we are all looking for that perfect Douglah, hopefully you will have better luck than I did. This variety is not commercially grown in Trinidad and the perfect Douglah strain is still being developed by growers like you and I. Hey Tony good to see you in my thread, I remember you also adding the Premier Peat to add to your Pro-Mix containers last year. I'll also add limestone this year which I skipped last year. It was a very cold winter and received snow several times, first in ten years, no plants outside will make it from last season. I do have the original Brain Strain since 2008 and my new Douglah overwintered inside, both in full bloom since I've started dumping the overflow water from my new plants on them. Good luck bigT with the second year plants!
Yeah, Cappy - I was mixing in the Premier Peat w Pro-Mix and had great results. No difference from what I planted in 100% Pro-Mix as far as I can tell. I only added some perlite and a little lime. I'll bet you have great results w your HydraMix HP as well this year. I'm still using some left over Pro-Mix from last year as my seed starter. Best seed start mix I've ever used. Fantastic initial root growth. I'll get some plant pics up soon. My overwintered gang will be headed to the garage and then outside soon.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I grew out two different sources of Douglah last year. Chances are if you got seed from me last year you are growing the cmpman1974 source. The source I'm growing is from SR in Trinidad and is my experimental source, attempting to stabilize and collect seed. The first source ended up being finicky and did not produce many pods for me, the SR source had a big flush of douglah pods late.

Just curious Cappy,

When you say your first source did not produce many pods. How many on average did you get? My douglah's did not produce many pods either maybe 20-30 per plant. Thinking mine where from the same source.
madhatter said:
When you say your first source did not produce many pods. How many on average did you get? My douglah's did not produce many pods either maybe 20-30 per plant. Thinking mine where from the same source.

Do not even think I got that many pods off the plant. I only had one plant of that variety so obviously also had poor germination rate with it as well. Pods were very tasty for the ones that did ripen fully. Nothing against this strain of douglah just not betting the farm on a good crop if that's all I grow. I was very grateful for the seeds and the chance to grow it out myself.:cool:
I agree,

It's an awesome variety. Didnt really know the history behind them. It wasnt that great of a producer for me neither but i was extremly fortunate to have them and to grow it as well. Didnt have problems germinating it though like some talk about.. Mine grew in a pot and was thinking maybe it would do much better in the ground, so thats were its going this year to see.
I just was amazed at the droplets of extreme fluid that was inside the walls and off the placents tissue.(like all trinidad superhots that ive seen.
Anyways that pics you posted are sweeet! thanks for sharing.