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Dragon49's 2012 Grow Log

I haven't sprouted anything yet, but am so excited about the upcoming season that I wanted to start a thread. I'm going to sprout close to 20 seeds sometime before the end of the month.
Here are some pics of the Aji Cerezo from (correct spelling this time) DudeThtsBad




More pics:


I found another superchile (F3, hotter variety - 50,000 scovilles) sprout today. I am too tired to post more pics now. Sometime before the end of the week, I will post another set of pics.

So far, 8 out of 20 have sprouted - so at least 40% germination rate so far.
You are going to have quite a selection, Dragon!
One more superchile (F3 with F1 characteristics) sprouted. So far 9 out of 20 have sprouted. The germination percentage will be a least 45%.
One more superchile (F3 with F1 characteristics) sprouted. So far 10 out of 20 have sprouted. The germination percentage will be a least 50%.
Two more sprouts:

Aji Cristal

So rat 15 out of 20 seeds have sprouted. I think dirt is a fine sprouting medium!

Pictures in order:

Superchile F3 open pollinated 50,000 scovilles
Bode Amarillo Open Pollinated
Superchile F3 Open Pollinated with F1 Characteristics
Aji Cerazo
Aji Russian Yellow
Superchile F3 Open Pollinated with F1 Characteristics
Superchile F3 Open Pollinated with F1 Characteristics
Po Cheong
Aji Cristal
Bode Amarillo
Superchile F3 open pollinated 50,000 scovilles





More pics:





More Pics:






One More Superchile sprouted. So far, 16 our of 20 have sprouted.


To answer you question, the 50,000 scovilles that I report is just a guess. For the commercial F1 Superchile's, information on the internet has them between 30,000 and 50,000 scovilles. The ones I grew were not more then 30,000 (again my best guess, knowing the scovilles of popular chile's) and the F2's from last year that were longer were hotter. The sprouts from those saved seeds, I am labeling as 50,00 scovilles. As a mentioned earlier in the Glog, my seed isolation efforts may have been a waste as last years plants were all grown near each other and I watched the Bees cross everything. I am having too much fun to care whether they grow true. We'll see when the pods come.
One more sprout emerged, an Ata Ijosi. So far 17 out of 20 have sprouted. Does anybody want to come forward and dispute my claim that ordinary potting soil is ok for sprouting?
I'm going to leave the pot alone for a while, but it looks like I killed one of the Po-Cheongs by over watering. I soaked the little sprout too much and leaves never formed. Now, it looks like it got moldy and died.
The little seedlings are looking nice and healthy - do I see some true leaves starting to peek out?
I was about to take and post more pictures, but I left my camera at a family party. Some sad news to report: It looks like one of the superchile's is not going to make it. This sprout fell victim to the type of soil. A hard whitish part was stuck to the top of the sprout. This frequently happens, but usually, the cotyledon breaks free and the dirt falls off. In this case, the particle has remained on the top and no leaves have formed. The stem is still green, so I haven't given up hope yet, but the prospect of continued life does not look good.