• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dragon49's 2012 Grow Log

I haven't sprouted anything yet, but am so excited about the upcoming season that I wanted to start a thread. I'm going to sprout close to 20 seeds sometime before the end of the month.
Bode Amarillo:

Finally it stopped raining! I hardened off for 2 hours and 5 minutes in 72 degree weather with direct sunlight.

Here are a few pics:


Everybody got 2 hours and 50 minutes of direct sun and 77 degree weather. I think they are ready for the real world. I can't wait to plant out next Friday!
Mostly good news. I got 9 in the ground today. I did manage to kill one of my Bode's by cutting it with the dental floss that I used to tie it to the stake. I was warned about this.

Here are some pics. I linked to some god vids as well but the board does not permit it. My photobucket album is public so you should be able to find the vids directly.



First Pods:

These are crappy iPhone pics, but get the point across.

I will not be at the family garden until tomorrow and am not 100% sure what these are, but I assume they are superchile's, as they are growing upright, and I don't think I I have anything else growing with these characteristics.

Not bad for only 34 days in the ground!


1st pic is superchile - It is growing true from the seed I saved last year, as it is one of the larger pods. The next 3 are an Aji Russian Yellow, from seeds I bought from semillas.de.




That is weird with most up, and the one down. I wonder if this is normal, of if the weight of the one pod simple forced it to hang down, when it would normally hang upright.
Here are pics from earlier today:

This is one of the superchiles:


This is an Aji Russian Yellow:


This is an Aji Cerezo. It is hard to tell from the crappy pic, but it has tons of flowers:


Here is a pic of a bunch of pepper plants:


Here is some lettuce:


Here are some tomatoes:

Some new pics:

First, an out of focus picture of developing Aji Cereza Pods:


One more of these:


A superchile:


Another Superchile:


Fianlly a cucumber:


Here is a rotted Supeerchile I found on the ground:


Some of that Pod Type:


One of these not pictured is half red - I will be picking and eating it this weekend!
First harvest!!

The 2 peppers were not fully ripe when I picked them, but as I was leaving the family garden and will not be back for a few weeks, I was dying to pick some. The smaller pepper is an F3 Open Pollinated Superchile with F1 characteristics. This is from seed that I saved from one of Last years pods with the same characteristics. The larger one is also an Open Pollinated F3 superchile, but grown from last years seed from a pod with the same shape and size. Last season, I had estimated these at 50,000 scovilles, 20,000 - 30,000 scovilles more than the normal F1 Superchile's. As expected, they are ripening off the vine, and FAST. The first 2 pictures are from this morning at 10:00 A.M. The second 2 pictures are from 7:00 P.M. Notice the difference.

I'm not going to save seeds, or eat them, until the pods are fully red:



