• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dragon49's 2012 Grow Log

I haven't sprouted anything yet, but am so excited about the upcoming season that I wanted to start a thread. I'm going to sprout close to 20 seeds sometime before the end of the month.
I got my camera back.

I also hardened off the plants outside, giving them 10 minutes of 84 degree heat and wind. These first 8 pics are superchiles: The 9th is a bode amarillo.










The next 2 are Aji Cristal, followed by 2 Aji Cerezo's:





Basking in the sun:


2 aji Russian yellows


Today, the plants got 20 minutes of 76 degree outside weather and full sun. They look like they took a good beating, much more than yesterday. Today, they were outside earlier (45 min or so) so maybe the sun was more direct. Some wilted a little, while other stems fell over. I now have many plants staked with 2 ballpoint pens in the soil. I'm gonna water later, but I want to give them an hour or so to toughen up a little more.
As expected the Ata Ijosi Died. This is one that I didn't bother to try and harden off as it never grew true leaves. It wilted and died, No Nigerian Bird Pepper for me.

I bought Botanicare CAL-MAG. Most of my plants got watered with the recommended dosage. I put 1 teaspoon in a 1 gallon jug of spring water and watered with it.

I'll post more pics soon. Right now, one of the Aji Cerezo's is looking the best. It has big dark green healthy leaves. I seeded it in a pot from last year that I didn't wash out. I can see the salts from last years fertilizer on the sides.
Here are some more pics. In order:

The first 5 - Superchile F3 with F1 Characteristics
Aji Cristal
Superchile F3 with F1 Characteristics
Bode Amarillo
Aji Cerezo
Superchile F3 with F1 Characteristics
Aji Cerezo
Superchile F3 with Long Cayenne type pods, 50,000 scovilles
Aji Russian Yellow
Superchile F3 with Long Cayenne type pods, 50,000 scovilles
Aji Cristal
Aji Russian Yellow
Bode Amarillo


I hardened off some more. The plants got 40 minutes of outside 70 degree weather and full sun with some wind. I'm still very worried about weak stems as some fell over after 5 minutes. Some were put out already staked. I am thinking that maybe this is not good as this doesn't let the stems bend and get stronger. This is my 5th season and I have never had stems this weak before.
2 days ago, I transplanted an Aji Russian Yellow and a SuperChile F3/50,000 scovilles into bigger pots. I didn't add any nutes, but made the mistake of overwatering. The soil is muddy. It will take a while to dry out. Today, I watered the beautiful Aji Cerezo from my last post. Just water, no nutes. 1 other plant didn't need watering. Everything else got serious nutes - Miracle Grow all purpose plant food -24-8-16 at the recommended dosage of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon.

Here are pics of my setup:





Here are pis of 2 that I transplanted into bogger pots. The first is an Aji Russian Yellow - I don't like the way it looks as the leaves are not reaching for the light and one is curling downward. The second is an F3 50,000 scoville superchile. It looks great. Notice the top leaves angling upward:


This Superchile (F3 50,000 scovilles) is growing well but I don't like the pale leaves. I was hoping that the strong (24-8-16) nutes would darken the leaves, but they have not:

Good news, the Aju Russian Yellow that I transplanted into a bigger pot is doing better. The leaves are still curling, BUT, no longer away from the light. They perked up, and I can see new leath growth:


This is the Superchile (F3 - 50,000 Scovilles) that was also trnasplanted into a larger pot. It is looking awesome and growing well. If the leaves were darker, it would be pefect:


Depending on who you ask, the next pepper is eather a Bode Amarillo, Aji Charapita, or Wild Brazil. This is also doing quite well. Notice the complex dark dreen layered color of the leaves:

Loving those leaves

Your comment brought me bad luck - lol. The plant has gotten worse. Bottom leaves yellowed and fell off. See the first pic. I transplanted it itno a bigger pot. The good news is that it has a large healthy root ball. I wasn't planning on soaking it as much as I did, but after the initial watering, I felt the bottom soil through one of the drainage holes and it was dry. I ended up giving it a full pint of water, no nutes.

I pulled some tiny buds of one of the superchiles. No sense to waste energy on flowering with almost a month before they go into the garden.


The Superchile (1st pic) and Aji Russian Yellow (2nd Pic) finally dried out. I soaked them again, this time with a full dosage of Cal-Mag.


Got a lot of good lookin plants, I think that they may just be a little wet. How do you and how often do you water? I had the problem earlier in the season of overwatering, and it has the same/similar symptoms of underwatering. What helped for me was to go by weight.

Are you planning on putting them in bigger pots or in the ground? Once mine got put into the ground, a lot of the issues I had when they were in pots went away. Kinda like that is what they were waiting on since the beginning.

Keep the updates comin!
The plants are going into the Ground on May 25th. I may put one of the palnts in the small clay pots in a bigger pot before then, but everything else will be left alone. I wait until the visible top of the soil is dry and then wait 1 or 2 more days (I try and guess whether it needs watering by the weight) before re-watering. I always plan on watering less, but end up soaking the plant. Maybe it is wrong, but I don't feel like I have watered enough utntil water starts to come out of the bottom holes. The last watering for the 3 plants in my previos post was 3 wine glasses full of spring water, with the recommended dosage of Cal Mag Plus mixed in for the superchile and aji Russian Yellow. The Aji Cerezo got normal tap water.