• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Durham Bull's First Glog [2012]

Testing, testing ...

This will be my first season of growing superhots. I'd like to thank everyone here who shared the seeds with me, especially AjiJoe, Mopeppa, Wayright, Lanman, Spicegeist, Hot Stuff , AtomicCobra, RedtailForester, Chilefreak ... and all the great info on growing chiles.
I will post more photos as the season progress.






I placed them under a large oak, they get sun from morning until about 1PM.
What about the large leaves? Are they not suppose to be large?
I had them in the afternoon sun & they wilted so I moved them under the oak with just morning sun.
educate me... please
The plants look good, but may not be getting enough sun. Plants tend to put out larger leaves in the shade...

Thanks Charles, I'll monitor the sun exposure. It has been hot here in NC and will reach around 100 this weekend.
One of my Butch Ts is on the deck, which is sunny all day, and the leaves are the same size...

Santino is stoned, look in them eyes, Sy i think they may be having a feed on your "other" crops.

Do you have mushrooms growing in your garden. LoL


Hey Mez, It's too hot here for mushrooms.
Santino's just a very layback dog (although I did tell him to stay out of the hippy lettuce patch)
I might have to put a fence around that part of the garden. :rofl:

, Nice photography, I especially like the tall trees in the background The plants appear to be doing well.
The photo that's labeled "Dorset Naga" is a different chili. I grow a few different types of the "Morich" .....the plant seems to have an Annuum trait to it.
The Chocolate pod will be a hot one...

, Nice photography, I especially like the tall trees in the background The plants appear to be doing well.
The photo that's labeled "Dorset Naga" is a different chili. I grow a few different types of the "Morich" .....the plant seems to have an Annuum trait to it.
The Chocolate pod will be a hot one...


Thanks Greg,
It's my first year growing & very excited about the newly formed pods.
As for the "Dorset Naga", I got Dorset Naga seeds but they appear to be something else. I have 3 plants and they're all different. One of the might be Serrano... I will wait until the pods ripen.

*Your glog got some great plants & awsome photos.

Looking good man!

What type of salad dressing do you serve with the lettuce?

Thanks Fremp
No dressing needed with the lettuce... just add some cheetos for crunch!
Hi Sy, the Kaffir Lime, any special reason for that type? I had a Tahitian Lime until i gave it away when i had to move interstate.

Hi Sy, the Kaffir Lime, any special reason for that type? I had a Tahitian Lime until i gave it away when i had to move interstate.


Hey Mez....

I got the Kaffir lime for the leaves. It's in a lot of Thai dishes (along with ginger, lemongrass, galanga...) & I love Thai food.
