Scorpion aint like a naga, cept in heat level.
It has a weird burn..almost habby, bt far worse.
imo, has a pretty even burn up to stoopid hot level, it's fun.
Delicious tho. You get to taste it more than say, Bih.
Fruity like a hab, sweeter than a hab, almost like a tomato....but, with Bih piquante and floral undertones, and then the heat tears yer face off.
(yes, those flavor notes are hapening inside of 10-20 seconds)
Hab sweet hit, with Bih floral flavor and pure punch, and a Naga burrrrn.
Didn't have the duration of a Dorset or other Morich though, IMO.
Would frell most people waaay up.
The vid here, shows what happens to a chilehead novice trying the Scorpion, and her man who has more experience.
He's a good actor..
She, has ballz for tryign it.
We all enjoyed it, thx Shayne!!