• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Essegi 2015

Here i am with my humble growing!
That year only superhots, there were just too many that i wanted to try.
The seeds, all form Semillas:

I gave 5 of each to a friend of mine. So i have 6 of all but TSMCaramel (7), BrainStrain (5) and Jay Peach (5).
Total 59.
I plan to keep 2 of each + 1 for another friend of mine. If more, giveaway.
Today i started that seeds:


7pod on left (maybe i'll give it to an aunt of mine), rocoto on right. Maybe i pruned it too ealy... I hope that year to harvest something from that one.
Well... Now let's see who germintates...
Since i have no sprout to show i start with some pizza of yesterday.
Tomato passata is homemade from tomatoes of 2014. Also I used fatalli and moruga powder on some. Toppings: pepperoni, bacon, red onion marinated in evo and bp and salt, olives, mozz (thick slices).






Airiness looks very irregular and mostly bad (the third one is the only decent in that regard), at least taste was good.
Great looking sauce man! I'd give it a shot. Looks likes perfect use for the yellow pod. Great combination of flavors. And good eye for the photos as well! Thanks for the updates!
Thanks Adam!
Some colour!
Not moruga caramel

Moruga caramel

Looks caramel indeed at that stage! Maybe a bit smoother and less regular than Yellow and Chocolate Moruga. Still look really good!
I discarded one that had an hole (if you see it's the one on bottom left).
Peach Bhut

To be honest they look a bit on the smooth side, i've seen many more wrinkled in other growing.
On the other hand Jay's Red seems totally wicked:


Seems it has nearly a brown/chocolate tone before riping... I hope to see the red calyx, i know i must give it some time.

Yellow Moruga

They seem a bit frail. I've found the third fallen by itslelf.
No peppers but i harvested a daily dose of Roma

I hope to harvest something in the weekend, including Bishop's Hat, in the meanwhile i've yet to finish my sauce.
Thanks Bum, at the moment i'm giving many away, also i often like just to cut them fresh inside food and now i have some to try that i've never tasted before!
Bhuter said:
Your pods look amazing! That caramel Moruga is gonna be pretty! Really nice Roma's as well! Great job!
Thanks! Btw i was mistaken; those wasn't Roma, but some others that i don't know the name and are growing like Roma without a stake.
We are having another peak of temps, max are about 98F and tonight at 2am temps were like 80F.
Plants aren't appreciating, i watered yesterday morning and today evening i must water again, they look tired with hanging leaves.
At least peppers themselves are good:
Yesterday haul:

Moruga Yellow, not Moruga Caramel, MoA.
Given away...
Eggplants, tomatoes and Bishop's Crown.

I'm not much impressed by Bishop's Hat taste, a bit of grass. I have to check cooked or for sauces.

Bahamian Goat has colours!
Btw it's the most worn out plant. Also that one is staying a bit small, i don't know if it's a compact plant.

Now it's yellow... Other at that stage are more red/brown tone... I'll see when it ripes.

Peach bhut.

A week that i see this colour on those pods...
Butch T


From left:
4 moa+1 not ripe (so crowded...)
2 Chocolate Moruga (Those look great. I was fooled by a pod that is ripe on just one side. Nice 12g pods) 
2 Yellow Moruga (smoother than the big one i harvested. One was fallen by itself)
1 Moruga Caramel (for sure interesting colour)
1 Brainstrain (scary, nice nearly 12g here too)
1 Peach Bhut (i'll check tomorrow or the day after if colour changes)
1 BBG7 (i'm leaving next one more on plant to see what happens with calyx)
6 big red ones on top right are not Caramel Moruga, really fast ripening pods
Only Jay's Red and Peach of my supers aren't showing colours (but i believe a peach should soon), a Primo has maybe an hint, so it should be near... Those are the ones with most vicious surface (maybe Primos look even scarier).
For the major part i'm still giving away pods, and in the end of next week i must gift some to another friend.
I've discarded the yellow moruga that fell by itself and the bbg7 (was a bit rot, though looked good from outside). So i cut Caramel Moruga... Seems it has quite some oil! I ate a tiny piece, seems a slow burner that grows on time... Also it seems ripe, no green inside. Eating more with ricotta and pesto i'd say that taste is a bit meh but not bad. Not particularly sweet. But it seems it isn't bitter either and that's good!
Great poddage Essegi!
The peach bhut  does not looks exactly like... peach bhut :)
I sadly see a lot of diluted stuff around lately, in the next season i'll give a shot to some old PB seeds from AjiJoe i've found recently in my stash to see if long gnarly pods show up :)
That Moruga was a great looking pod and that sauce looks tasty. MOA bonnets I can't wait to try. I have 3 plants going but no ripe pods as of yet. I was surprised with how hot fataliis where so if they are close to that heat I may be pleasantly surprised. 
I keep trying to cross the MOA with Goatsweed but so far no luck. Keeps aborting the flowers. 
Look forward to seeing how things progress for the rest of your grow season. 
Trident chilli said:
Great update Giancarlo love the MoA ... However those "not Moruga Caramels" are to die for ... great colour and they look really evil
Thanks, those not Moruga Caramel are also productive and early, i can't complain! :D
Datil said:
Great poddage Essegi!
The peach bhut  does not looks exactly like... peach bhut :)
I sadly see a lot of diluted stuff around lately, in the next season i'll give a shot to some old PB seeds from AjiJoe i've found recently in my stash to see if long gnarly pods show up :)
Thanks! Yeah, that peach bhut looks a bit different... Color should be ok if i let them ripe more... Maybe another year i'll retry, not next one. Speaking about, i'll try Datils :D and a couple of pubescens. For sure less superhots.
maximumcapsicum said:
Fantastic poddage man! Can't wait till you try the peach bhut. Have you had them before?
yesterday i tasted Brainstrain, i was surprised by its taste, fruity and nearly not bitter! One of the best super i'd say. Maybe not killer hot, but heat is persistant.
With not killer hot i mean that Moruga Chocolate were more impressive in that... Or maybe i was started with Brainstrain. Moruga Chocolate has a different taste, it's not bad, but after a while there's a bitter after taste...
After a while i tasted a piece of Peach Bhut.. Still i haven't an idea, also it wasn't 100% ripe, i should redo. Seemed quite hot, maybe a bit citrusy and slightly (but just a tad) bitter, but after some Brainstrain and Chocoloate Moruga... :rofl:
At the end i put remains of peppers with onions, carrot, garlic, a bit of vinegar to make a sauce, that evening i'll see if it's good.
Next time i should begin to follow some post on sauce subforum, i need to improve my sauces!
D3monic said:
That Moruga was a great looking pod and that sauce looks tasty. MOA bonnets I can't wait to try. I have 3 plants going but no ripe pods as of yet. I was surprised with how hot fataliis where so if they are close to that heat I may be pleasantly surprised. 
I keep trying to cross the MOA with Goatsweed but so far no luck. Keeps aborting the flowers. 
Look forward to seeing how things progress for the rest of your grow season.
Thanks! Fataliis is maybe still my fav. For sure MoA is a contender, i've to try it more.
I'm thinking this about heat: i've said that i feel MoA maybe hotter than Fatalii... But i've to consider that: last summer, when i grew Fatalii, has been the most rainy i have ever seen and not much hot... That year is some of the hottest (in night too) and without rain. So i suppose that counts.
That evening i should harvest some other pepper types, the one i'm looking forward more is Bahamian Goat. Everytime i read about that pepper are happy words! :D
I've also a Goatsweed plant, i've heard many good stuff here too. Good luck with your cross!
Thanks Jamison! And it's your merit too! MoA and not Caramel Moruga have set more ripe pods than other plants at the moment and i started them later than other chinense!
I used yesterday sauce on breaded eggplant:

I have to say that breaded eggplant is some of the best food to pair with sauce.
Chocolate Moruga
(not?)Peach Bhut:

I think it's the most productive plant, literally loaded. Caramel and Chocolate Moruga too are impressive.
Btw leaves of that plant are quite smaller than other chinense. Also Bahamian Goat has some small leaves, but the plant is more compact.
Aji Amarillo is growing, maybe it's setting other pods:

I have still to wait for Bahamian Goat:

Jay's Red:

Jay's Peach:

Lol, bird gift... I noticed just now on photo the burining on that pod...
I have the impression that red ones are a bit thinner but with meaner looking.
BBG7, fully ripe and not yet red calyx, i'll see the day after tomorrow...

Primo is being the slowest:

Today small haul.

From lower left then counter clockwise: 2 Butch T, 1 Moruga Caramel, (not?) Peach Bhut, Brainstrain, MoA, not Moruga Caramel, Moruga Yellow.
Moruga Caramel has really a nice colour.
Also i've tasted Butch T. Seems very aromatic but bitter (dunno if Chocolate Moruga is worse in that). For sure hot.
About heat... Tomorrow maybe we are surpassing 100F.
Today's harvest: 

3 Brainstrain, 1 Jay's Peach, 1 Bishop's Crown, 3 BBG7 (still no red calyx)
9 unknown calabrese annuum, 2 Chocolate Moruga, 10 (not?) Bhut Peach, 
4 Caramel Moruga, 6 MoA, 8 Butch T, 3 Yellow Moruga, 4 not Moruga Caramel
Still gifting all lol except Jay's Peach, since plants are still loaded,. Not fully ripe but it was starting to rot so i saved an half. Tasted a piece, heat seems slow and persistant. I feel some bitter taste just after the beginning but it disappear quickly, pretty aromatic (reminded a bit Butch T).
Today's best pod:

Moruga Caramel. Not particularly big, but the first true form.
az1000 said:
Very nice pods . I really like how it looks the not Moruga Caramel . You should keep some seeds
I've some other seeds of that... Maybe those would turn real Moruga Caramel, who knows... I don't think i'm keeping seeds from my pods (also nothing is isolated), but i could send you some if you'd like!
Lol today:

Bahamian Goat and not ripe starting rot Jay's Red
Jay's Red... It's hot! Just a small piece and made me think it's really hot, on par with the nastiest! Seems less aromatic than Jay's Peach.
Bahamian Goat is strange. I've to wait to pick up one more ripe. Taste is nice but not really strong. Heat is slow and doesn't bite, pure burning. At the moment i feel MoA hotter and better tasting but i'll see next time.
az1000 said:
It would be great  to send me some seeds. No matter if they are not isolated. I like surprises..
See PM. :D
charlesquik said:
Nice glog essegi! which I could grow those super hot, mine wont ripen in time this year again :(
Sorry for your growing. :( I see you are on a pretty north place... That year here it's really hot and with few rain... Vegetables are starting to struggle... But chinense love it. :P
 Another ridiculous harvest (mostly to have some fresh pods and take some with incoming ber). Maybe my next will be a good one with lots of Jay's.
I have a Primo, nearly fully ripe. Then Bahamian Goat, MoA, not ripe ber Jay's Peach.
Jay's seems more subsceptible of ber, Moruga, yellow especially, of some falls...
That Primo is one of the best i had on plant, too bad it had tail ruined:

Also, loads of oil:

Well, i said that Primo maybe looks scariest and probably it's the hottest. I ate a small piece and, guys, that was fiery! Also taste isn't bad and nearly not bitter. Great pepper.
Iirc Primo was the first plant to pop up and the last to be tasted lol.