food Everythang' Tex-Mex!

Break it down y'all.

mrs. blues just had to get her queso on tonight and dragged me out to LaHa.

Its cool and the gang.

I went along for the ride despite my hippy diet.

All that changed soon enough.

We got complimentary chips & salsa right off and mrs. blues added a side of queso.

Velveeta style but sorry, no pics.

I ordered the Burrito Gonzalez. Check it on the menu link above.

It should have the BAB designation on it though.

Big Ass Burrito.


Before I could order my drink mrs. blues had already ordered her strawberry margarita.

She doesn't even drink y'all!

That left me to be her DD and drive her truck home. She NEVER does that!

So in recompense she had to bump me 2 shots from her private stash of Patron.

Leftovers and shots.


Gotta go and hit that shot glass.
:woohoo: no whole wheat black bean wraps in sight!
I should mention just how BIG that 'thang is.

You can't tell but that burrito is almost a foot long.

Had I known it was that big I would have ordered wimp size.

Damn thang was swimmin' in queso!

Real Tex-Mex never skimps on the portions.
I don't know for sure, but methinks the boss is...:drunk:

My only question is why is he not posting in Smaeshd for Life?
I don't know for sure, but methinks the boss is... :drunk:

My only question is why is he not posting in Smaeshd for Life?

Na, not drunk, but craving an organic wheat beer after looking at your wraps. :)
Good on you TB!!!!!! I was a little worried that you'd go and order a salad or sumpthin'!!!!

You did NOT disappoint!!!!!! :woohoo:

I ate enuff brussel sprouts for both of us.......
Nah, she doesn't like all the meat I make. In fact she won't eat steak (except fillet), ribs, or bacon. She loves potatoes. She is much more hippy than me. She did eat three of those enchiladas I made tonight though.