food Everythang' Tex-Mex!

Queso IS Tex-Mex!

There are very few authentic Mexican restaurants in this country.

Almost all are a variation of Tex-Mex.

If you're at a "Mexican" restaurant and your combo plate comes with melted yellow cheese on it, it's you guessed it...

Tex-Mex! Some will try and fool you by using melted jack cheese. Nope. Still Tex-Mex.

Fajita's on the menu? Yep. That's Tex-Mex too!
I've been making Molé for over 20 years. It took about 5 to perfect my recipe.
Something my Mexican family never made. Ever.
Chocolate, Nuts, Chiles, mmmmmgoodness.

<---- It says it all right here, LOL
I ain't crazy about no mole-ay. Maybe because its too authentic Mexican and it can't be corrupted Tex-Mex style. Most mole-ay's don't have chocolate as an ingredient but the one's that do, I just can't see adding queso to it. Plah!

Makes no nevermind to me anyhow.

One 'thang I CAN corrupt is a tortilla.

Hippy style.

2 C KA whole wheat flour
2 T olive oil
1/2 t sea salt
1/2 t baking powder
1 C warm H20
For more fun toss in some Hungarian hot paprika and garlic powder.


Mix by hand. Roll into a ball and let rest for 1/2 hour with a towel over the top.

Whip out yer' CI tortilla press or use yer' French pin between sheeits of wax paper.

Slap 'em on a medium heat comal.


Hold 'em in this chingaderra. An old Mexican senora pointed a boney finger at this one when I asked her about this warmer and a plastic one. "Que uno es mas mejore?" At the sto' yesterday a sixer of hosky assidently' was on sale and assidently fell into my cart. I had to buy it. It says TEXAS right on the label.


While that was all goin's on I had already prepared some fresno, bell pepper, onion, garlic, and homestyle sun dried toms with some olive oil for fixin's.


What fool takes perfectly good and healthy veggie style hippy whole wheat taco's and puts schredded scheeze on 'em?


Gotta' Tex-Mexificate 'em.


Just a lil' bit of scheeze to keep it for realz.


Still dang' healthy even for Tex-Mex.

Just a hint of cheese and no sour cream and no rice on the side.

I had some pinto beans but didn't eat them.

That be lunch today.
where's the meat? ... oh, wait, i get it ...

imma be waitin' for you to post some of this stuff ...

I 'preciatte the notion n' all GM but I'm sorry.

I find that stuff, just like another product, SOYRIZO, along with others of their ilk, to be an abomination.

I just don't cotton to the idear of taking other products and pretending to make them taste, look, and cook like meat.

That stuff is the life sized blow up Judy doll of the culinary world.

Who wants to nail plastic?

Either I choose to eat meat or I don't.

Rest assured that I haven't given up meat completely.

I am still a slave to a cheeseburger.

Chix breast is my least favorite part of the chicken.

I'd much rather eat thighs and wings but they have more than their share of saturated fat.

Especially the way I like them.


I have put a ban in place on fried foods anyway and what little I will allow myself will be limited to my beloved Baja style fried fish and shrimp tacos.

So chicken is out.
interesting ... we expect to have consumed most all of the previously purchased stuff that we'll likely no longer be consuming this week ...

should be some new and interesting and healthier stuff coming up for us ...

here's to all of our health!
Don't get me wrong Grant.

It ain't that I don't wish to consume meat and other saturated fat loaded foods.

By cutting way back, I see it a way to CONTINUE to eat them for a very long time.

For now I shall endeavor to persevere on discovering how to make healthy foods actually taste good.

Then later when I get the call to arms on my favorite INO animal style cheese burger or decide to fire up my own style of sliders, I can do so with no shame, guilt, or regret.

I shall be soulless in my execution with extreme prejudice when I consume and shove that animal style or sliders into my piehole!
R U kidding me?

Cheese. Salsa. Sour cream. Ground beef.

That's Tex-Mex all the way.

I would sooooooo mao on that rolled up burrito style!
I was debating whether or not to put this in the Dern Hippy Food thread but since I'm using a little cotija queso on it I reckon its served better here. Cotija is all about cow and loaded and very salty tasting, leastwise as far as scheeze goes.


Black Betty con diced onion, bell pepper, yellow squash, (screw y'all, I'm cleanin' out the fridge) home made sun dried tomato, garlic, and olive oil.


It's lookin' guud here. A little kosher salt and fresh BP, and several generous tail feather shakes of my own mango mojo hab.


Corn tore tillah's fresh off the cast iron comal with a nice chew were perfect.

Can't see the cotija. Its on there but not heaps of it. I have to use this stuff up as I'm not buying anymore cheese and cutting way back. Might take me about a month to use up all the cheese I have in the fridge.

This stuff smelled awesome!


Squeezed n' pleezed with a lime wedge and its ever 'thang I want for supper.

I eated 3 of these little tacos. Right at my limit. 30 years ago I could have eated maybe 200 of 'em.


CJ, I don't rightly know what I might have done to make those as magically delicious as they were.

Maybe it was the sun dried toms. Or maybe it was the generous use of the mango mojo sauce.

As you know, I've way to many bottles of hot sauce and stuff in the fridge that needs to go away. The sauce was one I did up several months ago and while it was tasty, I was less than thrilled about its heat. The bottle I have been using lately seems to benefited from time and had better than normal heat and the combo of vinegar, heat , and sweetness from the fruit, really made it POP!

Truth be told, I've eaten veggie only meals forever but as everybody knows many of those meals can be booooorrrrriiiinnnnngggg. Animal fat and salt just taste better, no question. And anyone who says differnt' is either a dang fool or a liar!

I used so little of the cheese that it was unnoticeable and couldn't even taste it. That tells me that I can make something that is virtually fat free that still tastes dang good.

I've been eating so many veggies and fruit that it is inevitable I crap out a family of rabbits here soon.

I need my cheeseburger fix and I'm going to satisfy it tonight!