Everything I Will Be Growing Next Season

I would like to welcome any comments from any1 with experience growing these varieties. Good or bad, as most are new to me. I would also like to know if there are any on the list I should steer clear of?

Tomato Varieties.

Vintage Wine, Black Brandywine, Black Pineapple, Brandywine, Brandywine Sudduth Strain, Nyagous, Japanese Black Trifele, Nicholayev Yellow Cherry, Gold Medal, Tumbling Tom

Vegetable Varieties

Pumpkin Atlantic Giant, Melfort Swede, Tomatillo Verdi, Runner Bean White Emerald, Climbing French Bean, Magres Swede, Tuxedo Sweetcorn, Palco F1 Spinach, Sugar Snap Pea, Red Baron Onion, Lollo Rosso Lettuce, Little Gem Lettuce, Tanja Cucumber, All Year Cauliflower, Carrot Sugarsnax, Omskirk Cabbage

Chilli Varieties

Tepin, Joes Long, Pinocchios Nose, Rocoto Orange, Khorika Jolokia, Rocoto Yellow, Damini Birds Eye, HH Wax, Nosegay, Chaco, Yellow Mushroom, Aji Verde, Peter Pepper, Numex Sauve Red & Orange, Cumari Ou Passarinho, Chiltepin, Ecuadorian Devils Breath, Peach Hab, Fatalii, Yellow Burkina Hab, Hot Antillais, Chupetinho, Cumari, Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate Hab
HH WAX has been my only disappointing taste of a chili this year..but as with mar mite..its all down to taste :)
talas said:
HH WAX has been my only disappointing taste of a chili this year..but as with mar mite..its all down to taste :)

A tasty bunch of chilli pods you have there! But alas ...that will surely not be your final list ! Times it bt ten in a month or so I rekon!! Chilli addicts anon....its been 6 hours since my last chilli!

Vegemite so rocks!
Great list mate, you will have to supply pic's once things start to grow...

I was only going to grow 3 types of chilli this year and now I'm up to about 20 types, hot And sweet. Not to mention about 10 types of toms and about an acre of veggies, so yeah it is an addiction.:)

Make sure you keep control of your toms or they will take over the yard and before long they will strive for world domination. :lol:

I love how lately on this forum we could be talking about the winter migration patterns of a flock of ducks (don't know why we would?) and we always end up saying something about vegemite.

P.S. Loooovvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee my Vegemite.:cool:
Canuk Pepperhead said:
I heard it tasted kinda like vegemite but thats what I was told lol
Im curious myself and looking for a place online to buy some..

Actually you are pretty much on the money. Vegemite is hard to describe and tastes like nothing else.

The people that don't grow up eating it on a daily basis like me and MANY other Aussies have to keep a bit of an open mind when trying it.

Buy online in OZ

Buy online in USA
fineexampl said:
Since'it's brought up, what on earth does it taste like?? Is it like miso??

Go get some and try a unique taste indeed and there will be a vegemite/Marmite chili sauce soon its been made as we speak in the wilds of england :lol:
I have a very open mind when it comes to food. I've tried vegemite. It's not horrid but it's not good to me. No where near miso flavour. I the vegemite on toast at a friends place. I ate it but don't think I will again! I'll leave vegemite to the experts in Australia cuz it was bleh :)

On topic, I want to grow some tepins next year too! I haven't grown most of the veggies you are looking at, probably because my climate is too cold.
Isn't Joe's long and Pinocchios nose the same, and whippet's tail too?
I haven't had great experience from the Atlantic giant pumpkins. They are popular in seedbanks but if you really want a nice big pumpkin you may be dissapointed.
Have you grown tomatillos before? Just be aware that they can become the worst weed in your garden and are nearly impossible to stop them from coming up every year.

If you like Salsa Verde, add Green Sausage toms to your list. Small plants, only grow about 14" tall and take up about a foot of room but very prolific producers - two plants gave me 11 pints of salsa and this was not a great year. Very few seeds and next to no juice. The seeds are also located only in the middle, and are easy to remove.

I have two plants in a five-gallon bucket of water (hydro) upstairs.
