misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

gasificada said:
:raises hand:

i is here
but i'm wonderin' the same.........
it is very quiet tonight.. gas.. i cant get the idea of your dal out of my head... my mouth is watering just thinking about it... what are you doing posting - get cooking!
Here, set the mood...


P.S. I am indigenous, english, german, whatever else and came here on a camel.
hmmm... i'm thinking more along the lines of...

they're in sydney tonight.. shoulda got tickets :(
mel said:
it is very quiet tonight.. gas.. i cant get the idea of your dal out of my head... my mouth is watering just thinking about it... what are you doing posting - get cooking!

I am! I am! but I can't find the pressure release knob thing for my pressure cooker so I have to boil the lentils for 100+ hours........
just rolled out of bed...coffee coming...

:thinking in order to be able to post in this thread, a little shot of baileys should do the trick:
'Morning, AJ.

When you say a shot is in order, is that 'cause you have to deal with Aussies or 'cause you are in a drunkin' thread....... or both?
morning AJ!! glad to see you :D baileys is tasteeee :)

gas - just whack it on high... the lentils dont take too long to cook :D
Damn 1.25 litres of grog takes bloody forever to cool down in the freezer, i am on my third *hiccup* schooner of shine and cola. About three-four nips in each glass, then beer. :D
i'm on beer #5... i drink it quicker straight outta the freezer... its like a beer icey :)

you may need to split out your 1.5 litrrs... no work tomorrow?
Hell yeah but it's friday. I don't think you fully understand how much alcohol my body has become acustomed to hehe i just made a word up! Anyway thats what happens when you brew your own beer and don't have a still because that would be illegal.
i'll have to check it out... maybe over the winter...

the thing that turns me off is all the bottle steralisation.. it sh!ts me enough doing bottles for chilli sauce!
Yeah but if you rinse your bottles three times after drinkin and then once before bottling no worries. As for the carboy (fermenter) just rinse it out real good a couple of times and when you want to use it sanitize then, it's really no bother.