misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

I hope to be like you one day AJ and i have been studying your every move, feel nervous? Better have some more carrot and bloody whatevers!
don't eat mel, it will ruin your buzz...

and Nova...please man, don't grow up to be like me...too many missed opportunities man...
i needs ta eat me some food.. otherwise it might be the spew train for me tonight! she'll be right mate...

oh.. and if nova grows up like you i reckon he'll be sweet.. dont go putting yourself down.. you know everyone here thinks you're great and has a tonne of respect for you!
boy, have I got them fooled.... :rofl:

now go eat before the spewiness erupts all over mrmel
Novacastrian said:
I has two tonnes and sleepy eyes!

i thought you'd already be in the land of zzzz...zzzz..zzz

AJ - you fool no-one.. we see right through you!!

mmm... princess paulies pasties are ready... time for some eatin!
so figuring it is almost 1 am where you are and early friday morning, I thought you might watch the sun come up...
wtf?? 12.45 am and early friday morning.. not much chance of me seeing the sun come up... nor the sun by midday.. but i'm having fun :P some pasties..... another beer and then bed for me... but at this stage thats not looking like 3am to me! no work tomorrow wooo hooo... then just a weekend and back at it.. booohooo..

(u like that?? i'm doing NJA style rhymes!)
:lol: ... nearly...

off to take the 3 week inventory....back in a while...
good night :)

mr mel is now coming up with website names... lol.. he wont let me post what they are... maybe too rude for this forum..

mmm.. paulie's princess pasties are tasty