misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

All but the Dixie Black Voodoo, that was a very poor black lager. I liked the name and took a chance on it though.

The Ola Dubh 12 is the single greatest beer I've ever tried. If you can find it, it's worth the $8-9 per bottle. I'm on the search for 18-30-40 versions now.

I have a bottle of it 30 year aged I bought about 4 months ago

and yea TK those are some nice beers, ive had a lot of them and they are good choices
just got finished talking to 2 police officer

so im closing down the restaurant, and the owner and I are outside locking up and bullshitting, and all of a sudden, a fucking Chrysler Seabring ramps the fucking curve, gets the entire passengers side off the ground, rips his passenger axle in 2, rear rim curbed and tire popped, and I know he got airborne because if he wasnt off the ground the rear would have been completely ripped off too

he gets out of the car just reeking of alcohol, and is like "aww man what the fuck was that, my wheel bearing must have snapped"

I was like no.....

so dave (owner of bullys) called the cops while i was outside talking to this guy, and I call the girl he asked me to call to come pick him up, and she shows up with 3 friends, and the friend driving says out the window "yo i cant be here when the cops show up, and pulled away"

so the 2 girls are there and the cop finally shows up

so he asks this dude what happened and what not, then comes back to me and I tell him the whole story

apparently the cop knew the guy, and proceeded to give him a breathalyzer and he blew a .25 legal limit being .08 if you guys dont know

it was pretty sweet watching a chrysler jump a curb though

ohh yea and now im drinking Bluecoat Gin on the rocks with a lemon, and am waiting for my Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout to chill to a perfect 45 degrees

Damn I missed it. Kentucky Breakfast Stout.... GIMME!
Never heard of it....but it sounds like I could find it fairly easily....based on the name. ;)

It is made by a brewery called Founders. It is pretty sought after and quite expensive. You won't find it in any grocery stores or mini-marts.(even in Kentucky). If you do find it, enjoy!

thats what im drinking right now :)
Startin the day with a 14th anniversary Stone Empirial IPA. 8.9%, pretty good, wish I woulda made it to my regular brewery on time yesterday though... just lurkin around here for the fourth- beach and the kelp beds are too busy for me today


My rocoto Incas are comin in now, tossed half of one in the pic fer the hell of it
Someone talked me into doing Prarie Fires last night. Seemed like a good idea at the time. It was not. Problem was not the tequila, but the fire part. I used Mauvais Sang, a sadistic creation of Heartbreaking Dawn's which contains Dorest Nagas, Choc habs, and if that weren't enough, natural capsaicin.

It's been over 3 years now since young cap lover, may his soul rest in peace, started this thread.
I'm having a beer right now in his memory. :cheers:
If i ever go to London i want to get as smashed as this guy.

It's been over 3 years now since young cap lover, may his soul rest in peace, started this thread.I'm having a beer right now in his memory. :cheers:

"Rest in peace"? please explain for us newbies, respectfully, Thank You.

getting drunk tonight, whose with me?

ME! The kid is gone to a sleep over, it's just me and my hottie~~~ oooohhh yea!