misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Hmmm, my log says 9:08 not 12:08......

didnt get half as much done as i needed to today. tractor is acting up,and i still have hundreds of plants needing transplanting and a nother round of seeds started. " but fuct it im drinking" it will all be there tomorrow! :dance: :cheers:
Rumor has it I may end up pretty drunk tonight. Just opened a bottle of Bug Juice, and can't find the champagne cork replacement. It would be such a shame to lose all this bubbly goodness other than by drinking....
LOL - I'll tip my cup to you and Sonya any time, sic!

Any idea why they named this stuff "Bug Juice"??? It's a 2011 Moscato d'Asti by Rinaldi (Italian.) It's light, fairly sweet without being sicky-sweet, and just the kind of thing I can see finishing off the bottle before the night is over - almost TOO easy to drink. But "Bug Juice"??? Bug Juice??? :lol:

And BTW.... I've now had a mere two glasses of the stuff, but am thinking "vodka". Had Absolut Citron last night, and added a bunch of ginger syrup to it after trying it straight. So disappointing after the Blue Hen gingerbread vodka.... Blue Hen is so delightful. Absolut was kind of like drinking pure rubbing alcohol. Done with that thought now, though.... back to the bubbly.....
Why you stealin' my fun, Scovie??? Can't a girl drink an entire bottle of moscato by herself in one night???

Well..... I could..... though JayT or Redtail might think otherwise... :lol:
So, BTW.... Bug Juice is highly drinkable, in spite of the name. No, I didn't drink the entire bottle by myself last night, but it was definitely empty this morning. I'd get it again.
I call shenanigans! This study must have been rigged!
