misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

It's sad when you have to dump beer. I had to do that with the bottle of Lumpy Gravy i bought. I didn't like it.

Guys i'm buyin beer tomorrow. What are some good microbrews i can find on the east coast? I'm thinking of trying something local, but wondered what are good MFing brews i might not have had.

I'm also going to fill up a growler or two. JJ Bitting's here i come!

Edit: i'm no stranger to beers. i just want to try something new for a change.
Dogfish Head Theobroma (it has Ancho's in it and is FANTASTIC) or anything else by Dogfish Head (except their fruit beers such as the Preach).... look for Polo Santo Maron
fineexampl said:
It's sad when you have to dump beer. I had to do that with the bottle of Lumpy Gravy i bought. I didn't like it.

Guys i'm buyin beer tomorrow. What are some good microbrews i can find on the east coast? I'm thinking of trying something local, but wondered what are good MFing brews i might not have had.

RIVERHORSE!!!! The brewery's in Lambertville. I love their stuff. You should be able to get some around by you.
Sickmont said:
Have you ever tried any beers by Sly Fox Brewing? My friend Emily in Philly swears by 'em, and i can't find them anywhere down here. She keeps raving about Ichor. Is it any good?

Yeah I've had some of their beers. Not sure if I've ever had the Ichor, but the Rt 113 IPA and the Helles Golden Lager were good.
JayT said:
Yeah I've had some of their beers. Not sure if I've ever had the Ichor, but the Rt 113 IPA and the Helles Golden Lager were good.

Cool. Something else to look forward to IF i ever get back up that way to visit.
JayT said:
Ummmmm.....YES! Tell us about it.
Ahhh yes I like this, a muriad of flavors wash over my tongue especially when it warms slightly. An instant taste of clean refreshment devoid of any tastes then comes the cocoa which is absolutely fantastic. Compairable to a dried packet of Swiss Mix (we've all tasted that dried...come on...admit it). Next is the Earthy taste of the annatto. I'm having a very hard time seperating the annatto and the Ancho which is surprissing because I'm a chili-head.

Coming in after that is the sweet taste of honey. I almost want to say that this is Buckwheet honey and not your usual run of the mill bee vomit. Absolutely no heat and despite being listed as a Chili-beer on beer advocate, it is in fact an acient/herb beer.

The look is a light copper color and very clear. This is surprissing due to the excessive use of the ingredients. Over all very rich and complex, sweet and impressive. Who knew ancient beer could taste so good.

Ok, now are you jealous?
I'll be looking for this tomorrow at my local micro sixpack shop. Have you had and what do you think of DFH Black and Blue? Pangea? I think that's the one they are putting out next.
JayT said:
I'll be looking for this tomorrow at my local micro sixpack shop. Have you had and what do you think of DFH Black and Blue? Pangea? I think that's the one they are putting out next.
It only comes in a 750ml bottle, same with the Pangea and Black and Blue both of which I have not had. I stayed clear of the Black and Blue since they used wine in it and it probably contains artificial sulfites. Their other ancient brew is the Midas Touch which also contains grapes so I'm afraid of the possable use of artificial sulfites in that one as well. I even emailed the brew master about that and he never got back with me.
w00t! That was the first post of page 40! Wow, I think cap lover would have been proud of us.

Here's to you buddy, may you rest in piece.

: raises glass and takes a drink :
I've had the Midas Touch many times. I like it, but the grape taste is somewhat lost on me. I will have to try the others, I have seen them before, but never purchased them. This year I will. I am also looking forward to the new Iron Hill beers that are coming this month. They will have their Pumpkin Ale on cask at their Lancaster Brewpub.
Somewhere in the neighborhood a dog is barking non stop, keeping me from sleep, while some drunks in the street seem to have a party and that obviously makes the dog bark even more and louder, so I decided to get up and have a Weizenbier while checking the forum. Damnit! I'm glad tomorrow's a holiday!!!
Just got back from the homebrew shop (and Willoughby Brewuing company....had a nice pint). Currently downing Lagunitas Imperial Red Ale which should have been aged for a year then drunken. Way to stong of a strong ale.